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Travel Guide: Vieux Quebec, Quebec City

hi I’m Rebecca rating and welcome to and today we’ll be taking
a trip to via quebec quebec city is one
of the oldest cities in North America
the area within these walls is known
locally as your quebec or simply old
quebec it is easy to feel transported
when walking on cobblestone streets fast
horse drawn carriages and quaint
boutiques quebec city was built on cape
diamond this bluff naturally separates
the city in to the upper town is located
at the top of cape diamond many of the
city’s most famous sites are located
here the most easily spotted attraction
in this area is the historic chateaux
fault enak hotel the military stud dell
as well as the plains of abraham can be
found nearby the lower town is the
location of quebec Smew ziam of
civilization and port as well as the
historic pussy Champlain district
together these sections form one of the
finest and most recognizable examples of
a fortified royal city
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