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What is Breast Cancer

hi I’m Veronica and today
we’re speaking with the Canadian Cancer
Society to help raise awareness for
breast cancer
what is breast cancer actually
counsellor per se starts in the cells
it’s a disease that starts in the cells
so indicate some breast cancer the cells
multiply out of control and form a lump
or mass in the breast who’s at risk for
a breast cancer diagnosis just affect to
be a woman you’re more at risk of
developing breast cancer
of course as you age there are other
factors for example history of breast or
ovarian cancer being exposed more than
usual to estrogen either because
menopause started late after 55 or
menstruation started early before 12 or
any type of hormonal therapy what are
some signs and symptoms that we should
look for if there’s a lump or a mass
whether it’s on the breast itself or in
the armpit a change in the shape of the
breast a change in color or a change in
temperature if a breast is warmer than
it usually is puckering of the skin also
can be something to look for also any
changes as far as the nipple is
concerned so either a discharge or some
kind of dry skin around the nipple if
the nipple becomes inverted then that
could be an additional sign and it’s
something to mention to a doctor is
there anything we can do to avoid being
diagnosed with breast cancer there are
things that we can’t control things we
can control are being healthy in general
so as much as possible have a healthy
weight be physically active eat well eat
a lot of fruits and vegetables try as
much as possible to be away from
secondhand smoke avoid smoking of course
and not to go into her
replacement therapy on a regular
occasion discuss it with your doctor to
see the benefits and the drawbacks from
hormone therapy including the pill and
HRT thank you very much thank you
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