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The X-Factor of an Entrepreneur

you know how often we hear about all
these keys to success you need to have
as an entrepreneur to do very good well
there is one thing we rarely hear about
that the great entrepreneurs don’t talk
I’m Patrick many of your host evalute a
man we clean the quality I want to talk
to you about is very simple you see the
great ones embrace this but there’s a
reason why most have a very hard time
with this most people are very very
concerned about being embarrassed being
humiliated failing other people saying
you were a failure you couldn’t do it I
told you so they struggle with those
things that is tough for them so because
of that they play life very very safe I
was a byproduct than that I thought too
much about that stuff until I went into
the military things change when you
realize this is what I want to do the
one quality about the great ones as
entrepreneurs they are so shameless they
don’t care about what you think you’re
not concerned about the opinion of
others they’re not concerned about
whether you think they’re doing the
right thing or not they don’t sit there
dwelling on your thoughts they don’t
they sit there dwelling on their vision
their crusade the bigger picture of what
they want to do because it may take 10
20 30 years until somebody says well we
always knew he was gonna do it we always
thought they were gonna do it and
there’s always a group of people that
criticize for a while and they said well
I you know I don’t know what he got
lucky or she did this or she did it
doesn’t matter the great ones are simply
shameless through the process but he
talked about Ray Kroc from McDonald’s
who decided to come up with this
brilliant idea of having hamburgers with
pineapples you know how miserable II he
failed him miserably failed but guess
what he’s shameless
he’s totally shameless you hear stories
of Mark Cuban the things he talks about
he’s shameless we need more shameless
leader would talk value not nonsense I’m
not talking nonsense
shameless leader shameless leader who
talk value and challenge thinking and
the revolutionary thinks is what we need
more of in a world is my message of the
week Tim please be sure to subscribe and comment on the bottom
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