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Top 5 Facts About Eating Meat

eating meat you know I can’t think of
even one thing that over 90% of people
in the world do that is more
controversial than eating meat
hamburgers the cornerstone of any
nutritious breakfast
welcome to this one video
possibly be a definitive look at the
subject instead we’re simply counting
down the five most interesting facts
that we could find about eating meat
mm-hmm this is a tasty burger number
five even plants can’t stay away from
meat miss emo feed me all night long if
you thought plants only got their
nutrients through good old-fashioned
sunlight think again as it turns out the
Botanical Society of America claims
there are over 600 species of
carnivorous plants around the world many
of these are called insectivorous plants
because they get their nutrition from
capturing and eating insects some creepy
plants are even able to digest frogs
mice and other small mammals
examples include sundews the pitcher
plant venus fly traps which are aptly
named and are probably available at your
local flower shop and of course piranha
plants which eat only Italian number
four some people swear by eating raw
meat while it goes against typical food
safety guidelines and probably your own
common sense the primal diet consists of
eating entirely raw foods including eggs
dairy and meat the creator of the diet
was a Janice von der planet’s a man who
says he was diagnosed with terminal
cancer before resorting to eating raw
meat which he claimed saved his life
another man Derek Nance who hasn’t eaten
anything but raw meat from past seven
years claims that he is healthier than
he’s ever been and that’s that’s a
typical dinner for me that that’s what I
wore on eBay sound dangerous cooked meat
isn’t without its dangers either meat
cooked at high temperatures actually
creates chemical compounds that are
associated with cancer although research
has found that marinating beef in
certain herbs especially rosemary can
significantly negate these harmful
effects what did you throw in there
oregano No
rosemary that’s a spice isn’t it by some
reports there are thousands of people
out there regularly dining on raw muscle
and organ meat although critics still
contend that eating raw or undercooked
meat makes you susceptible to a host of
dangerous bacteria and parasites
number three meat needs more water than
vegetables every living organism be they
plant or animal needs water to grow and
survive of course
however meat production uses up so much
water that some experts say we may have
to produce a lot less of it in the near
future meat requires significantly more
water to produce than vegetables with a
single pound of beef needing roughly
1,800 gallons or 6800 liters of water
compare that to 147 gallons for a pound
of corn which will probably be fed to
the cow anyway these numbers vary from
crop to crop and animal to animal and
when measured in liters per calorie or
per gram of protein but the takeaway
here seems to be that plant-based food
is a more efficient use of water some
experts even claim that humanity may
have to take on an almost entirely
vegetarian diet by 2050 in order to
avoid worldwide food and water shortages
mostly I’m worried about food always
food food in McComb number two lab-grown
meat is on the way while it may sound
kind of disgusting we may eventually
have no choice for the sake of
sustainability in fact the technology is
already on its way as an entirely
lab-grown hamburger was created in 2013
although it apparently didn’t taste that
great and had a price tag of 300
thousand dollars it was created by
assembling thousands of strands of
cultured muscle tissue physiologist mark
post from the University of Maastricht
is now working on improving it by adding
fat and iron some researchers are even
experimenting with lab grown chicken and
fish including NASA who successfully
produced artificially grown fish fillets
in 2002 estimates say it’ll be another
20 years before we have mass-produced
stem-cell meat but once an economy of
scale is achieved its production will be
far more sustainable than current neat
practices let’s take a peek at the
killing floor don’t let the name throw
your Jimmy it’s not really a floor it’s
more of a steel grading that allows
material to sluice through so it can be
collected and exported but if lab-grown
meat sounds wrong to you the company
beyond meat has another alternative they
say they’re able to construct me using
the nutrients and plants essentially
cutting out the middleman or middle cow
as it were so what you’re having right
now has more protein than beef it has
more iron and steak more omegis and
salmon more calcium than milk more
antioxidants blueberry number one eating
meat might be as bad for you as smoking
while scientists continue to debate the
potential cancerous effective meat
evidence continues to mount regarding
the harmful effects of a protein heavy
diet the C steak steak steak oh yeah the
Douglass church-state a study done at
the university of southern california
concluded that a meat heavy diet
followed during your middle age makes
you four times more likely to die of
cancer than someone with a low protein
diet that’s roughly the same risk factor
as being a cigarette smoker the study
was conducted over 20-year period and
also showed that those who eat a lot of
meat and dairy products were 75 percent
more likely to die earlier from any
number of causes than low protein eaters
but just how did they define heavy meat
eaters one time we put a quail and a
Cornish hen inside a chicken inside a
turkey inside a duck all wrapped in
bacon and then put that inside a pig and
then wrap the pig in bacon
garnish it with bacon a nurse then made
ten of those and sewed them ass to mouth
and made a huge centipede out of all of
these those deriving at least 20% of
their calories from meat products which
really doesn’t seem that high at least
not to that guy
so what do you think would you ever try
a raw meat diet by the way if like venus
flytraps you find the idea of dining on
insects intriguing check out our top 5
facts about eating bugs it’ll blow your
for more lab-grown top tens and
worm-eating top fives published every
day be sure to subscribe to if I went to a barbecue
and there with no meat I would say yo
goober where to me
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