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“Be in CONTROL of Your LIFE!” – Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) – Top 10 Rules

I have so many girls come out to me and
tell me that they want to be models
which is fine it’s not a bad thing I
just think there’s so much to do there’s
always gonna be people that don’t want
you to succeed or doubt you but again
like I didn’t really care my biggest
fear was failure and it’s ridiculous
because again the imperfections of human
are what makes us so great we need to
celebrate those things the motivation
whattcha top ten of belief nation what’s
up it’s Evan my one word is believe and
I believe in you I believe you have an
amazing gift inside you that I want to
see explode out onto the world so let’s
get your motivation to attend and get
you believing in you grab a snack and
chew in today’s lessons from a woman who
grew up with depression and dyspraxia
which is a neurological disorder of that
made it really hard for her to excel at
school to becoming an award-winning
fashion model and actress she’s Cara
Delevingne and here’s my take on her top
ten rules of success enjoy
all right let’s take things off with
rule number one my personal favorite
dream bigger there’s a lot of things I
want to do I always wanted to be a
director I think as well I have so many
girls come out to me and tell me that
they want to be models which is fine
it’s not a bad thing I just think
there’s so much to do I just went to a
wonderful talk about genetic engineering
and neuroscience and this man who is
giving the talk explained this is like
10,000 kids is from the age of 7 to 13
who are doing neuroscience they do these
competitions and wonderful things and
they’re doing things in your science
which haven’t been which weren’t done by
him until he was like 30 like how
quickly things like that are changing
and but they’re not there is an
awareness sport it’s cool stuff like
that like that sounds way cooler to me
than being a model but like no one
really knows about it and I just think
there are just so many things I always
say too cause I just dream just dream
bigger go for president just keep going
up astronauts I don’t know rule number
two is don’t chase numbers you guys like
curious about box office numbers and do
you use that to inform the size and
scale of the movies that you choose to
take the projects that you take going
forward to me well you spend or with
valerian especially you spend six months
making the film the afterlife at the
film of course you want people to enjoy
it you know you want people to count you
know but again for us as actors we don’t
have much control of what happens to the
film to me the most important bit really
is the you know the learning what you
learn how you grow the experience of it
what you kind of take away as an actor
who cares about box office numbers right
someone does rule number three give your
all models you’ve wanted to be actors
it’s been a hard transition sometimes
and I mean it’s been said that some
people and said I want to see who takes
yeah yeah with it did you find that
snootiness a little bit the procedure I
mean how did you to prevail again yeah
like if there’s always gonna be people
that don’t want you to succeed or doubt
you but again like I didn’t really care
cuz I knew how I know how I can work and
I know I’d give it my all so as long as
I do good work I know that that’s what
matters and like you know charlize
theron there are so many amazing
actresses who have been models and like
you know like hiring that movie monster
those are the kind of roles I want to
play like I want to be a real and roar
and just like ugly but not in a way it
just like everything rule number four is
learn to say no I had no concept of
saying no to anyone ever and this is one
of the most important show business
lessons actually learning how to say no
have you learned yet yes I think life
you should always experience things but
you should not you should say no I mean
it’s more about being control and not
being a puppet is what the most
important thing is and not doing
anything out and not doing anything for
anyone else apart from yourself rule
number five don’t take yourself
seriously my question was about modeling
do you feel like you can take it
that’s like saying can you take yes I I
mean no I find out I mean in in modeling
I find it hard sometimes to take it’s
here take myself seriously because it is
that thing of like and after about ten
times of doing that I have to go like an
we’re to like do it is that I like a
little bit of a nose to not see
ourselves because yeah obviously today
there’s a lot of going on we better
start laughing medicine of the world
rule number six is find your voice I
just want to inspire people young people
especially to follow their dreams and to
you they are into work hard and that
they can do anything they put their
minds to I’m glad that I had it that’s a
part in models being seen differently
but it’s that choice of how they want to
be seen I wanted to have voice and I
wanted to be able to make statements and
stick up the things I believe in and I
never wanted to just be a model anyway
that’s you know that’s how I kind of
live my life as the rules are kind of
