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10 Ways to build COURAGE as Entrepreneurs – #OneRule

courage courage courage could age
courage courage it’s not enough to have
a great idea and the focus and the
conscientiousness to see it to fruition
you must have the strength and the
resolve and the courage to pursue that
idea even when the rest of the world
thinks you’re insane time and time again
if you look at the stories of
extraordinarily important entrepreneurs
there is almost always a moment when
they are the only ones who believe in
the value of what they’re doing you know
I tell in my book the story of my book
David and lies the story of ingre VAR
comprehend and the crucial moment in the
in the story of IKEA is when he faces a
boycott from the other furniture
manufacturers in Sweden and he’s about
to go out of business and in desperation
he moves his operations across the
Baltic Sea from Sweden to Poland and
sets up shop in Poland and that’s what
IKEA is IKEA is essentially furniture
ship flat made in Poland that’s the
original elevator pitch for IKEA what’s
interesting about that is he does it in
1961 at the height of the Cold War at a
time when East and West Communist world
and free world are closer to outright
war than at any other time in history a
guy living in the West Sweden
crosses the pond to Poland the Iron
Curtain and sets up shop you cannot
imagine what a controversial move that
was that’s like that would be like
Walmart open operations in North Korea
literally it’s on that level of kind of
eyebrow-raising you’ve got to be kidding
who is this guy kind of thing but he
does it and he persists and he turns his
back on all those critics why because he
is a deeply disagreeable person didn’t
need people to agree with him right and
that’s how he’s able to build IKEA into
this extraordinary runaway success story
that’s very hard to do as human beings
we are hardwired to want the approval of
our peers the two things we really zero
in on a people are you know two things
they sound simple they’re not being very
difficult courage ingenious courage is
the one we talk about a lot because it’s
the one that people can learn you know
courage courage which is to say not
giving up in the face of adversity you
know just being absolutely determined to
succeed you know is something that you
can you can like force yourself to do it
can be very painful you can force
yourself to do it the genius part is a
little bit hard to force yourself to do
you know courage without genius might
not get you where you need to go but
genius without courage almost certainly
won’t if you can see it here and you
have the courage of the speaking it will
happen so I see these shots I see these
sequences I don’t shy away from them a
lot of times people believe in seven
things but they keep to themselves they
don’t put it out there you truly believe
in it if you become vocal with it you
are creating that law of attraction and
it will become reality and you he would
overextend I know it touching so mystic
max thanks again the very minute that
you decide upon something you know that
what you want you know you’re going to
do it all of these negatives that have
been bothering you they pick up their
baggage and get out they just move out
they can’t live in a positive manner
can you imagine a negative frame of mind
and a positive frame of mind occupying
the same space at the same time could
you imagine that no you can’t because it
can’t be done and did you know that the
slightest bit of a negative and mental
attitude is sufficient to destroy the
power of prayer did you know that the
slightest bit of a part of a negative
mental attitude is sufficient destroy
your plan whatever it is you’re doing
carrying out your definiteness of
purpose you have to move with courage
with faith with determination in
connection with carrying out your
developers of purpose how do you get
along with other VCS so this is funny so
I got along with them very well but so
there are VCS that are that I really
really like Anil boo Zuri is one of them
who I work with all the time on various
deals I just I just got off the phone
with ditch line who I get along with
very very well so there are a lot of
there a lot of VCs I get along with I’m
a bad cultural fit for investing um you
may have noticed and and then there’s a
good reason for this so investor if you
think about the investing environment
it’s this weird coopertition thing
because you compete for deals but you
work on deals together so you’re kind of
partners but your competitors and I
don’t come from that culture they come
from enterprise software right like you
know who the top dog in enterprise
software is Larry Ellison right like
ain’t no co-op petition and Larry
Ellison right like all you have to do is
mention like anybody’s close to a
competitor and it’s like a hit will blow
off like and he’ll go like bananas like
you know we saw that at deep yeah
absolutely bananas it’s like its own
baby my shoes let’s go and so you know
you know for me and then you know also I
listen to little wheezy
and so sometimes you know the venture
capitalists will come at me you know
being friendly
hey you know what the peace sign I’m you
know to me the peace sign is just the
trigger and the middle finger you know
so that’s the vein
that that’s from Weezy does it does it
