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Turning Cheeseburgers to Stone

in today’s video we are going to try and
make a mold of a hamburger and then see
and we want to try and make a mold of it
now if you guys have ever seen Nate
making molds in the past with silicone
you’ve probably noticed it’s a very very
liquid when it starts out and a
cheeseburgers not gonna survive that so
we need to make it with something
silicone also doesn’t cure very quickly
it can take hours before it really
solidifies and I think it would get too
much into all the really tiny nooks and
crannies of this including like inside
the bun we have also in the past to used
an alginate mold material I made a video
where I passed my hand a thumbs up
position and that was pretty cool we
want to try doing that with our burger
first here’s the basic idea we don’t
think a cheeseburger would survive its
way through a silicone mold so we’re
gonna try and make an alginate mold
first I’ll cast it in plaster and then
make a second mold off of the plaster
casting we can then explore what fun
things we can cast into the silicone
mold to begin with we need to make sure
that none of the pieces are gonna go
anywhere in an attempt to sort of
waterproof it or alginate proof it we’re
gonna hit it with some clear coat and
then we’re gonna be using a lot of
skewers or toothpicks trying to hold it
all together so once we have everything
solidified more or less in one piece and
drying we’re gonna go ahead and make our
box for the alginate
it’s pretty good so yeah couple more
skewers put in there and these ones
we’re gonna drive into the foam core to
just hold that burger in place so it’s
1/2 and 1/3 algin into every one cup of
water so now we’ll add 2 cups of water
hoping this isn’t gonna soak into the
bun too much you’ll notice that when
Nate was pouring he was being very
careful to not pour over the top and let
it drip off the sides he was pouring
from the sides and letting it fill up
from the bottom that keeps any air
bubbles from forming so that we don’t
end up with any weird pockets in our can
our burger
okay our alginate has now been sitting
here it’s been about 20 minutes that’s
actually longer than it needed it was
fairly firm after about 10 which is
awesome with alginate so now we have to
try and de-mold it and the whole thing
is glued together rather intensely which
is what we wanted because that way
doesn’t leak but now we have to get it
open and this alginate is so soft and
easy to cut through it’s like a very
soft jello basically all right let’s
just flip that hamburger bun
hey I think it actually works there’s an
embedded burger for you right there
that’s most of it right there I’m liking
this yeah look at that every little
sesame seed made its own little
impression that’s gonna look so good
when it casts you can actually see right
here into the in between the milettis
yeah we’re gonna have that problem but
that’s it there’s the problem we’re hit
there but if you’re doing this you cast
something in alginate and you need to
scrape out your mold try and find
something soft like a rubber spatula or
something so you don’t accidentally tear
so for this plaster it is three parts of
your plaster and one part water we’re
gonna add a little bit of extra water to
make sure that this really does fill in
nice and even and we’re gonna use cold
water you don’t ever want to start your
plaster with hot water because as it
sets it actually warms up so you’re
gonna activate it a lot faster if you
use hot water and have less time to work
use cold water mix and then for it’s
crazy to see just how many bubbles will
believe that there’s like none left and
if we had any more it be just
overflowing and running right out now we
let it sit and I think we’re gonna let
it sit overnight and then you just leave
it alone for 24 hours
okay we’ve let this sit overnight it
should be cured the plaster feels
getting rigid we do have a little bit of
schmutz in it where the paper towel just
rest on top of it but it is no good
pulling moisture off of it but that’s to
be expected yes it is not all the way
dry because it’s surrounded by alginate
it’s wet ready pull outside moment Ruth
okay catch up well that’s what Elgin it
does it’s drying I just don’t want it to
Berger oh no it looks like a hamburger
looks perfect
don’t eat it you can’t bite through that
don’t you’re right I can’t
our hamburgers now out of the oven we
headed in there at about 150 Fahrenheit
for we ended up doing in about two hours
which may have been more than was
necessary but it’s nice and dry now so
we like what size it was until she
decided to taste it
so here’s what we’re gonna do we want to
hit it with a layer of clear coat to try
and stop the silicone from soaking in so
clear coat box that goes around it
mixing up silicone coating our burger so
in the past you’ve probably seen Nate
put silicone after he’s put the catalyst
in into the vacuum chamber to get rid of
the bubbles unfortunately this is too
much silicone to go in there so if we
did it will just bubble over right over
the top so yes there will be some
bubbles however because this is such a
thin silicone mixture they’re gonna
mostly rise to the top so it should be
I’m just making sure there’s no big
massive air pockets in there and again
when you’re pouring silicone and there
may still be a few bubbles you want to
pour from as high up as possible and
it’s thin a stream as possible I’m gonna
pour about halfway full and then I’m
gonna tilt this little container
now the reason I’m gonna do that is
alginate and plaster tend to be very
cheap and very easy to get your hands on
silicon and silicon catalysts a bit less
so so we don’t want this filling out so
a normal cure time for this this is
normally what’s called the the first
coat on a statue or any sort of
sculpture that you’re trying to mold
that can take up to two hours with a
very thin coat this one I think we
should leave overnight again let’s do it
Oh getting a little bit stuck in some of
the crevices it’s not winning oh wait
actually okay little bits of the mold
stay stuck they’re tiny though that’s
that’s pretty normal I think we’ve got
some plaster bits and you did yeah no
there’s there’s actually a bit of an
alginate as well that’s fine
that’s why it’s great overall not too
bad we used an exacto knife to cut
through the silicone mold all the way
around being sure to leave some wavy
lines those will act as registration
keys that help the mold fit back
together so you can see the cut this
waviness that’s what’s really going to
help it hold its shape and not slide
around as we cast other things in it and
you can see that when it goes together
nicer like that seam line almost
disappears you can barely see it’s
perfect it will still slide so we’re
gonna tape it together just to make sure
that everything stays in one place we
don’t want to leak gummy candy all over
the table okay we’ve got our jello
recipe it’s it’s not just straight jello
added gelatin you’ve probably seen this
uses several times before we’ve made
gummy chickens
there’s gummy Lego lots of fun stuff has
been cast in this gummy so we’re gonna
pour this down in and hopefully get a
nice gummy cheeseburger
so our mold is done we’ve got our jelly
candy in the burger mold so day four
we’re gonna go ahead and unload this see
what turned up
you can do this okay you can see you
actually pretty good you can see the
sesame seeds got sesame seeds I don’t
want to hit it with my big torch because
I’m worried about losing all that detail
but you can you can slightly see the
same and that’s okay hoping to get a
much nice in it
I am little curious to see what happens
if we hit the whole thing with the torch
and like can we get a shiny I don’t know
it might lose some detail but I want to
losing some detail I think I’m burning
away all of our sesame seeds
it’s almost translucent now though that
I can see right through uh-huh Wow we
lost a lot of detail but you know what
Nate’s you’re right that that makes the
cheese look really good so yeah we jelly
cheese burger love it it’s amazing all
right who’s gonna take a bite out of our
giant double quarter-pounder
cheeseburger here stick into your gloves
or cheeseburger should react deliver
guys we have a cheeseburger mold we’ve
somewhat successfully cast a dummy
cheeseburger we want your ideas what
else do you want to see us cast in this
cheeseburger what have you always wanted
to see a cheeseburger made out of did
you ever think that there was something
else that you wanted a cheeseburger to
hey guys got the all kinds of cool stuff
in the shop including kits you can build
yourself there to check them out check
it out I was getting distracted can you even do that one more time Phil hey
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