stuck by rule number seven is run on
instinct is Margo or someone that you
can relate to in a nutshell
and that’s why I got the part because a
lot of the stories that she went through
in the book and all those kind of things
I’ve been food before and a lot of the
lines they’ve actually written in the
script I’ve said before she runs on the
instinct she just um she does what she
feels in the moment doesn’t really think
about the consequences then you’re like
that – yeah rule number eight don’t fear
failure I feel like my example and the
thing that I try and inspires to being
yourself is again with the thing with
Instagram and social media it does
become very contrived and controlled and
I think the most important thing is
can’t oppose that thing of be falling
over flat on my face because we all do
it it’s you know it’s okay to make
mistakes it’s okay to fail my whole
thing my biggest fear was failure and
it’s ridiculous because again the
imperfections of human or what makes us
so great we need to celebrate those
things what were you worried about
failing right now they’ve been good
enough out you know trying to pleat of a
major people pleaser really bother
people yeah
rule number nine surround yourself with
great people
I found yoga which was a huge thing for
me I didn’t cry a lot
I thought emotion as a kid was a
weakness I thought that if you are
emotional that like you know that’s like
a parent like just a silly thing to feel
and when I went to yoga I went I started
yoga as a superficial thing because like
I want to be flexible and fit you know
like cool yoga people are and I went in
to my yoga meet my guru yoga person and
and he was like why are you doing this
and I told him why and he sat me down
and we just started chanting and I like
I me not meant to be doing like whatever
so I was chanting also our angry with
myself no God and I broke through
something and I burst into tears which I
hadn’t done in years and I looked at him
and I was like what there’s wrong with
you how dare you you’re a monster why
would you do this and he was just
laughing at me that’s like you’re the
crazy man what is wrong with you and he
said if you hadn’t of cried I would have
been very worried
okay he was like and also you realized
that this is the first time you’ve
actually looked at me in the eye and the
reason why is because I knew when I
looked in his eyes that he saw through
me and he knew me and it freaked me out
but till this day I’ve been seeing him a
lot it’s like finding finding people
around you who have your best interest
at heart I had a lot of people around me
who were just after what I gave them not
like you know after like looking after
you and stuff so it’s about finding
people who care about you and support
and again I’ve now become them being
able to be a support for other people as
well so in turn that kind of goes around
and rule number ten the last one
that a special bonus clip for you from
Cara but before getting to that my
question that they today is around for
rule number one dream bigger do you
dream big enough do you have a big dream
and is it is it inspiring you on a daily
basis are you thinking a little bit too
small let me know leave in the comments
below thank you guys so much for
watching I believe in you I hope you
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one where it is much love
I’ll see you soon and enjoy the bonus
clip through growing up what I’ve
discovered is that this world is a very
vast a very wonderful beautiful one and
there are so many things to discover
but the most important journey I think
all of us will go through is the journey
in ourselves to find our truth to find
who we are and what makes us happy and
in our culture we are told that if we’re
beautiful if we’re skinny if we’re
successful famous if we fit in if
everyone loves us that we’ll be happy
but that’s not entirely true I’m gonna
start with a poem that I wrote when I
wasn’t very happy I actually wrote this
a year ago but again as if you know
depression it comes back it’s a
reoccurring thing that you can’t really
sort away anyway Who am I Who am I
trying to be not myself anyone but
myself living in a fantasy to bury the
reality making myself the mystery a
strong facade disguising the misery
empty bubbly on the point of emptiness
full to the brim of fake confidence a
God that will never be broken because I
broke a long time ago I’m hurting but
don’t tell anyone
no one needs to know don’t show all
you’ve failed always okay always fine
always on show the show must go on it
will never stop
the show must not go on but I know it
well I give up I give up giving up I am
lost I don’t need to be saved I need to
be found basically it’s kind of just
the same rate of caring thing of yeah
not knowing who you are the most
important work ever if you had to think
of one word that’s most important to you
or that sums you Apple that would be to
like a little beacon pay believe nation
if you want to know what the most
important one word is for Tony Robbins
Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey
and Howard Schultz I have a very special
secret video for you check the
description for details
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