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Wine 101 – Rose

was a still a mix still a mix of a wife
in the red but there’s three more white
than red inside so there’s about maybe
seventy percent of white and maybe
thirty percent of red this makes just a
little bit there was a and the Rosie is
the refreshing but you got some of those
it after we got some torque inside you
did with drink it like later time the
rose’ oh wow actually maybe a bit but
not too much maybe for my wife and
normally all rosy are are very dry with
a lot of acidity in sign is still a
refreshing not too much done and you
gotta have some may be strawberry
tasting inside yeah first but not too
much you know she’s not trust robbery no
no no just a little bit just an essence
you can taste gonna get a smell it
beautiful for thats beautiful picture
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