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Breast Cancer Awareness

over the years Laura Canada has been
raising awareness with the Canadian
Cancer Society hi I’m Veronica and today we’re finding
out how they’re marking their 10 years
of support can you tell us about lower
Canada’s partnership with the Canadian
Cancer Society number one thing that we
do is we donate one percent of all our
sales from our laura privilege card each
year we also have a great retail
opportunity during the breast cancer
awareness month this year we have a
great lunch tote called wrapped in love
and it’s a pink insulated lunch tote
that we’re going to be selling for
fifteen dollars and five dollars that’s
going to go to the Cancer Society I
understand this is your 10th year of
working with them are you doing anything
to celebrate that we have breast cancer
clinics that are complementary all
across Canada where women can learn
about prevention and be raise their
awareness we also have decided from
august first to September 30th of this
year to double the amount of money that
we’re giving from our Laura privileged
cards to the Canadian Cancer Society so
that’s a really nice initiative good
luck with everything thank you very much
for coming
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