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Top 10 Werewolf Movies

come here you friggin stupid dog they
are of wolf and man welcome to and today we’ll be
counting down our top 10 favorite
werewolf movies please be advised this
clip contains mature content number 10
Twilight series kicking off our list is
the teen angst ridden series in which a
girl is caught up in a love triangle
between a vampire and a werewolf
abandoning established mythology it’s
werewolves are super buff teens from a
Native American tribe who possess
shape-shifting powers okay so they’re
not conventional werewolves but this is
technically the best movie since
underworld to pit these creatures
against vampires both physically and
romantically I can’t believe we said
at our
number nine Dog Soldiers
now that we’ve pleased the Twihards
let’s showcase a werewolf lick that’s
strictly for the boys this horror
thriller takes everything we love about
werewolves and combines it with the
standard zombie genre set up we follow
some British soldiers as they take
refuge in a farmhouse when the beasts
come looking for chew toys as the
situation unfolds paranoid cabin fever
begins to set in as the soldiers begin
to question the loyalties of their ever
shrinking group
number eight bad mood
it’s lassie meets Terminator 2 a
family’s insanely loyal german shepherd
discovers a werewolf and protects its
owners at all costs as the
underdog in the fight we’re pretty sure
no other film features an all-out brawl
between dog and dog man
we dig the entire Beast versus beast
theme and love how the mother jumps in
to take a page from the book of Sarah
Connor and save her son
number seven Teen Wolf Michael J Fox
stars as a dorky teen who dreams of
dominating the basketball court and
getting the girl in probably the most
family-friendly where will flick on this
list his affliction is hereditary and is
triggered by puberty but instead of
ripping people apart as he should he
uses his powers to score yes that was
corny but we love it so sue us can you
do that
anytime you want uh yeah I guess so I
mean I just did number six
ginger snaps too much blood and I can
see you’re gone CH just do it it’s
another werewolf film that mixes budding
female sexuality with lycanthropy but
this time the focus is on two sisters
one of whom is pretty messed up even
before she’s bitten you gave it to Jason
you had unprotected sex and you infected
him oops replacing glisten with gore
this war flake respects the mythology
but devilishly uses the werewolf genre
to explore the themes of conformity and
alienation plus it has tons of gore this
cannot be overstated number 5 the
howling this loosely based on a novel
story follows a woman who has selected
amnesia and decides to stay at a
psychiatric cabin resort once there she
hears howls and begins to suspect that a
werewolf is lurking around like any dog
I ever heard honey you were raised in LA
the wildest thing you ever heard was
Wolfman Jack this is the country with a
twist ending that M night Shyamalan
probably wishes he wrote this is a
memorable werewolf lick as it was the
first to fully discard Hollywood
Standard Wolfman tale
what is this Wow what are you kids
watching the news Lea is turned into a
number four wolf in this film a book
publisher played by Jack Nicholson gets
bitten and uses his heightened senses
and strength to regain control of his
life and to eat muggers I’ve got about a
thousand dollars my wallet how much
would you like to borrow five dollars 10
coz the bull shouldn’t get me the one
only after falling in love does he
realized that his gift is a curse
unlike most werewolf movies it features
strong acting and a star who doesn’t
need any makeup to play a convincing
movie monster are you crazy
oh I’m just marking my territory and
you’ve gotten away number three Silver
Bullet this Stephen King adaptation has
become a beloved war or classic and
centers on a small town besieged by a
murderous monster Corey Haim plays a
paraplegic who discovers the truth and
goes on a quest to stop the hairy killer
the werewolf effects are pretty lame but
this is a movie with the right mix of
80s camp humor anticipation and of
course Gary Busey
number two the wolf man this wasn’t the
first werewolf film but it was the first
to make the moon monster as universally
recognized as Universal Studios as other
creatures Dracula and Frankenstein it
also introduced the concept of
vulnerability to silver while it seems
cliched now the tragic story of Lawrence
talbo remains the archetype of the genre
and the film still thrills with
convincing acting and a memorable
musical score along with haunting
atmosphere number one an American
Werewolf in London what the hell’s going
on here
don’t call an animal sir
taking the top spot on our list is the
unforgettable tale of an American
tourist who’s been bitten by a werewolf
and is urged by the ghost of his dead
friend to off himself before he becomes
an unstoppable murder machine timep it’s
a toast the greatest werewolf movie ever
it expertly balances comedy with horror
and features the greatest and most
graphic werewolf transformation ever put
to film
hmm runchy do you agree with our list
which is your favorite werewolf movie
for more entertaining top 10s be sure to
subscribe to oh nice wolf
um I’m gonna uh I’ll be right back okay
just uh take any calls oh boy
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