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What is Hypnosis

magicians and films have capitalized on
hypnosis and given us a false idea of
what it is and what it can do hi I’m
Rebecca Britain and welcome to and today we’re speaking
with hypnosis Steven Gruber to learn the
basics about hypnosis want you to relax
every muscle in your body beginning with
your toes dear fingertips first of all
what is hypnosis hypnosis is a process
by which we can communicate directly
with the subconscious mind and we want
to do that because the subconscious mind
that creates and stores all habits and
limiting beliefs that we have within us
can you tell us anything about the
history of hypnosis well it depends how
far you want to go back because of
course the ancient Egyptians were using
it in their sleep temples and it already
comes on the scene in the Western world
up to 300 years ago when it was coming
into medical use to netha ties people
for operations by the 50s and 60s it was
being taught on a relatively larger
scale to doctors and then fell somewhat
by the wayside in medical use as the
focus came on use of drugs more and more
but has now come very much it to the
forefront a lot of articles appearing in
Scientific American and Time magazine
and so forth on people learning to use
hypnosis to make important changes in
their lives are there different types of
hypnosis there are several main ways in
which we can access the subconscious
mind hypnosis is one of them essentially
we go in and out of hypnosis all day in
every day we are weird tend only called
hypnosis when you come to my office for
an appointment and I lead you into it
you’re in hypnosis every time you’re
watching a movie and getting into it
every time you’re reading a book every
time you’re having a daydream you’re
entering into a hypnotic state as many
different ways in which you can just
allow yourself to get in that zone tell
me about itself gnosis all hypnosis is
self hypnosis in the sense that you
allow yourself even when being guided to
go into hypnosis however a very powerful
tool is to teach yourself to go into
hypnosis at your own will and you can
teach yourself to go into hypnosis
within 10 seconds if you want our
meditation and hip
similar or the same if you were to
measure someone’s brain waves when they
are in deep meditation hypnosis or
perhaps even in deep prayer they’d be at
the same level point then becomes what
do you do while you’re actually in
hypnosis or of meditation so the
difference between hypnosis and
meditation in my mind is that you might
describe even hypnosis as meditation
with an objective you’ve got a problem
that you actually want to solve when you
enter into hypnosis I’m going to use the
hypnosis for solving that particular
problem beginning to feel your eyelids
getting heavy as you slip deeper and
deeper into a city of complete
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