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Daily Mission of Every Startup Entrepreneur

there’s a reason why you’re a starving
entrepreneur this did not happen by
accident this doesn’t just one day you
wake up and you’re starving entrepreneur
and your number one thing to survive as
an entrepreneur your mission is to learn
how to sell and make a six-figure income
so they can build your business and
people said what’s so hard pant you
don’t know how many hours I’m at the
look sitting at the office checking
Facebook being away from your family
it’s not work just because you’re at the
office doesn’t mean you’re working hard
do you know how many calls did you make
today how many points did you run today
how many people did you meet with today
how many people did you present your
product today how many prospects did you
get today there’s not a day that should
go by where an entrepreneur doesn’t sell
somebody look if you go home tonight and
you don’t knock out on the couch because
you’re so tired of how hard you work
you’re not going to make it as an
entrepreneur if you’re going to call
yourself an entrepreneur be an
entrepreneur the first mission as an
entrepreneur is to learn how to make a
selling your product go sell something today
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