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Top 10 Movie Jerks

not you hi
these are the jerk-offs you don’t enjoy
did you see the memo about this welcome
to and today we’ll be
counting down our top 10 favorite movie
jerks my friend don’t be a jerk
step aside if he does that again you can
shoot him to keep an even playing field
we decided to stick with characters that
hassle the film’s protagonists number 10
bridesmaids this is so awkward I really
want you to leave but I don’t know how
to say without sounding like a dick
kicking off our list is the character
that proves that just because you look
like Don Draper doesn’t mean you’re
smooth like Don Draper
you can totally lay down my lap
just take a little lap now as Kristen
wigs handsome buddy with benefits Jon
Hamm plays a mean spirited and
self-obsessed jerk
who’s constantly crushing her
self-esteem calling her names and
setting up the next booty call open for
few jerks can successfully convince
others they’re actually sensitive and
caring while also cranking the
exploitation dial 211 you should
probably go I’m gonna miss you so much
number nine Benjamin Kane Wayne’s World
yep um tasks you mountain do
PepsiCo love Young South how fun this
guy is good this guy is the rich and
ridiculously handsome TV executive who
uses his charm to steal Wayne’s Show and
his girl what makes him a total douche
besides the false pretences or his use
of hair gel is that he is the only jerk
to our knowledge to get his own happy
ending he didn’t really think she’d end
up with Wayne did you number eight
Edward Rooney Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Rooney is the embodiment of everything
you hated about high school
if Ferris thinks that he can just coast
through this month and still graduate he
is sorely mistaken on his quest to prove
wrongdoing he overstepped his authority
harasses other students and even does a
little breaking and entering unlike some
of the other jerks on our list he spends
most of his screen time getting what’s
coming to him including getting his face
dirty dance yes number seven the O’Doyle
family Billy Madison your Doyle rule
this family of hard headed bullies
regularly makes Adam Sandler’s High
School redo as unpleasant as possible
Doyle wigs thanks a lot old oil nice
meeting you whether it’s by pouring soup
on his head or by stuffing his locker
with crap literal crap O’Doyle rules
what makes these jerks stand out from
the rest
is their trademark chant who rolls
thankfully they make a solid push for a
Darwin Award by driving over a banana
peel and veering off a cliff and thus
removing their prolific family tree from
the gene pool
rule number six Walter Peck Ghostbusters
excuse me this is private property
shut this off shut these all up thanks
to a personal vendetta and a bruised ego
this small-minded EPA mouthpiece leads
the charge against Bill Murray and the
Ghostbusters everything was mine with
our system until the power grid was shut
off by dickless here they caused an
explosion is this true yes it’s true
this man has no dick in a textbook
example of bureaucracy getting in the
way of what makes sense mr. pecker
sorry pecks failed policies lead to a
citywide jumbo Twinkie sized go storm
but don’t worry in the end he gets hit
over the head with his own mistakes
number five Ernie McCracken kingpin now
it’s Bill Murray’s turn to be the bully
watch the door he plays a hustler who
exploits a young bowling prodigy named
Munson but when things go sour he bails
and leaves Munson to deal with the
consequences of course big ern never
owns up to what he did and instead he
goes on about getting dirty with
Munson’s love interest it’s a small
world when you’ve got unbelievable touch
turns Munson into a mainstream slur a
real monster and showcases his lack of
morals by sleeping with moms from the
charities for fatherless families it’s a
tough world these kids nearly got
munsoned number four Draco Malfoy Harry
Potter come on it was funny gee this
bigoted bully is member number one of
Slytherin house a snobbish schoolyard
big shot draco uses his family’s wealth
and pure blood heritage as a way to put
down harry’s gang shut up Malfoy this
mean-spirited racist coward can’t even
fight his own battles and is always
strutting around with his pair of goons
for protection worst of all it’s just
practice until he can join his father at
the Dark Lord’s side don’t you just want
to crack his little jerk nose every time
he says Potter butt
about didn’t you Potter famous Harry
number three Richard Thornberg die hard
tell me you got that I got it I got it
Walter Peck may have been annoying but
this guy’s a real dick this arrogant
news reporter jeopardizes the safety of
John McClane’s family by threatening to
deport their made as a way to get into
their home to interview the already
terrified children you let me in right
now Dianna’s comprende
Thornburg is a soulless opportunist to
the point where he makes the kids
believe they’ll never see their parents
again thankfully he gets what’s coming
to him in the face number two bill
Lumbergh office space so Peter what’s
happening it’s a side-splitting parody
of the stuffiness at the management
level and it’s star cult favorite jerk
cranks the douche up to 11 I’m gonna
need you to go ahead and come in
tomorrow he does this by making his
employees do pointless work lowering
their working standards and by making
unfair requests in the most painfully
non confrontational way imaginable oh oh
and I almost forgot uh I’m also gonna
need you to go ahead and come in on
Sunday – okay
coercion aside bill simply gets stuck
deep in your head especially if you
think he’s been with your girlfriend so
just don’t call me okay hello to
Lumbergh number one this Griff Buford
Tannen Back to the Future looky what we
have here taking the top spot on our
list is the genetic line of Butthead or
you call it Butthead Butthead that is
incapable of delivering a proper insult
that is barring a radical change in the
timeline now why don’t you make like a
tree and get out of you it’s leave there
the quintessential movie jerks because
it doesn’t matter which era of hill
valleys history the time-traveling Marty
McFly ends up in a Tannen will always be
there to bully a McFly and to get Marty
in trouble by calling him Chicken What’s
Wrong McFly chicken
do you agree with our list yeah um I’m
gonna have to go ahead and sort of
disagree with you there who is your
favorite movie jerk for more
entertaining top 10s be sure to
subscribe to bye I’ll fix
you Venkman I’m gonna fix you I’m gonna
get you a nice fruit basket I’m gonna
miss him
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