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What are Edible Arrangements?

looking for an innovative gift idea we
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I’m Angelique lemon and today we’re at
edible arrangements a store that
specializes in healthy and delicious
fruit baskets that can be delivered
directly to your door so what exactly is
an edible arrangement edible arrangement
is corporation which makes a beautiful
fresh fruit basket and delivers it to
you whatever you want to its
international so anybody could have the
same arrangement the same size and then
the other side of the world from you co
uk Porto Rico the states from west to
east and everywhere we’re making the
sweetheart bouquet which features lots
of strawberries dipped into chocolate so
where’s the dipping station there you go
there you go so basically what it is we
melt the chocolate to the certain
temperature after the chocolate is
melted so you take this strawberry you
dip it into the chocolate you get the
access out and right in the end you can
just flip it exactly yeah it’s kind of a
signature you would like to try it just
put it all right I don’t know way true
half way yes okay that’s it so now shake
it a little bit get the excess out
pretty good for the first time ya know
so now after the chocolate is dipped I
have to put it in the fridge that it
gets cooled and then I bring it out that
we make an arrangement together what’s
the basis here so basically we take a
container each arrangement has a
specific container in this case is the
sweetheart okay we put a lettuce in the
base okay without the center and on top
of the lettuce we use kale the reason
for that is to give this beautiful green
texture and shape under it so that it’s
it’s a rich looking arrangement I do
think that’s the first large-scale
commercial use of kale and there you go
even my suppliers that tell me they
never sell kale to anybody else but a
great consumers for kale so this is it
you take the after the chocolate is done
we’re just gonna go ahead and pick them
side by side until we achieve the right
amount of fruits that we have to use
after all is said and done this is the
final product and I’m just waiting for
someone to call and get this
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