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5 Awesome Tricks & Pranks With Dry Ice!

in this video you’ll see five different
party pleasers done with dry ice number
five take a flaming candle and place it
down into a container like a bowl or a
carefully pour some crushed dry ice down
around the base of the candle and within
just a few seconds you’ll notice the
flame goes out and the gas turns
completely invisible now challenge one
of your friends to try and relight the
candle inside the glass they won’t be
able to do it and they’ll have no idea
why even after multiple attempts the
flame goes out every time number four
for this trick find a block of dry ice
and break it into pieces the size of
small rocks carefully place one or two
of the pieces inside of a balloon and
tie it off you’ll notice the balloon
begins to inflate all by itself now try
doing this with a bunch of other
balloons and throw them all into a
basket over the course of about 25
minutes the balloons will keep growing
until you’ve got a basket overflowing
number three start this prank by opening
up a ziploc bag and adding a few chunks
of dry ice followed by a little bit of
warm water now seal the bag so it’s
completely airtight and find a place to
hide it after a minute or two the bag
will be completely pressurized and ready
to explode who could you scare with this
number two for this party trick take a
large metal spoon and press it down into
a block of dry ice it lets out an awful
squeal and people will beg you to stop
you can make a quarter scream the same
way just lay it flat on the ice and
press down into it
for a bonus trick try sticking the
quarter in sideways it’ll start shaking
uncontrollably number one for this last
trick add some crushed dry ice into a
large clear bowl at this point try
blowing the biggest bubble you can and
drop it right into the center instead of
popping on the bottom it levitates
around in midair and makes your friends
wonder what kind of sorcery is this well
now you know a few tricks and pranks
with dry ice that are super cool and
easy to do if you liked this project
perhaps you’ll like some of my others
check them out at the king of random
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