bother you when they talk about you
because they don’t do it to your face
they do it’s people like anonymous so
yeah so that was it as a you’re alluding
a little bit to when I called them
which gets actually another thing the
one thing that does bother me a little
bit about some VCS and some angels so
one of the things that’s happened a lot
since we’ve been in the industry is we
get a lot of people calling the press
anonymously there are probably more
anonymous quotes about us in the press
than any other like entity right now and
Sarah calls me up and she goes then I
got a tip from six different anonymous
angels saying that you’re doing this and
I’m going if they don’t like what I’m
doing why don’t they just come out and
say it
hey you know like if I don’t like
something somebody’s doing I just come
out so I put my name on it and the
reason sin that bothers me so much is
the number one thing we look for in an
entrepreneur and the number one thing
that I encourage and I try and help
people develop his courage and the
reason that that’s important and it’s
very very important and it goes back to
Aristotle so Aristotle said courage is
the first virtue and the reason it’s the
first virtue is if you don’t have it
then you don’t have any virtue because
all these other things honesty integrity
you know whatever
don’t ever get activated if in when
they’re important if you don’t have
carts it’s easy to be honest unless it’s
gonna cost you your job or your marriage
or something you care about then it’s
hard to be honest so without courage
like you don’t have anything have
integrity you don’t have anything you’re
you’re just like the you’re a zero
character person and so when people who
are supposed to be coaching
entrepreneurs angel investors or feces
walk around giving anonymous tips to
like reporters about stuff they don’t
think is right like and those guys are
advising the people who I’m working with
like that really like you know that
that’s something that like piss me off
so like I’m not having it and like i’ma
call them on it and like they come at me
again you anonymous called me
anyway tomorrow I have learned that
courage is the most important attribute
of a great leader courage to dream big
courage of conviction courage to take
board decisions courage to go against
conventional wisdom and courage to
travel the road left travel being in and
making art in general is about bravery
it’s about taking chances it’s about
kind of walking down a more
uncomfortable path sometimes and that
that I always challenge myself to do
that even if it’s being foolish increase
your courage harden up a little bit take
a cold shower don’t always take a warm
shower acclimate your mind and your body
to doing things that are harder you know
one of my friends who’s one of the most
successful people in the young startup
but made a billion dollar valuation on a
company of five years whenever we’re
talking about new ideas we’re gonna do
next if I say oh that’s gonna be easy
why don’t we do that he says time
there’s no money in what’s easy focus on
these intangibles you know the ability
to have a ton of courage I didn’t invent
the new technology or a new material for
Voyager I stuck my neck out and applied
it without asking myself gee isn’t that
too dangerous or won’t that maybe not
work well of course it’s dangerous as
hell to make an airplane that if we’d
had a little bit of turbulence at
takeoff we’d have lost the airplane crew
if I’d have added two or three percent
more weight to it got off the end of the
runway in flame I encourage the view if
you are sitting on an idea whether it’s
on your laptop whether it’s in your
garage whether it’s in your basement
whether it’s in the back of your car
give it a shot right and the best advice
I ever received find out if your product
and cell
don’t let anybody talk you out of it
give it a chance try make it happen this
is our greatest asset as a nation and
one that we have to continue to
encourage you don’t have to go broke you
don’t have to bet everything on it but
you can start one day at a time taking a
chance and seeing if you two can build a
great company thank you guys so much for
watching I’d love to know how you get
more courage as an entrepreneur for me
it comes in two ways one sometimes when
I see a big project that can look too
scary that can look impossible but if I
break it down into smaller steps those
small steps don’t seem so impossible and
so haven’t occurred to that small step
is easier and then I get from here to
here to here to here and suddenly you
look back and you’ve taken giant leaps
forward the second thing that’s really
helped me get courage is I try to live
my life without regret I try to look
forward to when I’m you know 90 years
old and looking back on my life and do I
wish that I had said yes to the
opportunity or bet on myself at that
scenario and if I feel like I’m gonna
live with regret for the rest of my life
that gives me the courage to do
something even though I’m afraid and the
answer isn’t don’t be afraid it’s feel
the fear and do it anyway so wonder what
you think how do you get the courage to
be an entrepreneur and chase your big
dreams leaving the comments section
below I’m gonna join in the discussion
thank you so much for watching
continue to believe and I’ll see you
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