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What’s Your Mojo? – Ep. 23: The Lion King, Contest Winner, WIN Grand Budapest Hotel

hey mojo holux welcome back to what’s
your mojo the weekly show or we fill you
in on what you might have missed last
week give you a sneak peak on what’s
coming up next week ask your feedback
and answer viewer fa Q’s but before we
start we just wanted to say a huge thank
you to all of our loyal viewers who
helped us get to four million subs on
YouTube we couldn’t have done it without
you and here’s to four million more as
for our contest about who would guess
when we would cross four million subs we
will get to that in the FAQ section now
let’s get down to business
in case you missed it since the first
video in this series was so popular this
week we published another top 10 horror
movies inspired by true events so you
get even more based on a true story
creepiness for your viewing pleasure
you’ll never believe which stories are
actually real on the completely opposite
end of the spectrum we also released top
10 songs that’ll make you cry
so if you’re feeling emo wallow in the
misery of that clip but make sure to
grab some tissues first and finally this
week we also published top 10 military
mishaps so if you’d like to exercise
your brain a bit with some new history
knowledge tried that one on for size
TGIF am i right and you know what that
means time to prepare for your weekend
Mojo thon and this weekend we’ve got a
couple of clips that are sure to make
you all sentimental for the good old
days when you could just lock yourself
in your room and watched up for days at
a time
oh wait on Saturday we have for you top
10 kids shows that adults enjoy now this
isn’t like top 10 adult cartoons that we
did a while back where shows like South
Park reign supreme this is actual shows
that were created for kids that somehow
managed to keep adults entertained
speaking of which on Sunday we’ve got
top ten Cartoon Network shows which
follows along that same vein so if
animation is your jam you should
definitely check those ones out you guys
ready for some trivia let’s do it which
actor provided the voice of adult Simba
in the Lion King
Michael J Fox Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Matthew Broderick or James Earl Jones
you are correct
if you said Matthew Broderick if you
want to test your knowledge on that or
anything else
head over to slash trivia
anyway I’m talking to you about the Lion
because June 15th 1994 is the day it was
first released so if you want to get all
nostalgic for your childhood here are a
bunch of lists you should check out top
10 saddest animal deaths in movies top
10 movie Kings top 10 saddest cartoon
movie moments top 10 animated Disney
villains top 10 most paused movie
moments top 10 Disney villains songs top
10 oscar-winning songs top 10 animated
Disney songs top 10 modern Disney
animated characters and many many more
but guess what
I have bonus trivia again we have one
blu-ray copy of the grand Budapest hotel
which comes out June 17th to give away
but remember winners must be located in
the US or Canada all you have to do is
be the first person to correctly answer
the following question in the comments
the grand Budapest hotel was directed by
Wes Anderson who also directed fantastic
mr. Fox Anderson also voiced a character
in that movie for what type of animal
did Wes Anderson provide the voice in
fantastic mr. Fox again leave your
answer in the comments and we’ll
announce the winner next week also don’t
forget to make your way to
slash calendar to see thousands of our
older equally timely videos and make
sure to vote on topics that matter most
to you so that we can tailor our future
videos to your tastes before we ask you
guys your opinions on a few of our lists
we thought we’d let you see where your
hard work gets you last week we
published top 10 best trailers we’ve got
top 10 songs about drugs coming out on
Saturday and top 10 underrated male
actors coming out on Sunday thanks again
for your help in choosing those lists
but we have even more list in need of
your input this week to finish up our
series of the top 10 video games per
generation we’ve got top 10 7th gen
games then we’ll have an all-time list
for you that’s sure to get you gamers
arguing a while back we did top 10 front
men and top 10 front women in rock
and/or pop now we’re giving metal front
women they’re do with top 10 heavy metal
front women so if you’re a fan of a
melee or Cristina Scabbia let your voice
be heard
do you love TV I love TV and that’s why
this one is right up my alley our next
series is top 10 best or top 10 decade
defining TV series make sure to make
your case if you want to see friends
beat Seinfeld or if you think cheers is
better than The Cosby Show speaking of
TV we also have top 10 unseen TV
characters you know like norms wife Vera
on shears or Niles wife Maris on Frasier
so vote on that so we can make an entire
video about people you never see somehow
and as always be sure to head over to slash suggest to let us
know what you think and while you’re
there make sure to exercise your right
to vote on any other list you might have
an opinion on it’s t-shirt time and
couch time and FAQ time so what
intelligent and insightful questions do
you guys have for us this week actually
before we get to that we have to
announce the winner of our contest oh
right in episode 16 of what’s your mojo
we announced that we’d hit 3.5 million
subs on YouTube and we asked you guys to
predict when you thought we’d hit four
million subs we got tons of answers or
so the comment readers here at WatchMojo
tell me but only a few of you got it
right and of course there can only be
