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Top 10 Worst Anime Conclusions

this is the way anime ends not with a
bang but a whimper
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top ten
worst anime conclusions before we begin
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for this list we’re looking at anime
that ended on a rather frustrating note
some of these shows are fantastic and
well worth watching but the climax could
have been better this goes without
saying but spoilers will be everywhere
number 10 big order order users possess
a special power that allows their wishes
to be realized unsurprisingly giving
this type of ability to an obnoxious
student leads to the great destruction
and countless dead people but way it was
his sister who done it all along
what a twist now big order is a pretty
far-fetched show hence ladies getting
pregnant from having their ears fondled
but the ending is infuriating
nonetheless after defeating God via an
ass Paul Agee uses his powers to fix
everything including the great
destruction yet this whole show was a
waste of time number 9 Tokyo ghoul route
a Tokyo ghoul struggled to properly a
Jap the long manga into 24 episodes
leaving a lot of the content on the
cutting room floor despite having such a
limited space the finale wastes
substantial amounts of time showing
characters dicking around instead of
providing closure
it ends with connect each carrying he
days body in his arms before coming
face-to-face with ARIMA and then they
cut no final battle none of the awesome
stuff that happened in the manga and it
really makes you wonder why they
deviated from the plot just to arrive at
a watered down version of the same
conclusion yes
number eight Alden oa0
Massa kana sonnets cutoff Alden oa0 set
itself up with several things that
needed to be sorted out by its
conclusion first of all how we going to
solve the conflict between the vers
Empire and the earth Union second house
lane gonna finally redeem himself and
third and obviously most importantly how
will the love triangle work out well the
show managed to bugger up all three
things the war just seems to fizzle out
slang gets his ass handed to him and
locked away in jail and instead of any
of the lads ending up with the princess
some character no one gives a shit about
does why they got to do my boy slain
like this number seven panty & stocking
with garterbelt you remember I’m a
reversion unless the second season is
finally created Panty and Stocking still
deserves a place on this list the series
had its ups and downs but you could
always count on the fallen angel sisters
to kick serious amounts of demon heinie
so after stopping the evil corset from
unlocking Hell’s Gate what happens and
after credits scene reveals stocking was
actually a demon all along for some
reason as a follow up is still yet to
happen this out of nowhere plot twist
made absolutely no sense
and ended an otherwise decent show on a
sour note number six future diary Wow
kind of sucks to see yourself like this
from the same mind that gave birth to
big order future diary stands as his
insane magnum opus Yuki is a spineless
loner who owns a diary that predicts the
future and gets thrown into a battle
royale against eleven other people
eventually winning and getting elevated
to the status of a god that you save you
well this sounds cool in theory the
anime spirals out of control towards the
end introducing time travel and
alternate dimensions I’ve heard our
performer let it go sure the OVA redials
hided us over a little bit but as for
the TV series ending the whole thing was
just overly convoluted and didn’t
satisfy on most fronts yeah
just whatever number five so leta
welcome to harsh reality children there
are no surprises here a powerful demon
who just happens to be the son of death
is apparently no match for a good dose
of courage so leta is a fantastic anime
for about 99% of its run with the ending
serving as the exception that position
suits a little weakling like you know
for its creative action sequences and
colorful cast solely to constantly
declares the importance of teamwork so
why is the final boss defeated by a
single unarmed character well the rest
of the cast watches from a distance
marker causes the powerful Ashura to
explode after punching him in the face
with the power of courage then it’s just
like madness number four a Remo oK we’ve
given this show way too much grief
lately so let’s break it down real quick
these two as siblings alright let’s move
number three Mobile Suit Gundam double-o
awakening of the trailblazer season one
ending perfect season two ending
satisfying the movie finale bad
everyone was hesitant when hearing that
aliens were being introduced into the
franchise for this film so in order to
silence the critics sunrise really had
to knock this one out of the park they
didn’t the whole thing feels completely
out of place with weird storytelling
decisions and series favorites being
killed off for absolutely no reason
wist of all the flowery ending is played
completely straight as the two warring
species realize this was simply a
misunderstanding and decided to work
together to achieve peace piss off
number two Mars of destruction the anime
that’s so bad it’s still bad the
practically nonsensical plot follows
Takeru who is the only person capable of
wearing a combat suit to defend Earth
from a Martian invasion while the stiff
animation and lifeless characters make
Mars of destruction a long sit the
hilarious ending takes the cake a huge
plot twist reveals that the Earthlings
were the real aliens all along centuries
ago the Martians conquered earth forcing
the remaining survivors to seek refuge
in space again
piss off number one Digimon Adventure Oh
epilogues work better in theory than in
practice and digimon serves as the
perfect example after defeating mallow
myotismon the story flash-forwards to
the year 2027 and shows what became of
the digidestined hey everybody game over
those 20 odd years the digital and real
world learned to coexist and everyone
now has a Digimon which kind of ruins
the appeal of being a chosen child the
heroes grow up to follow completely
mismatching career paths like Sora
becoming a fashion designer
so R&B or mana fashion designers be oh
man says the new line is just to die
aside from Matt’s aura Ken and Yoli all
the digidestined get married – nobody’s
meaning TK and curry didn’t end up
together which we can all admit is
so you can see we’re still having
adventures they’re just a little
different than the ones we used to have
when we were kids do you agree with our
pics check out these other great clips
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