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I’m So EXCITED!!!! My Top 10 Book is Almost Here (and I need your advice)

– Rules to succeed in business and life from
titans, billionaires, and leaders who changed the world.
Yeah, I love it!
What’s up, believe nation?
It’s an exciting day because it’s time
to open up the samples for my new book.
So I decided on my vacation that
I wanted to launch my new book December sixth.
It was the same day that I launched
my Your One Word book last year,
and I thought December sixth this year,
we’re going to launch, and it’s the Top 10 Rules of Success.
Teemo, you want to say hi?
There’s Teemo.
– [Woman] He wants to play.
– There’s Teemo, look at that…
Here, you know what, let me take the frisbee
and hold it up here so that Teemo looks at the camera.
See, look at that.
Look at that, Teemo, look at that.
Oh my goodness, look the cute Teemo.
The book is the Top 10 Rules to Success.
I took 50 of the most popular videos on my channel,
condensed everything down into one book.
It’s two rules per page.
The idea hopefully that I have in my head
is how I saw this playing out.
Is don’t just read the whole book all the way through,
but read one page a time, one page per day.
It’s an easy commitment, right?
You’re reading one page, that’s you have to do for the day,
read one page.
You get two valuable lessons from someone
whose had tons of success, and then you apply that.
Think about how can I apply this thing, this new lesson,
one of these two to my life or my business today.
And so that’s the plan.
And so what I have here are the samples.
One of the things I did last time, last year,
that was really helpful.
– You printed your own.
– What, oh yeah, I printed my own.
That was a disaster, that was a disaster.
I didn’t realize how long it was.
Anyway, one of the things I did last year
was I gave my book as a sample to
30 different people, half are entrepreneurs,
half are not entrepreneurs, and I go their feedback.
It was really great feedback, I ended up cutting my book
in half and I made a number of changes based off
of the feedback I got from the people.
So, December sixth is approaching quickly
and I need to get my samples in so that I can give it
to another batch of 30 people here in Toronto
and get their feedback to see what I can do to improve it,
wrap it all together, put it into a nice finished product
for you guys, and have it ready to ship December sixth.
I’m excited.
– Teemo’s really excited, he’s licking the boxes.
– Teemo, don’t lick my boxes.
Now, I’m self-publishing this one,
I’m testing the difference,
and Amazon has a CreateSpace program
that you can self publish and order some samples,
but they only let you order five samples.
What’s up with that, Amazon?
I don’t get why Amazon only lets you order five samples
of your book as a proof before it goes live.
So, these are the ones that I have from Amazon,
and then I had to go to a printing house
to get it printed just on paper.
What are you doing, what are you doing, huh?
What are you doing, mister, huh?
So I printed off 30 copies just on regular paper
that people are going to review,
and these are the official ones that came from Amazon
that I want to take up too.
So, if Teemo will let me, if Teemo will let me,
we’re going to open it up!
– So you ordered 30 copies and you ordered another five?
– Five, yeah I have five.
Just in case, in case we have extra.
It’s good to have extras just in case.
Okay, let’s save this one, I don’t want to open that box.
Let’s open up this one.
Go, Nina!
Go, Nina, open it!
There it is.
– You need a knife, my friend.
– Use your razor sharp wolverine claws.
This is very exciting.
– Teemo’s waiting.
– The unboxing event.
Don’t stab me.
Don’t stab me with your.
Nina’s going to want to have the first one as usual.
– But I want an Amazon copy.
– Oh, you don’t want this?
You only want the Amazon copy?
– I want to see.
– I’m down 29.
– I want to see first.
Oh, nice!
– Oh, it came out pretty well, look at that.
– Wow, did you ask them to print it this size?
– So this is a great
– Don’t dust it on the carpet.
– You see the anger?
You see the rage?
I wasn’t going to just dust it on the carpet.
– Nice – So, I got this printed and
listen, this is great service,
this is a great story around this,
this guy Nina found online.
– Nina, she’s pretty good.
– That’s not the story, okay?
Nina found this online and I contacted him,
and I have a Word document that I gave him
and normally a Word document’s eight and a half by 11,
and as he saw the document he gave me a price,
and as he opened it up, he then said listen,
I see that you’re printing out a smaller page,
like the page size is different,
it’ll be cheaper if we print at the size that
you gave us instead of printing eight and a half by 11.
– That’s good. – I’m like yeah baby
let’s do that, I love that!
What’s his name, Patrick?
– Yeah, Patrick.
– I love that, Patrick from The Printing House, I love that.
Then what happened, I gave him a whole bunch of business.
I’m giving him stickers for Toronto Dance Salsa,
we’re going to do a door wrap at TDS,
I haven’t told you about that.
– Door wrap?
– I’m going to wrap a door.
With a picture.
– Like a poster thingy?
– Yeah, I’m going to wrap a door.
I’m giving him that, I’m giving him some business cards.
I’m giving a whole bunch of business cause I love this guy.
– Yeah, he’s very honest.
– Yeah, so just that little extra customer service.
