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I, TONYA Official Trailer 2 (2017) Margot Robbie Movie HD

the haters always say Tonya tell the
truth there’s no such thing as truth
everyone has their own truth I was the
best figure skater in the world at one
point in time call out a clean skate for
Christ’s sake do not swear in front of
the kid I didn’t swear you
you to fuck yet you need to see a
wholesome American family I don’t have a
wholesome American family you’ve skated
like a graceless bull dyke it was
embarrassed for you my entire life I’ve
been told when amount to anything you
know what maybe I would we also judge on
presentation suck my dick
I didn’t even even the playing field I
know God shouldn’t even be saying his
name Derek the press wanted me to be the
pilot crap I never did this
what is going on we’re with the FBI they
know something what can you tell us
about Tonya Harding I don’t know it Toni
hearted huh
aren’t you her bodyguard
when I was a kid did you ever love me I
made you a champion knowing you’d hate
me for it that’s the sacrifice a mother
makes accursed me America they want
someone to love come on what kind of
friggin person bashes in their friend’s
knee who would do that to a friend
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