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Westworld Season 2 Episode 6 BREAKDOWN – WatchClub

hey guys do you like breakdowns of your
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favorites enjoy hello everyone welcome
to mojo talks and this is watch club the
show we we break down the biggest shows
on television I am your host Matt and
Phoebe is with me as always Phoebe how
are you I’m very good so we’re gonna
talk about Westworld season 2 episode 6
which was titled facespace which was
written by carly rae and directed by
tarik sala so let’s go ahead and talk
about our favorite moments I know we
were we were fighting backstage over who
would talk about it well let’s just bow
talk about it there are no rules here
the samurai sword fight was insane it
was so crazy I find that this was like
one of the most gory episodes of the
notice that it’s been like progressively
getting like gory and gory er yeah she’s
definitely not a bad thing I like it
yeah I think it’s cool we’re freaks that
way we just want to see as much very
stylish I find and this episode in
particular when we sort of open on
Shogun world and you know there’s all
these decapitated Samurai all over the
like you know the floor it was just yeah
so crazy
yeah it was so crazy it’s funny you
mention that because yeah the this the
episode before last night was like super
violent too so they’re like they’re a
kneeing or they’re upping the ante is
what I meant to say so that’s pretty
I loved the scene again this is gonna
sound horrible when he cuts his his hand
off and it’s just like such a clean cut
it was just the whole scene I was just
like cool this here we go it was it was
awesome but yeah pretty brutal but I
also liked how Maeve didn’t interfere
yeah it was like oh you have to save
them and she was like well no we we all
get to choose our destiny or whatever
your line was exactly that just goes to
show that because you know we’ve seen a
lot of Dolores being this like ruthless
killer up until this point and we’re
also seeing me tapping into these new
you know qualities that she has with her
mind control and everything yeah and it
just goes to show that even though she
has all of this power and as of yet I
think she’s like the most powerful
character in the series like in my
she still has the ability to sort of see
right from wrong and she’s not using her
abilities for you know selfish purposes
exactly you know the guy asked her not
to so that was pretty cool it was pretty
honorable of him don’t just get yeah I
Shido there was actually a really cool
moment in the scene where he you know is
defeating this guy and he cuts off his
and he takes his small knife and put it
in front of him so that’s actually
called harakiri which is Japanese ritual
suicide by disembowelment so basically
he gave this guy the opportunity to like
kill himself before he decapitated him
yet to regain honour for himself and his
family so I thought that that was really
cool like an ode to this you know
Japanese ritual that’s been going on for
like like millennia you know that was
really an interesting thing and it also
just goes to show that that character is
so honorable you know he like he gives
him the opportunity to do that and then
when he sees that the guy obviously
would like be suffering and dying he
decapitate him you know so yeah like
ends his suffering there which I thought
was it was pretty cool yeah and like
Maeve was about to jump in and then he
comes in he’s just like no I want to do
the honorable thing so yeah I totally
another one of my favorite moments was
when Elsie and Bernard go down into the
bunker which they call the cradle so
that is basically like that’s probably
the most important part of that whole
episode because later on we find out
that well it’s not explicitly said but I
think we can all kind of surmise that
with Bernard having all these flashbacks
at all the different labs in the
previous episodes you know he’s like oh
I remember being here oh I remember
grabbing this ball here and that and
this so I think it’s kind of fair to
surmise that Bernard has been at these
labs and Ford kind of programmed into
him was like oh this is what you’re
gonna do so that ball kind of represents
Ford’s mind he had it pick it up he had
him pick it up at the first lab bringing
it through all these different labs and
then finally implanting Ford’s minds
into cradle which as we know kind of
stores all the storylines of Westworld
yeah so that’s why the storylines are
all out of whack
so you mentioned that Maeve is the most
powerful character on the show okay I
don’t want to say anything is we’re
gonna talk about it later but she might
not be there are two kind of struggles I
would say I don’t know if you noticed
this earlier in the episode I think than
the cradle part when we’re first
introduced to this new teddy
which we were gonna talk about a lot
because this is pretty crazy but there’s
a really cool part in the scene where
we’re at you know we’re in West world
and we’re at that iconic sort of starter
scene for all the narratives yeah and
there’s the iconic milk can that we
talked about in almost every episode yep
and Teddy goes just behind it any picks
up a bullet so I think that that’s like
it’s a pretty obvious testament to the
way that he’s changed since Dolores like
reset his sensibilities but it’s pretty
scary like Teddy is like ruthless and I
didn’t know whether or not that he would
continue to be in the show or in the
main story I’m really glad that he is I
think the Dolores is gonna regret doing
this though because yeah seems like
really really crazy when he just like
point-blank shoots the guy because he’s
not getting enough information yeah I
was so shocked because it’s just so not
like him yeah and that was just crazy
yeah even when Dolores talks to him now
she doesn’t talk the same way it’s
almost like she’s happy at first that
he’s so different but it almost seems
