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CITY ON A HILL Official Trailer (2019) Kevin Bacon Crime, Thriller Series HD

no trouble crossing would jakiro FBI you
mind if I call you dig having a Reina
Ramos what I want to talk to you about
your suspects in it farming am i nice
pork in a decent case you want me to
load them off their misunderstanding
here no no see I understand perfectly
what do you still got asshole I got no
love loss for the Boston Police
Department but there was a time when I
would never have to explain myself
there’s a pun decay in a bag and you
turn it in with only 75 doesn’t mean
you’re a bad guy this is affirmative
action hi this is the next mayor of
Boston ask you to jail type of cops day
I want to rip out the machinery in this
bullshit city I want to tear it all down
I want the fucking they need far
I don’t want this investigation taken
from me then we do it my way
don’t just affect you sorry I’m sorry
you didn’t promise him anything did you
they handed me a shit case then they
didn’t want me to prosecute writings
just do what they ask I’m not the
fucking Boy we use what you’ve got you
I want to go into Charlestown and I want
see this is good this means you’re learning
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