one who got it first sooo the prize for
guessing what day we’d hit for million
subs on YouTube goes to drumroll please
Paco Vargas who correctly guessed June 6
Congrats you get a t-shirt to claim your
prize email us via YouTube with your
address and shirt size and we’ll get you
that pronto thanks for everyone who
guessed for our next contest to guess
when we’ll hit 5 million subscribers and
the next t-shirt could be yours yes now
on to the questions the first one is a
lengthy email from max Voorhees I will
try to condense it he asks I’ve noticed
a big problem with the series lists it’s
that when the final video comes out the
songs from the other lists on the final
list tend to be very unorganized so
basically his issue is that for example
in our top 10 decade defining songs of
the 70s number three was Bohemian
number two was stairway to heaven and
number one was stayin alive
so then Bohemian Rhapsody should not
appear higher than stayin alive on the
all-time list so let’s do with that the
short answer is context and timeline in
other words if you see a list that is
only about the 1970s and it’s possible
that a certain actor or movie or song
better defines that limited era but when
you stretch it out over a bigger
timeline sometimes something aged better
over time or better defined an era in
hindsight like for example if you ask
someone for an item to put in a time
capsule you’d get a different answer now
then you’d get five years down the road
25 years a hundred years about what best
to find that moment in history I kind of
happened sometimes and we’d like to
think that’s relatively rare and that
there’s more consistency in our list
than there is in consistency nice humble
bread yeah okay next up Eric Blake also
known as denim or denim emailed us to
say what’s up mojo I’ve got a burning
question I need an answer to why is it
that a clip from something may appear in
the beginning and/or end of a video but
won’t even make the honorable mentions
list this has happened on more than one
occasion and I’ve always wondered why
well the short answer is it’s to show
you that we know the movie exists and we
didn’t forget about it
back in the day we’d only show clips
from movies that were gonna be on the
list now bear in mind we didn’t even
have honorable mentions back then but a
lot of you would write in and be annoyed
because he would sort of spoil the list
so we decided to add images and videos
to some entries that didn’t make the cut
to kind of throw you off a bit and to
tip our hat to some entries that
deserved consideration so they’re
basically like honorable mentions
the honorable mentions we also on a few
occasions used a still of something that
didn’t make the final cut but we stopped
doing that because we didn’t want to be
accused of misrepresentation or gaming
use okay what’s next oh yeah remember
how last week we announced comments on
the suggest page so you guys can make
your case on why an entry should or
shouldn’t be included well this week
we’ve added another new feature you can
now suggest criteria so for example if
you want to do top ten beverages and you
want to exclude it alcohol though I
don’t know why you would you can add
that criteria fair enough
we’ve also got another update for all of
you who are interested in who reads and
responds to the comments up until a few
months ago there was actually only one
person replying to the comments but as
we and our community has grown we’ve
actually added a few more people that do
reply now so to avoid any confusion both
with you guys and between us you will
occasionally see initials at the end of
a comment that is to signal who made the
comment and why theirs might sometimes
be more than one WatchMojo staff are
commenting on a certain thread with kind
of conflicting statements
anyway let’s finish up by reading some
of the comments of the week I’ve got one
here from Yahoo sana clover who
commented on top ten hated songs in
reference to his hatred of a certain
Justin Bieber tune last year in school
the teachers and staff play this baby
song every day for two weeks and the
only way to stop it is to donate money
they got around $100,000
pretty much everyone did hate this song
made my ears bleed speaking of making
your ears blade here’s one from
Patrick’s story who commented on the
show last week you should totally do a
WatchMojo karaoke office video the best
karaoke I ever sang was at a bar in
Montreal on my grade 12 grad trip lol
so I know you are all experts we were
really effing hammered and we sang
paradise by the dashboard light and I
sang all the girl parts also Stephen
Dorff was randomly there with a bunch of
strippers or hookers or something and he
sang some hilarious Nickelback or Creed
song or some lol well I can
honestly say all the times I’ve done
karaoke here I have never seen a slub so
that’s awesome
Stephen Dorff is not a celebrity last
but not least we’ve got one here from
movies who spun this yarn on our top 10
robots of all time redux so I agree with
the choice for number one
yesterday when Maria working at this
hostel was leaving not just for the day
but for weeks
I said hasta LaVista baby and she
replied I’ll be back
now that’s what I call a cool girl all
right guys and gals thanks as always for
the comments and the questions and if
you want your questions answered leave
them here in the comments catch us on
Twitter or Facebook or email us at watch
and don’t forget the
hashtag wmf aq and if you want a nifty
shirt head over to slash
store that’s all for this week thanks
for watching and tune in again next time
for another edition of what’s your mojo
peace out
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