that she’s kind of like walking on
eggshells to you it’s like she doesn’t
know exactly how he’s gonna react when
she says certain things or how he’s
gonna you know she was super surprised
when he blew that guy’s brains out so I
think they all were it was it was like
so crazy and like like I said before I
think Dolores didn’t really anticipate
how it would change the dynamic of the
group and like in turn the revolution
that this character who sort of served
to ground her and you know just like
stop her from doing all of these crazy
things and remind her you know like
there are more important things
he is just unhinged now so just like
she’s like oh no who will ground me yeah
it’s it’s gonna be crazy I think it does
look like it might come back and bite
her for sure yeah
that train
now forget about it so there was the
scene at the very beginning of the
episode when Dolores and Bernard are
having their their their quintessential
conversation as we’ve always seen in the
past two chairs they’re talking they’re
talking about life and you know big
discussions like usual so usually it’s
Bernard who’s in charge of these
conversations but then in this
particular one he seemed to be
questioning himself and and his motives
a bit more and he asks one question to
himself and then Dolores was like hmm he
didn’t say that and you’re like wait
what do you mean he didn’t say that and
then you start to realize that it’s not
Bernard questioning Dolores but rather
Dolores questioning Bernard is this some
kind of improvisation these are motor
functions Wow
and because you notice this too but the
aspect ratio thing very different so
then we’re starting to think oh this
might have taken place beforehand you’re
not exactly sure when the time line is
right but I think what it means is that
maybe it’s not Bernard and it was
actually like a clone or Bernard which
would make sense as to why Dolores is
questioning him in that matter and what
the audience might have missed in this
one was in the episode the riddle of the
William was of course doing these
experiments on mr. Dell Oh senior his
his father-in-law and it was the same
kind of thing because they mentioned
fidelity I said they’re just trying to
so was the idea
that afterwards you and I have the exact
same conversation it seems little
far-fetched doesn’t it William so when
you know when when Williams questioning
him he’s like oh we’re doing this like
for the 50th time because we’re testing
fidelity we want to make sure that
you’re like a good robot and Dolores
mentions the word fidelity as well when
he’s talking to will say Bernard so it
was interesting you know that that same
word was used and just that whole kind
of experiment thing kind of blended and
messed themselves together in this one
that’s really cool it makes me think of
an episode earlier in this season where
we see Dolores in the outside world with
Arnold and you know he’s sort of gauging
whether or not she’s ready to attend
this you know showing of what weather
could be yep and she keeps saying the
same thing over and over again and he’s
sort of like dang like she’s not ready
you know whatever
yeah and now the tables have sort of
turned and she’s seeming like she’s in
charge and she’s vetting whether or not
he’s ready yet for what we don’t know
and like you said the aspect ratio is
always different when we come to these
scenes so we don’t really know when in
the timeline this is happening yeah as
is always with Westworld we don’t really
know it’s it’s all sort of jumbled on
yeah so it would be interesting to see
whether or not this was happening before
or after if it was happening before then
how long has Dolores been planning this
revolution that’s the thing is if you
notice she’s actually wearing her dress
that she wears in the first season when
she’s like this goodie girl exactly yet
tapped into her Wyatt Sensibility yeah
so like was she pretending is she you
know has she been planning this for a
long time I guess we won’t know I think
a lot of people online are calling to
the fact that Bernard is possibly
several people yeah which would be
pretty sick it would be pretty crazy I
think that would be pretty easy I have a
little bit of a crazy what you miss
nearly crazy here with me because I I
was sort of strapped for this one
because I don’t know I feel I feel like
a lot of the references were like pretty
obvious we don’t want to talk down to
our audience obviously right but um
there was a moment
at the end so excited over this where
you go when Maeve finally sees her
daughter again for the first time and
she realizes that her daughter is no
longer really
her daughter she’s sort of her daughter
if you will she’s the daughter of
someone else and she’s playing with
these two dolls and she alludes to the
fact that there is a bad man present in
her storyline
and it would see in stranger things
which is also another one of my favorite
shows we know 111 who has telekinetic
powers like Maeve she always refers to
this you know this ominous bad man so I
wonder if maybe it’s a nod to that show
or if maybe it’s just a coincidence
however I do have reason to believe that
Maeve’s daughter will also have
telekinetic powers and I think that it’s
just like a very funny coincidence that
these two characters are you know like
young children who have been separated
from their families and they sort of
don’t really know what’s going on
they’re special but they don’t know how
they’re special so I think that maybe
she could also have telekinetic
abilities so very interesting parallel I
will say that it’s very unique I don’t
think many people thought of that
initially or share that but hey you
given our audience something to ponder
here that’s pretty interesting
yeah are you out of your mind just
listen to me you were out of your mind
another what you missed that I think the
audience didn’t kind of catch on to was
at the very end when Bernhard goes into
