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Rockin’ Paper Plate Speaker

a paper plate speaker for less than a
dollar really is too good to be true if
you’re trying to make it with aluminum
foil and a penny there’s a better way to
do it
so in this project we’re going to figure
out exactly how to get this paper plate
to make some noise the idea of making a
speaker out of a paper plate is
intriguing and to do it for under a buck
is even better but first we have to
understand how a speaker works i’ve
still got these 8 ohm speakers from a TV
i salvaged in previous video and i’ll
sacrifice this one in the name of
discovery i’ll use a utility knife to
cut the cone away from the surround
exposing the basket as well as this
yellow diaphragm known as a spider I’ll
cut through that and snip these two
wires and I’m impressed at how simple a
speaker really is the bottom of the
basket is attached to a strong ceramic
magnet with a hole just big enough to
allow this voice coil to vibrate in oK
we’ve got the basics now let’s see if we
can make one we can use a foam bowl for
the basket an 8 and 1/2 inch paper plate
for the speaker cone 6 button magnets
and a piece of printer paper to form the
voice coil this brings our prorated cost
to about 80 cents for the soon-to-be
speaker but what about insulated copper
wire that can be expensive and where do
we get it well almost anything
electronic will have some you just have
to know where to look I know there’s
some inside this old TV but I don’t have
a sledgehammer to bust it open so I’m
gonna have to get creative
okay I’m down to the circuit boards and
there’s the piece that I’m after a small
audio transformer these things are
packed tight with the perfect wire for
this project I’ll use my pipe wrench
pliers rip that off the board then use
my bench vise to correct the ceramic
casing off I’ll peel off the insulating
tape and voila we’ve got ourselves a
nice roll of insulated copper wire for
free okay we’re ready to start building
so let’s make the voice coil first start
by cutting a few strips of paper and
rolling them around the stack of magnets
once we have a couple layers taped in
place we can use a hot glue stick to
help unravel some wire wrap the wire
about 50 times and then use some hot
glue to keep it in place when that’s
cool we can pull the magnets in the
inside layers of paper out leaving just
this shell the voice coil is done but
it’s too long so let’s snip it to size
and then hot glue it to the bottom side
of the paper plate while that’s drying
we can cut some holes in the sides of
the bowl to make it look more like a
proper speaker basket the next step is
to hot glue our magnet stack to the
bottom and slide the coil over top to
see how it fits it moves freely because
of the gap we made earlier and it’s
looking good
so now we can hot glue the plate to the
bowl and hit it with a little spray
paint for aesthetics when the paint
dries there’s only one thing left to do
and that’s remove the coating from the
ends of the wires so I’ll do that with a
lighter okay it’s ready for a test so
I’m hooking it up to my TV with some
alligator clips to see what happens well
there you go
our $0.80 speaker is working and if a
paper plate speaker for less than a
dollar really is too good to be true
then we can call this part of the myth
on busted but it’s not very loud the
magnets are cheap and weak so let’s try
something stronger I’ve got a super
strong one-inch and 48 neodymium magnet
I just got in the mail we can roll that
up and add some 26 gauge wire that came
out of a sump pump motor and hot glue to
secure it the magnet and inner layers
come out and the paper gets trimmed to
size hot glue that to the plate and glue
the lead wires right about here this
time let’s use another plate as our base
and these markings are for some supports
we’ll need to build those can be made
out of a third plate just by trimming
out the bottom fold
accordion-style and cutting into two
pieces I’m gluing them to our base plate
with the feet facing inward and these
will act as a type of shock absorber for
the speaker plate now we can add some
glue to the tops and join them to the
plate making sure the coil is over top
the magnet a quick manual test and it
seems a suspension on this is perfect
I’ll burn the coating off the tips the
wires and now it’s time to test this one
out I’m disconnecting the external
speakers from my TV and using these
alligator clips to connect the leads to
our plate I’m anxious to see how the
paper plate does with a stronger magnet
for this project I’ll meet my neighbor
Trevor gave me these okay I pick up
anything that’s pretty impressive I’ll
use this one raising to think that all
that sound is coming from this flimsy
little plate but it is just for fun I’m
gonna pour in some water to see what
and that’s probably the coolest thing
I’ve seen all day
well that was a fun project we
unbustable living room that’s it for now
if you like this project perhaps you’ll
like some of my others check them out at
the king of random calm
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