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Attraction – Official Trailer 2 (2018) – Sci-Fi Movie

my mother and I left to dream that we
are not alone in the whole universe that
the stars are the eyes of the angels all
the attention is focused on the events
in the south of Moscow I don’t mean to
rush you or anything but it’ll be
unidentified flying objects detected
we’ve waited thousands of years for
extraterrestrial contact the
metropolitan district an unidentified
flying object fell onto residential
are we at war that depends on how they
react next what is this object a weapon
only you think they came here for we
have no idea what the moral norms of the
aliens are why do we have to explain it
to the aliens why do we have to
establish some kind of context because
this is a unique chance for all of
humanity a real chance to understand
something about ourselves
to know who we are we’re all going to
our main task is to keep any possibility
of both and conflict under control we never attack anybody
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