cradle to kind of see what exactly is
happening he sees like you mentioned
before you know it’s a classic he steps
off the train it’s the exact same
fun-loving intro that we’ve seen in
season one but then there’s a little
something different where a greyhound is
just running down the the dirt road and
Bernard looks and he’s like this is this
isn’t part of the storyline and then he
goes into the mariposa and of course it
was the big reveal of the episode Ford
is there at the player piano saying like
how’s it going my old friend so what I
don’t think the audience caught on to
was that Greyhound was a little ode to
the first season when Ford was talking
and he was saying oh as a kid you know I
had a greyhound we always wanted a dog
my brother and I and our family finally
got us a greyhound and I was very
interesting because this Greyhound all
did all its life was just running
circles all the time chasing this little
bunny and it was kind of like it’s kind
of like similar to how the hosts live
their life you know it’s just a constant
loop they just live their storylines and
that’s it nothing else but now that Ford
is in the cradle controlling all these
storylines pulling them all out of whack
it’s kind of symbolic that you know what
things are things are out of control now
but I’m in complete control of that
so a few weeks ago we had our lovely
co-worker Rebecca come on the show and
she had some very very interesting
groundbreaking prediction she did I
think she blew some people’s minds with
some of them when I watched it I was
like whoa like crazy but now well let’s
just remind our viewers that Rebecca had
predicted that the man in black is
actually a host which you know we were
like no way that would be crazy in this
episode I think that there was maybe a
little hint that that is actually going
to be true so picture this the man in
black is sitting around a fire with his
daughter he hasn’t seen her in years you
know she’s trying to get him to come
back yeah and she’s explaining to him
that she’s been you know visiting the
different parks and she was in her
favorite park which was the park that we
first met her in which seemed like sort
of like an India world yeah
and he says to her oh you were always
terrified of the elephants remember
you’re terrified of the elephants
I loved the elephants they scared the
shit out of mom it looked like he
glitched oh yes he was sort of like you
know what the same thing it was so
creepy and like it was almost as if he
like said the wrong thing and you know
like what a host sort of says the wrong
thing they catch a little bit yeah it
was really really creepy yeah I think
that that might be a little hint of
what’s to come for his character yeah
yeah I thought the exact same thing I
mean it also does make sense that he
would have that reaction just because of
the whole trauma of the way his wife
died but I did think it was like very
robotic to you and reminded me of like
Abernathy kind of like lose points and I
was like that’s very subtle but that’s
that’s interesting yeah one of my
predictions I can’t claim it as my own
but I think it’s it’s it’s kind of a
popular one but there are so many hints
and kind of like allusions to it that I
think it’s definitely gonna happen so I
think that Dolores is pregnant what I
think she’s pregnant and I know I know
what you guys are thinking she’s a robot
she can’t be pregnant but but there have
been interviews with Lisa joy the
co-creator and she has said basically
you know these guys these robots are
exactly the same as humans their flesh
their bone they
have everything humans do the only
difference the only thing that separates
us or us from them is a real brain and
that computer brain so from that
interview we could be led to believe
that they have functioning organs the
same ways that humans do and also why
would the show pay so much attention to
Teddy and Dolores is sexy yeah that was
like it was really emphasized yes it
felt like like I know the whole point of
Westworld is to go kill people and have
sex with robots but they didn’t show too
much of the sex part which is which is
why when they they did linger so long on
that sex scene I was like oh this is
yeah why would they do that so I think
they lingered on that to kind of hint at
the fact that oh look they can have you
know emotions for each other they can
have sexual relations and it could
ultimately lead to a childbirth that’s
interesting well if that is the case
then Dolores will sorely regret changing
Teddy well that’s the thing this monster
and I think that could happen because
well I think that the pregnancy thing
could happen because that just adds like
a whole nother level of drama to they’re
already kind of frayed relationship at
this point yeah well we could also or we
could assume we’ll become frayed because
like you said yeah he’s balls to the
Wow I did actually notice in the episode
now that I’m thinking about it every
time that he would do something sort of
crazy you could see like this like tinge
of like hurt in her eyes tinge of
sadness so like it would you know I
think that she’s she’s realizing that
he’s not and he’s not the person that
she loved before that she cared about
before yeah and it’s just a symptom of
what’s to come
yeah yeah yeah so I mean those are some
pretty killer predictions there is also
a pretty killer HBO Netflix as stranger
things reference we don’t know if that’s
100% confirmed but we’ll see so let’s
wrap the show up there guys thank you so
much for watching if you want to keep
watching respirable week recaps then
please subscribe to mojo talks for more
and of course mojo talks there’s also
the cinephiles extended cut which Phoebe
and I are on
airs every Friday so for myself and
Phoebe guys thank you so much for
watching we’ll see you next time so
that’s our breakdown what do you guys
think let us know in the comments below
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