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Top Winter Sports Movies

they are heartfelt and enjoyable
tributes to athleticism hi I’m Rebecca
Braden and welcome to and
today we’ll be taking a look at cinemas
most memorable winter sports movies when
it comes to celebrating athleticism the
first film that instantly comes to mind
is 1993 s Cool Runnings
a heartfelt comedy loosely based on the
true story of Jamaica’s bobsledding
debut at the 1988 Winter Olympics in
Calgary Alberta Canada not only is the
film of sports classic but it is also
hailed as one of the best performances
by the late John Candy he plays the role
of former champion Irv Blitzer a
disgraced devil gold American bobsled
medalist who was once disqualified for
cheating and later asked to help for
unsuccessful Jamaican athletes become
the nation’s first bobsled team the film
is memorable for its laughs an
inspirational message of giving your
best against unlikely odds in the winter
as in igloo Don Eskimo Don penguins and
I placidly
figure skating is another winter sport
that few films have been able to
properly capture on film
the standout picture in this category is
1992 s romantic comedy the cutting edge
the fictional last resort pairing of a
figure skater and a hockey player played
by Moira Kelly and DB sweeney
respectively the film revolves around
their rocky relationship on and off the
ice as athletic partners and their need
to build an absolute trust in order to
perform the difficult panchenko twists
that would lead them to Olympic glory
the pieces of make the difference is
laughs interestingly there is another
similar yet memorable offbeat
figure-skating classic 2007 satirical
comedy blades of glory starring Will
Ferrell and Jon Heder follows a similar
premise to the cutting edge however it
tells the story of two single division
male skaters who exploit a loophole in
order to compete in an international
competition as a skating pair few could
forget their climactic execution of the
Lian Lotus maneuver that would take them
to the top let’s capture the dream I
love it where’d you come up with that I
have no idea where I came up with him
hockey is another central winter sport
and among the many inspirational
classics entering on the sport is 1992’s
The Mighty Ducks starring Emilio Estevez
in the film he plays the role of Gordon
Bombay a man forced to coach a local
peewee hockey team as a form of
community service along the way he
manages to show a ragtag team of young
athletes that with enough support and
team spirit they could make it to the
finals and in turn they convince him to
pursue his own dream of playing in the
minor leagues
similarly the film miracle starring Kurt
Russell had an equal amount of heart it
recounts the true exploits of the USA
men’s hockey team and their journey to
gold at the 1980 Winter Olympics the
film is memorable for its dramatic look
at the process involved in coaching an
Olympic team and the pride coach Herb
Brooks felt as a result of their
that’s what you’ve done a final winter
sports classic that deserves to be seen
is the 1969 ski racing drama downhill
racers starring Robert Redford and Gene
Hackman unlike the other inspirational
films mentioned downhill racer explores
the reckless nature of athleticism and
the friction that can exist between an
athlete and his coach due to blind
ambition the film is a memorable classic
for its gritty and intense Alpine racing
scenes and it’s thrilling climax
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