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The Festivals of Quebec City

hi I’m Rebecca Brayton and welcome to and today we’ll be
checking out the festivals in Quebec
City the Quebec City summer festival
takes place annually the first week of
July affected a nouvelle France or the
New France festival let’s visitors
experience life in the 17th century in
new friends the Quebec City
International Festival of military bands
is to garner appreciation for Canada’s
military bands while showcasing old
quebec historic places the majestic
momir NC Falls are the backdrop for the
Quebec City International fireworks
festival roughly 350,000 spectators
watch as six countries compete for the
grand prize quebec city becomes a snowy
wonderland and this spot is the setting
for the quebec celebrates christmas
festival quebec city’s most famous
festival is the Quebec Winter Carnival
this is the biggest Winter Carnival in
the world whether it’s summer fun or a
winter wonderland that you’re seeking
Quebec City definitely has a festival
for you
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