He’s losing a little bit of money because
he’s printing it this size instead of eight and a half by 11
but he’s gaining a whole lot of business.
So I’m going to be a good testimonial for him.
– This is actually really nice.
– So, this will be the actual size.
That’s pretty good.
I think it’s the same size as the other
as the Your One Word book.
Yes, Teemo, yes yes yes.
So, here’s an example let me show these guys an example.
Let’s flip open.
So it starts off with.
Oh, let me do the Steve Jobs one.
I only have one graphic.
Here here here here here, look at this!
Ah, the graphic looks amazing!
Look at this.
Okay, so I have a guy who’s designing graphics.
We only did one, he’s working on the other.
So it’s going to start off, you see Steve Jobs,
and then there’s a quote from Steve Jobs,
and I’m picking a famous quote.
And then here, so that’s one page, right?
There’s one rule, first rule is don’t live a limited life,
second rule is have passion, right?
And like Steve Jobs’ thoughts on that.
That’s it!
Read this page in one day, and then do something about this,
think about it, here’s some wisdom from Steve Jobs,
two of the best things he’s ever said
and start taking some action on it.
So that’s the idea.
Let me show you what happens.
So, we’ve got Steve Jobs, we’ve got the rules,
so that would be five pages of rules.
Three, four, five, six, this is awesome.
Seven, eight, nine, 10.
With each one I say what my favorite rule is too,
just like I do in the videos, my favorite rules,
so you guys can check that out.
And then I have a page, I’m uncertain about this
so I’d love to know what you guys think.
I’m going to get this from the feedback
from my test audience too.
I’ve got the summary, so the top 10 rules and what they are,
space for you to fill out what you learned from it,
what you want to apply, anything kind of lessons from it.
And then a did you know fact.
Something different, something unique,
hopefully maybe something you haven’t learned
about that entrepreneur, or maybe something you do know.
So, Steve Jobs here, did you know Steve Jobs sold
his Volkswagon Microbus to raise the funds to start Apple.
So with each person there’s a little kind of mini fact
at the bottom that you may or may not know.
Then that’s it, and you move on,
next is Tony Robbins and it’s going to go through.
At the start of this book,
this is awesome.
So, the first page is around bonuses,
this is like do you want, can we put it up here?
Do you want free bonuses?
One of the things that I really regret from the first book,
Your One Word, Teemo Teemo Teemo Teemo.
What I regret is, we didn’t get to email addresses
for a lot of people, and so the people who bought
the book at Barnes and Noble, or Amazon, or bookstores,
who didn’t come from my email list,
they didn’t get the bonuses.
If you email your receipt or a picture of the book
into the email address, you get bonuses.
There’s a lot of cool bonuses, and there’s followup,
and bonus videos, and all sorts of awesome content
that’s free if you bought the book.
I just don’t know who bought the book
so I can’t send them all the free stuff.
And so the first page is do you want free bonuses,
and then kind of what you get if you buy one book,
two books, 10 books, and the email address.
So hopefully the people who buy it
even if it’s on Amazon and don’t come
from my list will be able to get it.
Then, here’s a list of the top 50, those are the people.
And then I talk don’t read the book like a book,
read one page a day.
I talk why I wrote this book, you know, good stuff.
Here, this is what I’m excited about too,
the all time top 10 rules.
And so what I do is, I took all those 50 people,
so that’s 50 times 10, 500 rules that are in this book
from the most successful people in the world
and I condensed down their most important rules.
So ones that come up the most common
from across all these different people.
So what are the most common top 10 rules
and my quick take on it is next.
We have a cheat sheet for success
that we’re going to turn into a PDF
that if you want you could print it off.
Like I want a poster sized thing that you can put
on your wall if you want to remember the top 10 things.
So, I think this is really exciting,
the top 10 of the top 500.
And then we get into the top 500 rules
and you have Steve Jobs, and you’ve seen that,
and all the way through.
This is so exciting!
How do we end it?
How do we end it?
And then just some things on what you can do after
like make sure you send in their email to get the bonuses,
you know, and some final words from me about Evan,
and then that’s it.
I was wondering do I need to add anything else to the book.
I was looking at other books,
do we need a forward, an introduction,
table of contents, index, all of this stuff
that as I looked at other books like,
I never read that stuff so I don’t want it in my book.
So there’s no long introduction, there’s no long prefix
or preface preface?
I’m forgetting it, I’m blanking.
There’s no long intros into anything,
it’s just right into the awesome content.
So, this is it!
I’m so pumped.
Last time I printed this, at Aleks’ house,
and it took way more work than I thought.
Then I had to get binders, and we’d run out of paper,
we ran out of ink, and it was just way bigger
a way bigger project than I thought, and so this.
Look at all this.
This is some good stuff.
Okay, wow.
So now we got to find my test audience.
Well, I wrote the people so I already have my test audience
but I got to give it to them.
I’m so excited.
It doesn’t smell like anything.
– It’s paper.
– I know, but.
– Paper doesn’t smell.
– It makes me a little sad that it has no smell.
– How come you didn’t put your own top 10?
– Well my own top 10 is really similar to the top 10 of.
