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THE DIRT Official Trailer (2019) Iwan Rheon, Douglas Booth, Mötley Crüe Movie HD

it could have happened at anybody but it
didn’t it happened to us a new band is
gonna be something nobody’s ever seen
oh my god those are my pants but they
look so much better on me run away a
tooth plumber old man let’s just play it
you’re gonna be a rock star what do you
holy shit we want to knock people on
their asses and we’ve got to give him a
show I’m talking like a stadium showing
the club’s the fans that dying for some
anarchy so let’s give it to him
I work for Elektra Records you guys like
I had managed the scorpions Bon Jovi
kiss but I have never been through what
motley crew put me
I am sick and tired of not having any
fun everything’s upside-down and
flip-floppy motley crue no strangers to
controversies Neal was charged with
vehicular manslaughter tommy lee and
heather locklear have separated it’s a
degenerative bone disease nikki sixx has
overdosed I know it’s a cabeza
[Applause] [Music]
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