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Top 10 Worst School Rules Ever

rules are made to be broken especially
these ones miss Mosley there’s a
delightful seat here in the front of the
class welcome to and today
we’re counting down our picks for the
top ten worst school rules ever before
we begin we publish new videos every day
so be sure to subscribe for more great
content for this list well be
specifically looking at rules frequently
applied at school with a little reason
behind their implementation well what
can we do well number 10 no advil in
Locker illicit drugs obviously have no
place in school and sometimes
prescription and over-the-counter drugs
are abused by users as well so I figured
10 bucks a pill right we should put the
profit betweens you make almost 500
bucks without spending a nickel but
we’re at a loss for any example of an
individual abusing advil to get high
playing devil’s advocate perhaps the
biggest reason for this rule is to
prevent students from popping pills
disguised as headache relievers look if
anyone’s genuinely planning to pop a
xanax during school hours they certainly
won’t be doing it at their locker in
front of everyone and what’s the
consequence of this narrow-minded
regulation nothing on most days but
we’ll all encounter headaches and class
eventually and sadly a quick fix is not
within some schools boundaries I had a
headache so I assume you took the
recommended aspirin dosage for a
I didn’t try to kill myself
chewing gum in class mr. Morris we’ve
all been there an aimlessly wandering
hand traces the bottom of a chair and
next thing you know you’ve accidentally
touched gross old gum that was
recklessly placed there lord knows how
many days ago why would someone do that
perhaps because it’s the only way to get
rid of gum without swallowing it or
getting caught disposing of it in the
99 percent of people know how to chew
gum without distracting other people yet
it’s one of the most infamous rules out
there We the People demand an
explanation also a kinesthetic learner
who is a learner that likes motion would
find some comfort in the chewing motion
and there is some research that proves
it increases the blood flow to the brain
number 8 no piercings you pierced your
ears piercings are in ever popular form
of expression it’s utilized by both men
and women aside from a few extra minutes
spent at airport security there are few
valid arguments against them most high
schools will graciously allow stud
piercings but will effectively eliminate
the myriad of other choices available
school policy makes exceptions for a
sincerely held religious belief but
Ariana’s appeal was denied since pierced
tissue tends to close up quickly this
makes it difficult to remove piercings
during school hours the teachers think
this rule will stop us from channeling
our inner holden caulfield holding
coffee will tell what he really thought
about them only hates phonies more than
hey at least belly rings and certain
other choices should still be able to
fly under the radar you pierced your
navel number seven no hair dyeing what’s
the most common response to any school
rule rebuttal teachers follow the rules
and therefore you should too where are
your sleeves and what have you done to
your hair it’s called Punk thing is
there are certainly more than a few
teachers who dye their hair on a regular
basis according to an article in the
80% of American women use hair coloring
products but even half that number
nullifies any argument here just cuz a
teacher would choose brown over blue
doesn’t make their case any different
what’s worse compliance with this rule
may result in cutting off the majority
of your hair if informed after the fact
this is gonna look so much better you’re
gonna look like a man stuff like a
little girl
number six no cell phones we have zero
tolerance for cell phones in class so we
will get to know each other in detention
cell phone okay so this rule requires a
more nuanced look non-stop texting
during class can in fact be rather
distracting but many among us have had
our phones taken away if they’re simply
on during class
this means a faint vibration or ringtone
may result in detention the teacher has
a duty to instill order in his or her
classroom but this rigidity is a bit
over the top especially considering they
can be used as a learning tool why do
you all need cell phones educational if
a student’s phone usage gets in the way
of that action must be taken but perhaps
this rule should be dialed back a few
notches to a more reasonable level hey
Steve what time you watch the UFC fight
bro by the way you think Lisa would go
out with me please over there number
five no social media on school computers
a typical high school computers firewall
is strong enough to keep a would-be
Edward Snowden out possible what’s more
Facebook Twitter and YouTube are
typically not included in the green LED
sites before we begin children may I
remind you the school computers are not
to be used to access Principal Skinner
stinks comm Skinner sucks org or shave
the Skinner ddu we don’t always have
homework during free periods and study
halls which begs the question what
better use of this time is there than
catching up with friends family or our
favorite celebrities or better yet some
WatchMojo content but alas social media
likely won’t be showing up on school
computers anytime soon
meaning precious data must be used to
keep up to date with friends and family
during school hours just a minute you
know let’s do Apple quit number four no
wearing hats just like the style of it
and like I don’t know it just I’m not
just cool to wear it in the history of
state mandated education has any school
official actually explained the
rationale behind this rule in all
fairness the brim of a hat could be used
for cheating during an exam but that
just requires turning a hat around
collect hats is there a head lice
epidemic we’ve somehow missed is there a
killer gang whose secret symbol is every
baseball cap ever not a chance
perhaps this mother of all dumb school
rules was never given proper thought and
has been around for so long that people
number three seating charts the
sentiment behind most of these
frustrations is the tendency for these
rules to inhibit our freedom of
expression I’ll tell you how I feel
about school Geri it’s a waste of time
in a person’s teen years individuality
is of the utmost importance and a strict
rule is bound to suggest that we cannot
think for ourselves finding a seat in
class is one of the most basic concepts
out there yet a seating chart is
required in many classrooms the
daydreamer won’t pay attention more if
they’re like five feet closer to the
join us upfront he wanted us the class
overachiever won’t drop out because
they’re exiled to the back instead this
unyielding rule is bound to
unnecessarily take just a little more
personal freedom from students number
no food in class most of us learn to do
two things at once at a rather early age
and taking in information while eating a
snack is not exactly a mental feat to be
proud of conversely are we really
expected to believe that this would
impede our ability to learn food is
notorious for being allowed only during
the very brief time allotted for lunch
while at school mm-hmm that’s what I’m
talking about on top of this there is a
practically universal response by
teachers for chowing down in class did
you bring enough for everyone maybe
someone should stay after school and
write some new jokes I hope you brought
enough for everybody I didn’t know
there’s gonna be so many number one
can’t use the bathroom during class yes
what is it I need to go poo peas officer
Brady in school we go to the bathroom
before and after class oh Christ
how do your kids do it protip if you ask
to use the bathroom in college or the
real world everyone will look at you
like you’re crazy
that’s because few scenarios outside of
high school require permission for the
most basic of bodily functions worse yet
if it’s an emergency you may be required
to make your case if denied access upon
first request sure only allowing one
person to go at once kind of makes sense
but not being allowed near a toilet when
your bladder is about to burst is just
plain ridiculous schools embarrassing
enough without having to deliver a
30-point presentation on why you need to
go to the can their parents are trusting
us a supervisor students so my goal is
to keep all students supervised at all
times do you agree with our picks check
out these other great clips from
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