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Top 5 Myths About Ninjas

the truth behind these myths might just
take you by surprise
welcome to and we’re
counting down the top 5 myths about
before we begin we publish new videos
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more great content for this list we’ll
be looking at some of the popular myths
associated with one of history’s most
misunderstood groups ninja cum ninjas
let’s go number 5 they were called
ninjas ninja video game I mean thing
when I mean their song playing the
mahkumat a dog ninjas first appeared in
Japan in the 14th century and their
functions included infiltration
espionage and assassinations however at
the time they were a group of
individuals without a name it was only
until the 15th century that these covert
agents were dubbed shinobi no Momo with
shinobi meaning to steal and Momo
meaning person the popularization of
shinobi was thanks in parts of the
Sengoku period a time of civil unrest in
feudal Japan that saw many shinobi being
hired for their unique skillsets so
where does the word ninja come from well
the written character fish shinobi
sounds an awful lot like ninja which
over time evolved into ninja all right
anja Master number 4 throwing stars were
projectile weapons
we’ve seen this trope played out on film
hundreds of times and ninja warrior’
approaches an enemy camp from the
shadows and sees a soldier in the
distance instead of risking detection
the ninja takes out a throwing star and
kills the enemy combatant from afar
there’s only one problem it probably
never happened in real life
the ninja of old use shuriken or
throwing stars as secondary weapons in
close combat situations if a ninja was
ever to throw a shoot again it was
probably as a means of distraction and
not as a badass way of killing an enemy
so in the movies you see all one shot
one kill
now it was more of a distraction so
number three only men could be ninja
this one might come as a surprise to
many but it’s true historically there
have been both male and female ninjas
they’ve been seriously underrepresented
in modern pop culture particularly
wherever Hollywood cinema is concerned
but back in the day female ninjas were
effective and highly sought after covert
agents the agenda was actually an asset
for starters they almost always had the
element of surprise on their side as
enemy soldiers often mistook them for
additionally they were also known to use
their powers of seduction to gain access
to exclusive or heavily protected
locations in her very first move Mindy
bends her spine backwards at 70 degrees
extension a normal person can barely
achieve 30 degrees extension number two
ninjas will masks what’s your name Janey
quick picture a ninja in your minds
chances all your mental ninja is dressed
entirely in black with a must that
covers everything except for the eyes
good job except that’s not what real
ninja look like ninjas never had a
specific uniform instead they dressed
according to the situation if they were
attempting to infiltrate a temple then
they would Don a religious garb if it
was a rural setting they’d dress a
farmer a modern ninja serving as
somebody’s bodyguard would most likely
be dressed in Hmong
such as a suit nothing stands out quite
like a person dress head to toe in black
number one ninjas could vanish well duh
isn’t that ninja training 101
well actually ninjas used a host of
different practical effects to achieve
what was been exaggerated into some
sorts of mythical disappearing act we’ve
already mentioned how throwing stars
were used as a means of distraction but
it was far from the only trick they had
up their sleeves and it so employs
explosive powders as weapons or
distractions theatricality and deception
of powerful agents it must become more
than just a man and the mind of your
opponent ninjas employed a wide variety
of diversion tactics in order to escape
tricky situations such as smoke bombs
all quite simply throwing sand for
ninjas being able to escape without
being followed was essential to their
craft magic is easy disappearing when
you’re a mere mortal on the other hand
that’s impressive understands that
invisibility is a matter of patience
sound agility do you agree with our
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