I don’t know.
Like, my top 10 is similar to the all time top 10 cause
I also pick the ones that resonate the most too, right?
But my top 10, like what are Evan’s top 10 rules
is the most requested top 10 rules on the channel.
Okay, so we can take pictures and send this to people
and maybe this weekend we’re going to send it off.
Boom, alright friends.
Okay, that box is done, let’s do this one.
You want to open this?
Did you guys check out Nina’s healthy dinner?
We got Basa fish, oh I spilled vinegar
all over the carpet.
– Oh my god, what are you doing?
You could have just tilted the camera and not move my.
Okay, stop eating my food.
– Should we clean that up?
– Yes.
– Okay, we have Basa fish with spinach, tomatoes,
oh you put seeds on yours, that’s nice.
– They’re sunflower seeds.
– Beets, no, radish.
– Radish, tomato, cucumbers.
– Don’t open it without me, let me get some,
okay we will clean it up after.
– No, clean it now, I’ll wait.
– After after after.
Oh, my hands smell like vinegar.
Oh, I can’t touch the new stuff.
Let’s wipe it on Teemo.
Wipe vinegar all right, we’re getting you clean
isn’t that amazing?
Okay, if he smells like vinegar, it’s your fault,
that’s what I’m thinking.
– Whatever. – Hello, Teemo.
Oh my goodness, oh oh oh. – It’s different.
– Let’s see.
Oh, look at that.
This has a smell, you see?
– Yeah.
I can’t see.
– Oh, you can’t see right yeah yeah.
– Just smell. – Look at that,
guys, this is what you’re going to get.
Now, this cover is a temporary cover.
I’m not a huge fan of this cover, it’s okay.
Like it’s a great placeholder, but I’d love,
if you guys have ideas for what to put on my cover,
I never liked my Your One Word cover
we didn’t have enough time to make it
and I want this one to be good.
This is the placeholder cover
until you guys come up with something.
So please, if you have ideas, if you are a design genius
and you want to do a cover let me know.
I’d love to see what you can come up,
get some credit and promotion.
Everything else looks the same.
Look, the Steve Jobs came out really well, look at that.
I guess it’s just not spiraled.
It’s not spiraled.
Look at this, this is amazing.
We’re holding it in our hands, huh.
Let me get the other book, I want to compare the size.
So this is Your One Word, and this is the new one.
Yeah, it’s basically the same size.
– You going to do hardcover?
– You can’t do hardcover.
CreateSpace, as far as I know, maybe you guys know better,
as far as I know you cannot do hardcover
with Amazon CreateSpace.
Oh, man, this is so exciting.
Have I said that enough times?
Pretty pumped.
Oh, there’s nothing on the back.
We definitely need to put,
what should be on the back, guys?
What should go on the back?
Let me know – Your face.
– This whole placeholder, it bothers me
that I don’t have a full cover ready to go
but we needed something, they wouldn’t let you ship
without a cover, so.
The one I made was really really really bad
and so Jay Reyes on my team made this
which is way better than what I did.
I really like what he did with the, like look at the.
Look at the Top 10, it’s like some kind of effect
on it so it’s not just a flat color,
a gradient with some patterns in there, that’s pretty cool.
Rules to succeed in business and life from titan’s,
billionaires, and leaders who changed the world.
Yeah, I love it.
So we have five of these, and we have 30 of those.
So, what else do we want to tell them?
– I hope you guys are excited.
– I hope you’re excited.
What do we need feedback on?
We need feedback on.
– Cover.
– Cover, yes.
Artists, let’s see some designs, some ideas.
– And a back.
– The back as well.
That’s super important.
The faces, I love my guys.
The faces, look at that.
That’s great.
Look at that Steve Jobs, let’s zoom in on that.
Look at that, look at how great that is.
We’re going to have that on each one, for each person.
It’s so much better look, compared to just that, right?
Tony Robbins.
Tony deserves his own awesome picture.
That’s coming, I’m really happy with that artwork.
If you know a way to get Amazon
to do hardcovers, I want to know.
And also, people been asking about pre-orders,
can you pre-order, how do we pre-order,
I believe there’s a way to pre-orders on Amazon
I don’t know how to do it.
Again, if you guys have tips, feedback, advice, let me know.
I think I need to have a final version ready
which I don’t have yet.
If you’re interested in picking it up, and doing
a pre-order and some kind of special deal, let me know.
You can email my assistant,
and she can keep a list of everybody
and you’ll be the first to know when it comes live.
And then the packages, ideas for packages
for people who buy one book, two books, 10 books,
that’s always super cool.
Or any special bonuses for people who buy early
is always interesting to learn as well.
I think that’s it.
Guys, it’s spur of the moment and exciting,
but it’s going to be well, a better cover,
but this is going to be on the video.
Ahh, I’m so excited.
This is great!
Okay, thank you guys so much for watching,
we believe in you, hope you continue to believe in yourself.
Teemo’s flying – Yeah.
– And whatever your one word is.
Much love guys, thank you so much for the support
it really means a lot.
And we’ll see you soon.
– Muah.
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