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Top 3 Things You Missed in Westworld Season 2 Ep. 2

so we’ll find another way
welcome to watching West world the
weekly show where we take a look at the
most fun and interesting moments
references and easter eggs in the newest
episode of HBO’s Westworld for this
episode we’re looking at season 2
episode 2 reunion that’s not a man alive
if you want more Westworld be sure to
check out our mojo talk series watch
club for episode breakdowns of season
two number three the last supper in this
episode Dolores and company pay a visit
to the Confederate O’s who are in the
middle of a late and quite extravagant
feast you have to forgive my man they’re
a little upset the reappearance of
the Confederate O’s are arranged in a
replica of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous
mural the Last Supper this has to mean
something and we have a few ideas as we
all know Jesus was resurrected shortly
after death and throughout the episode
Dolores mentions that she has killed God
as far as we know she’s actually killed
both her creators Ford and Arnold
therefore could this be hinting that
Ford or Arnold will come back from the
dead or maybe it’s just major Craddock
who immediately dies and comes back to
life you’re right we have toils in God’s
service long enough killed
number two immortality mr. retirement
party I couldn’t tell it’s more like a
coronation at the retirement party
flashback William and ellos have a very
interesting conversation Delos is
begrudgingly stepping aside so William
can take over the business
William claims this move doesn’t benefit
him at all
but Delos is not convinced it’s clear
Delos is sick and dying but that this
may not be the end and William assured
loz that all he needs is patience
arrangements been a perfect fit you
stepping down doesn’t help me at all not
me and I was told I mean I may not have
to things progressing with long usual
patience and some of us can afford to
have more patients than others it’s
possible that William has convinced
Delos that Westworld can save him
because seriously what else would they
be talking about maybe in a similar way
that Arnold was resurrected as Bernard
Delos also hopes to be resurrected as a
host some fans have theorized that Delos
lives on though not as he had hoped
trapped in the hosts body we call Peter
which would explain Abernathy’s extreme
reaction to seeing his daughter’s
photograph in season 1 doesn’t look like
number one William is the ultimate evil
why should I help you because it’s in
your nature and in a little time we have
left we’ve got a chance to see what
we’re really made off a glimpse of the
men we could have been in this episode
we learn a lot more about William both
past and present in the present we
learned that his ultimate goal is the
destruction of West world while
interestingly enough past William is
hell-bent on investing in it in the
present timeline William goes to pariah
to try to recruit alo’so in his gang but
Ford has already preempted the move and
programmed the gang to kill themselves
beyond making it harder for William to
get to a so called weapon well we don’t
know what Williams weapon is we do know
that he started building it very early
on have you ever seen anything Logan may
know more as in a bitter rant to Dolores
he says that his friends and colleagues
have lit the match that will exterminate
the human race
we don’t think Logan is talking about
the host uprising however we think Logan
knows that somehow William is the real
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