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Top 5 Things from Black Mirror that Came True

life imitating art or art imitating life
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top five
things from Black Mirror that came true
in November of 2008 I was in the surgery
and there was a chip implanted
underneath my retina
before we begin we published new videos
every day
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content for this list we’re looking at
technologies or plot lines from episodes
of Black Mirror that have in some form
become a reality they don’t need to
literally be identical to the black
mirror episode but eerily similar in
some way and that they use social
connections to decide who is a gang
member and who’s affiliated with gang
members and that already cast suspicion
on people before they’ve done anything
wrong number 5
hashtag targeting in the episode hated
in the nation police investigate a
string of murders carried out by robot
bees in which victims are targeted via a
hashtag spread on social media
death to draw powers it’s a game you
know it’s like death to you insert the
name of someone who’s been an asshole
it’s not real in real life targeted
attacks have been sent in a similar
fashion in 2016
Kurt icon Walt an American journalist
who suffers from epilepsy was sent a
flashing gift from a Twitter follower
with the message you deserve a seizure
for your posts John Rainn Ravello cyntha
jiff after I can Wald made political
remarks Ravello did not like the
journalist suffered a massive seizure
from viewing the tweet and was taken to
the hospital
Ravello was charged and the jiff was
considered by authorities to be a deadly
weapon number four cybers sextortion
in the episode entitled shut up and
dance a teen named Kenny is filmed
masturbating via the webcam on his
computer by a hacker the hacker makes it
clear that he now is blackmailing him
and will release the video if Kenny
doesn’t do what the blackmailer orders
him to in October 2017 it was reported
that the FBI was in the midst of an
investigation in Washington State
involving a 16 year old who was using
nude photos of his classmates
and other victims for similar extortion
the unnamed
suspect was arrested with charges not
just centered on the blackmail but also
on owning child pornography because of
the victims ages yeah yeah I just looked
at pictures
how young were they in the picture
number three recording implants in the
entire history of you episode we see a
relationship quickly spiral out of
control when a jealous husband insists
on digging deeper into his wife’s past
relationships because when you told me
about mr. Marrakesh it was a week in
this black mirror verse everyone has
small recording devices called grains
implanted in their heads that way they
can replay or redo any moments from
their lives this leads to agonizing and
obsessing over past events no I’ve got
that shitty carpet for the rest of my
life only if you keep looking at it mate
let’s hope this isn’t the case for Rob
Spence the so-called Eyeborg
Spence a Canadian filmmaker lost one of
his eyes in childhood not satisfied with
a prosthetic he collaborated with an
engineer and a designer to create a
camera eye it’s not currently connected
to his optic nerve but there’s always
number two social ratings your personal
value is based off a rating system in
the black mirror episode nose dive
sounds it lost some
you earn ratings from others based on
your interactions but if you lose points
you lose status which means a much
harder time accessing anything in life
from plane tickets to friendships that’s
reserved for members of our prime flight
program you got to be a 4.2 or over
qualified oh I’m afraid you’re actually
a 4.18 which is why China’s actual 2014
plan to introduce a similar social
credit system seems like a disastrous
so this isolates people socially and
culturally if they’re if they disagree
with policies a government monitored
trust score that rates the kind of
citizen you are day-to-day activities
monitored and scored to deem a person
societal worth what could possibly go
forecast was a prestige balance point
two minutes number one Trump’s rise to
power many pundits thought it was a joke
when a brash yet oddly popular TV star
entered the political arena Donald Trump
has been saying that he will run for
president as a Republican which is
surprising since I just assumed he was
running as a joke waiter neither the
public nor broadcasters took his rise in
popularity seriously ignoring any
groundswell of support for the ideas
that emerged from his garishly tinted
head which Republican candidate has the
best chance of winning the general
election of the declared ones right now
Donald Trump if you can’t tell who we’re
talking about whether it’s political
candidate Waldo the bear from the Black
Mirror episode the Waldo moment or
Donald Trump you’re not the only one the
difference is that Waldo by the end of
his political campaign a literal and
figurative puppet for a shadowy
authoritarian movement finished second
and Donald Trump is now in office but
that feeling that the line between life
and entertainment is finally blurred
that is all too real
a shoe
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