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Top 10 Weirdly Wonderful Will Ferrell Interviews

forget more cowbell we want more
interviews welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top ten weirdly wonderful Will
Ferrell interviews before we begin we
publish new videos every day
so be sure to subscribe for more great
content for this list we’re focusing on
the most hilariously original Will
Ferrell moments from late-night TV
appearances number 10 Ron Burgundy’s new
book for this interview Ferrell appears
in character as the legendary anchorman
Ron Burgundy he’s promoting a new book
written by him of course and it’s full
of nuances about getting through life
Ron shares some pearls of wisdom
explaining how human poo can be quite
valuable when you’re trying to survive a
South American prison riot
always keep your own poop in your cell
with you from there the interview gets
even more bizarre as burgundy proclaims
that America’s biggest problem is the
rise of ugly ugly babies babies have
gotten uglier in this country well I
don’t think it’s a fact Ferrell stays in
character the whole time to the
amusement of not only the audience but
of Conan and Andy as well number nine
Goulet during his Saturday Night Live
run Ferrell often portrayed the
entertainer Robert Goulet
for this late-night appearance he shows
up in character
it’s the improvised banter that stands
out most as will aka Goulet drifts in
and out of the conversation with his
drunken rambling courtesy of a Diablo
martini they call it a Diablo because it
gives you a devil of a good time not
only does Goulet incorrectly identified
conan as Johnny Carson he also shares
his non sequitur thoughts on life before
launching into a madcap cover of my
favorite things by the end Ferrell
nearly breaks character but refocuses
for some classic Goulet scatting number
eight summer of stache to celebrate the
summer of stache will comes prepared to
this interview sporting a manly man
mustache compared to Jimmy Fallon’s
traditional look Wills is a bit more
aggressive this comedic bit allows him
to comment on annoyingly talkative
airplane passengers I was jealous
summer stache yeah hashtag stash tag
it’s a hilarious lead-in for a more
traditional interview but not until
after a little audience participation
where will passes on his mustache to a
lucky member of the crowd will continue
saw stache but the veteran comedian
proves that he can still get big laughs
even without fake facial hair
number seven Danny Boy near the end of
David Letterman’s long time late-night
gig well made a festive appearance on
st. Patrick’s Day much like he did years
earlier on Late Night with Conan O’Brien
for this one he was not celebrating per
se but rather more concerned about the
danger of snakes but we forget that in
the fifth century the real st. Patrick
he chased all the snakes out of Ireland
so will keeps an almost comically
straight face as he delivers wildly
inaccurate statistics regarding
Manhattan snake attacks for the rest of
the interview will returns to his normal
self offering some comedic insight into
his brief stint playing Major League
Baseball trying to hit a nine
a fastball it’s next to impossible a
cherry on top however is most definitely
his closing performance of Danny Boy
number six extraña meant a mara-vee-oso
while promoting the movie Cassady me
Padre s diva India El Rancho de mi padre
say Becerra Aamir mono yummy well makes
an impressive late-night entrance on a
majestic wooden horse that’s pulled
onstage by a couple of shirtless ranch
hands that alone is pretty funny but
what makes this interview truly
memorable is the fact that Ferrell and
Jimmy Kimmel conducted the entire thing
in Spanish me español es perfecto como
de naranja in la biblioteca it’s a
unique late-night appearance as well
promotes his movie while simultaneously
infusing the bit with a touch of culture
as a result it is weirdly wonderful or
should we say extraño meant a
number five Twilight meltdown well I
don’t know if you follow the news at all
but there’s this actress Kristen Stewart
when Robert Pattinson and Kristen
Stewart broke up will had a hard time
containing his emotions
he’s obviously team r-pattz and like
many he realizes that the Twilight
franchise could be in jeopardy
and she’s broken up they’re not going to
get back together ever as the angry
movie fan
well taps into the mentality of pop
culture obsessives while channeling the
exaggerated emotional outbursts he’s
famous for it’s always a good thing when
Will Ferrell embraces his emotions on
live television and this moment
showcases his comedic versatility it’s
yet beautiful in its own special way
number four I’m Chad Smith for years
many people speculated that Will Ferrel
might actually be Chad Smith drummer for
the Red Hot Chili Peppers or vice versa
thankfully Jimmy Fallon helped clear
things up for everyone’s peace of mind
for this bit we’ll plays a full musician
character using off-kilter Rockstar
cliches and even dressing in the same
clothes as fellow guest Chad Smith Smith
and Ferrell play up their rivalry to
ridiculous proportions making the bit
even more surreal and surely perplexing
the average viewer tuning in midway
through the interview you said that you
as a character that you think that Will
Ferrel created called Chad Smith correct
yeah I was so pissed the bit culminates
in an epic Drum Off where we’ll
surprisingly and almost suspiciously
holds his own
number three animal expert well is a man
of many cultural interests as he proves
when he arrives on The Late Show stage
with a rifle before discussing his
guests new movie Zoolander 2
Stephen Colbert acknowledges the
elephant in the room leading to a
classic Will Ferrell spoof you know I’ve
just noticed you’re late you’re late
show is kind of new yep right yeah and
you you don’t really have an animal
expert yet he plays the friendly animal
expert a character that speaks with
confidence about things he clearly
doesn’t know much about she’s a short
spine Peruvian Mongoose during this bit
Ferrell introduces several exotic
animals although the exotic part is
debatable will creates a bizarre mix of
National Geographic style fun and
improvisational humor that even manages
to crack up Colbert what’s his name his
name cilantro number two professor
feathers um you you have a bird on your
shoulder it’s moving out of the back of
your collar for this late-night
well Ferrell is dressed to impress ready
to talk about his new movie get hard
everyone whether we’re born rich or poor
or white or miscellaneous but things get
awkward when will is forced to address
his personal life and acknowledge
professor feathers the bird on his
shoulder here’s the deal I’m happy to
come on your show
I’m happy to talk about the movie get
hard I’m happy to talk about you know
anything but I don’t wanna talk about my
personal life okay for this bit Ferrell
pokes fun at prickly demeanors of
serious actors using a literal cockatoo
as the foundation for some weird comedy
no I’m not angry I’m not angry at all
but there’s no reason to bring professor
feathers into any sort of conversation
plus it also allows him to make some
cockatoo jokes while criticizing Conan
for his offensive line of questioning
Will’s comedic timing is matched only by
Professor feathers himself who knows
exactly how to play to the camera before
we unveil our number one pick here are
some honorable mentions
what’s with the sighs I have just
started wearing women’s sunglasses it’s
a real conversation started yeah it’s so
great to see those little Russian girls
crying just oh my god I was just
laughing so hard I I was at a kid’s
birthday party and I didn’t have time to
wipe it off my face number one Little
Debbie sales pitches are a lot more
entertaining when they feature Will
Ferrell in a dress wearing a wig
underneath a delightful little hat will
uses his Tonight Show appearance as a
platform to advertise for Little Debbie
snack cakes well I have to wear it I’m
the new face of Little Debbie snack
with his posture and giddy demeanor
we’ll channels a variety of his most
memorable characters throughout the
interview he hilariously stays in
character and keeps pushing hard not to
promote his movie but to sell some
delicious Little Debbie snack cakes
tonight everyone in the audience has the
opportunity to go out and buy some
Little Debbie snack cakes given the
audience’s enthusiasm we’d say he
succeeded do you agree with our picks
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