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Top 10 Things We Want To See In The Justice League Movie

they are finally here but can they live
up to the hype
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
things we want to see in the Justice
League movie before we begin we publish
new videos every day so be sure to
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this list we’re counting down the
moments and characters we hope to see
make their way into this
much-anticipated upcoming superhero
blockbuster number 10 Atlantis
what should the rest of us do find
Atlantis we’ve only seen tidbits of
Jason Momoa as Aquaman but he’s fast
becoming one of the film’s biggest draws
we’re hoping that not only do we see the
king of Atlantis summon all manner of
undersea creatures during his team up
with the league but that we also get a
glimpse of his home if I had a chance to
save my world and meet one of my own
race even for a moment that would be
enough this seems like a given since the
trailer gave us a look at what appears
to be a rendition of Aquaman’s wife Mira
swimming through a palace we don’t need
a grand tour just enough to get us
excited for his eventual solo flick
number nine Amanda Waller miss rumors
Amanda that some of them have abilities
other rumors all right you know what the
problem with the metahuman is the human
part whichever way you stretch it
Suicide Squad amounted to nothing more
than a squandered opportunity that being
Viola Davis gave such a strong and
believable performance as Amanda Waller
that she almost made the whole fiasco
worthwhile do we want her to come back
hell yes give her a small but
significant role to make the DC
Cinematic Universe feel more cohesive
whether she’s conspiring with the
government against the Justice League
dealing with the aftermath of The
Enchantress or getting into an epic
staring contest with Batman the wall
deserves her due who are you people
that’s a national security matter
and if I were you I wouldn’t probe the
situation too closely rich boy number
Batman’s attitude adjustment we love Ben
Affleck as Batman
we just wished the script for dawn of
Justice did as well turning him into
something of a grizzled killer didn’t
exactly sit well with many fans
considering every time your hero saves
the cat out of the tree you read a puff
piece editorial however with so many new
personalities on the scene the Justice
League movie seems like the perfect
chance for his character to have a major
turning point by all means keep the
brooding badassery but act like the
world’s greatest detective we know and
Oh show number seven the fate of robbing
a little louder Lambchop I think you may
have a collapsed lung comic fans are all
aware of how the second Robin Jason Todd
met his bloody end at the hands of the
Joker but that doesn’t mean we don’t
want to see it having Batman reflect on
what he considers his greatest failure
would do so much for his character not
to mention bring some real emotion to
the fold though there’s no guarantee
that the Robin whose suit we see in
Batman vs Superman belongs to Jason Todd
what happened to Dick Grayson is there a
Nightwing roaming around the periphery
of the DC EU also the mannequin is
holding a staff the weapon of choice of
the third Robin Tim Drake just give us
some answers geez
number six Commissioner Gordon it’s okay
given how iconic Jim Gordon is we are
very eager to see the star of whiplash
give his take on the veteran officer we
only have one request please don’t let
it all amount to a cameo mission elope
set up a massive task force to catch you
he thinks you’re dangerous like Ben
Affleck and Jeremy Irons JK Simmons has
the potential to hand in a character
defining performance just as long as the
film gives him enough screen time there
have been so many great interpretations
of the character so it’ll be interesting
to see what Simmons brings to the fold
and what his chemistry with batfleck
will be like setting up the upcoming
standalone Batman film just like a bat a
dig it may be temporary number five the
while we have nothing against the Hall
of Justice we think it’s way more likely
that if the league is gonna set up a
base of operations then a giant Space
Station is the way to go the watchtower
has been shown through the history of
the JLA to the point where it’s a
synonymous with the league is the heroes
themselves we have no idea how Bruce
Wayne is gonna be able to afford it
or how it will fit into the narrative
but here’s hoping we get some kind of
hint suggesting that the league will get
their interstellar condo before the
credits roll and I believe that if we
stayed together as a team we would be a
force that could truly work for the
ideals of peace and justice number four
the Flash’s SuperSpeed from what we’ve
seen so far
Azra miller’s take on The Scarlet
speedster will be bringing plenty of
comedy and charm with him we’re all for
the fastest hero being a little socially
awkward and busting out lame jokes on
occasion I just want to tell you how I
feel as long as there’s a trade-off
where they give Barry Allen a chance to
shine we’ve seen the flash work on the
small screen so there’s no reason it
shouldn’t work here we’ve got a taste of
how his SuperSpeed works but hopefully
the film will manage to incorporate it
in a way we haven’t seen before
besides Quicksilver got his so at least
get flash his moment on the big screen
pushed some people away number three
Superman’s return no that’s hope you’re
not too late
poor ol Supes has certainly gotten the
short end of the stick as of late
while dawn of Justice may have robbed
him of his Boy Scout attitude and even
killed him off his imminent return still
shouldn’t be scoffed at hopefully Warner
Brothers has learned from their mistakes
and we’ll use the Man of Steel’s
resurrection to take his character in a
new direction with his return
Superman has the chance to reclaim his
crown as one of the greatest heroes of
all time not only by battling the forces
threatening the earth but also by
finally standing as the symbol that as
fellow caped comrades can rally behind
number two Green Lantern glad I could
impress you if there’s one hero that’s
in dire need of a redo it’s good ol GL
well his various incarnations have been
treated with respect on the page and in
animation on the silver screen Green
Lantern has a pretty sorry back catalog
I didn’t break it
it’s just his 2011 outing is regarded as
one of the worst superhero flicks of the
modern era
meaning that this new iteration will
have to come out swinging a good way to
start would be by cluing us into which
character will be taking up the power
ring and seeing just how the core is
going to fit into this universe and you
Hal Jordan well Hal Jordan we are
members of the Green Lantern Corps an
elite intergalactic force from the
planet OA number one darkside
what foe could possibly stand up to the
combined might of Batman Wonder Woman
Aquaman and the rest the Lord of
apocalypse of course a being of ungodly
strength and authority Darkseid is one
of the greatest and most powerful
villains in the DC universe which has us
all praying that Justice League will
introduce him into the DC EU especially
since Steppenwolf as his uncle and a
member of his elite group of warriors
his lack of empathy rivalry with
Superman obsession with the anti-life
equation and frequent use of his Omega
beams need to be brought alive on the
big screen but let’s make sure this guy
doesn’t get the doomsday treatment
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