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Wine 101 – Whites from South America

white wine the white wine first of all
was a very easier to taste because the
white ones oh it was short acetate
inside a little bit not too much sugar
is going well in the summer very very
refreshing and this is the thinking
about our to drink white wine you know
so in the world in the world what they
make they make something good that will
do it again they make some good with
some acid it inside but when you go in
United States and other countries out in
the south of the world so we’re talking
about telephony South Africa and
Australia they make some Sauvignon Blanc
very very round very a full body a
little bit some butter inside and well
you make some little bit some oak or two
so I make some souvenir blonde
Chardonnay very round very well made and
a little bit that Australian they add a
little bit of shredder to like real
sugar yeah read up sugar yeah yeah
that’s nobody else really make it makes
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