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Top 10 Upcoming Single Player Games Coming Out This Year

singleplayer ain’t dead yet no matter
what you heard welcome to
and today we’re counting down our picks
for the top 10 upcoming single-player
games coming out this year this is too
good to be true for more gaming videos
check out our new spinoff channel mojo
plays for in-depth reviews thoughtful
video essays details character origins
and insightful commentary mojo plays
games smarter for this list we’re only
looking at games which are set for a
2018 release and have single-player as
their primary focus meaning those smash
brothers ultimate since that’s all about
number ten Mega Man 11 now I’ll show you
light everyone’s favorite blue bomber is
returning this year for the next main
entry in the Mega Man series goin strong
since 1987 while the core gameplay is
supposed to be the same run and gun
action platforming that we’re used to
the graphics are taking a modernized
departure from the pixels that have been
the staple of every other entry 11 will
be in 2.5 deep with smooth 3d character
models and environments but still
retaining the side-scrolling shooter
action the gameplay also has a new
element the double gear system allowing
Mega Man to have either increased attack
power or slowdown time depending on
which one he has equipped number 9
StarLink battle for Atlas an evil army
who wants to take over the universe
dangerous advanced technology belonging
to an extinct race interstellar
dogfights and fully customizable
spaceships StarLink battle for Atlas
already sounds pretty awesome admittedly
even before you add in the fact that on
the switch version you’ll be able to
team up with fox mccloud and his
trademark following while its toys to
life system could be a turn-off for some
hardcore gamers being that the toy
element is actually completely optional
and that again it’s got starfox in it
StarLink is definitely gonna make a big
splash install your joy cons on your
star link battle for Atlas mount
controller to slide in a pilot with
specific abilities you need and reach
just cause for
but the rules have changed the enemy
changed the real star of the Just Cause
series has never really been Rico
Rodriguez it’s always been the open
world that he screws up the upcoming
sequel takes this to the extreme once
again because it’s not just the player
who can destroy everything in sight the
game does this itself too this is thanks
to its all-new weather mechanics most
excitingly the realistic tornados that
will obliterate everything in their path
aside from re-enacting the beginning of
The Wizard of Oz however this also
promises to have a much larger and more
serious story than previous installments
meaning that just cause for might just
welcome to just gospel number 7
longtime fans of Koji Igarashi will be
pleased to know that this spiritual
sequel to Castlevania is expected to
release later this year bloodstained has
both an intriguing story and solid
gameplay taking 2d platformer elements
from a garages previous Castlevania
titles as well as their gothic
supernatural concepts basically it’s
just a new Castlevania game but they
couldn’t get the rights so what else do
number six Dragon Quest eleven echoes of
an elusive age it was actually released
in July of 2017 in Japan but Western
audiences have had to wait this long to
get a glimpse of a playable Western
version finally a release window for
this easy to pick up JRPG has been
announced and it’s coming to PlayStation
4 and Microsoft Windows this September
the reason the Western release is taking
so long is because the developers are
taking extra care with their Japanese to
English translations as well as adding a
full voice cast which the Japanese
version did not have with as in mind
Dragon Quest 11 is definitely going to
be worth the wait for fans
Lara Croft’s chaotic adventures continue
this September with the third game in
her rebooted series shadow of the Tomb
Raider while exploring South America
Lara inadvertently begins the Mayan
apocalypse which then she of course has
to reap revenge all while trying to put
an end to the evil paramilitary
organization Trinity fans of the first
two games should be pleased to hear that
this new game will build upon both of
them complete with bow and arrow hunting
crafting and a lot of dudes stabbed in
the neck number four
Pokemon let’s go Pikachu and let’s go
fans of both Pokemon go and the more
traditional Pokemon RPGs this game is
for both of you the next two games in
this ever popular franchise
let’s go Pikachu and let’s go Eevee will
be coming to the Nintendo switch and
will provide brand new ways to play the
control scheme means that players can
play the entire game with just one of
the switches joy Kahn’s
allowing for fully integrated co-op but
the coolest thing about them is that
there’s an exclusive pokeball plus
controller that you can buy letting you
truly feel like a pokemon trainer
keypoint try not to throw it sounds like
there’s already one inside number 3
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey before you I
see a BA the series returns to its
yearly release cycle with the newest end
maybe biggest one yet it’s the closest
to a classic role-playing game that
Assassin’s Creed has ever beat with
players able to choose between a male or
female protagonist Alexios for Cassandra
right from the beginning and earning
stats as they explore ancient Greece at
the dawn of modern civilization it has
the biggest map in an AC game so far and
will even feature branching dialogue
trees and different quests and
consequences depending on your choices
in certain ways it may look like your
traditional AC but we have no doubt that
it’ll be an incredible game nonetheless
but your enemies have abilities of their
own and will challenge you like never
number 2 Spider Man aka Spider Man ps4
why is he letting everyone out I’ll head
for the main control center and see how
bad the situation got it
I’ll go join the party during his
lifespan as one of Marvel’s most beloved
superheroes spider-man has unfortunately
had quite a few stinkers when video
games are concerned however his upcoming
ps4 title looks anything but a stinker
spider-man is set to revitalize the
story driven superhero genre it’s gonna
have the most advanced web slinging
mechanics of Eddie spider-man game to
date – allowing players full freedom
where they go and what they do as New
York City’s flagship hero the fount
wasn’t enough the plot hinges on Peter
having to take down some of his biggest
pose obviously as they staged a mass
before we unveil our topic here if your
ready to engage we have to unite as one
otherwise we’ll never make it across the
number one Red Dead Redemption two maybe
when your mother’s finished mourning
your father now keeper in black on your
2010 gave us rock stars original Western
epic Red Dead Redemption and 2018 is set
to bring us it’s equally epic prequel
you play as a new protagonist arthur
morgan who is a member of the van der
Linde gang and the right-hand man of
dutch himself the game will follow the
gang in the year 1899 right at the end
of the age of cowboys guns layers and
the frontier lifestyle of Yule west it
maintains the previous games honor
system as well as bringing back the
much-loved train heists but most
importantly it’ll almost certainly have
a gripping story to match its
you have my bag oh do you agree with our
picks check out these other great clips
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