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Top 10 Unlikable Movie Characters

douchebag alert oh yeah that’s what we
call a sack lunch
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
most unlikable movie characters how much
money you got on well how much you want
Beth ever watched a film and wondered
what was getting on your nerves well
chances are some of those irritable
itches were thanks to these guys you
done good old timer we’re happy for you
yeah we are for the record we’re not
saying these are bad characters or that
the actors put on bad performances more
likely quite the opposite
thank you they’re so good at being bad
that we can’t bear to like them or
forget them prove enough Condor is mine
and no others
number 10 Johnny Lawrence the karate kid
who told you Johnny and Matt I thought
they broke up he did hate it he’s your
typical pain-in-the-ass jock that takes
a disliking to you for seemingly no
reason and then continues to show up out
of the blue to ruin your day
johnny is the school bully cliche that
our hero Daniel must overcome
after moving away from the big city oh
you want us to learn karate well there’s
your first lesson try to take away
the Cobra Kai practitioner soon becomes
Danielson’s nemesis in the all-valley
karate tournament from going out of his
way to beat up the Karate Kid to
branding a smug little smile on his face
this guy just grinds on you you couldn’t
leave all on the floor cut you little
swirl no I have to push it gonna pay
number nine captain Vidale Pan’s
although hardly a PG rated family
delight most of the characters in Pan’s
Labyrinth seem to have clear paths and
values be they absurd or a little crazy
yo si ahi poke again okay mijo Nath
cannon Espanyol in pain you Ava porque
esta gente parte luna de Chivo cada a
somos todos e Wallace captain Fidalgo is
totally unpredictable attacking anything
and anyone okay he is an extreme Falange
s but also sadistic and murderous from
start to finish so it can be hard to
figure out whether we feel complete
disgust or pure fear towards him I can
keep you know voy a poner Concannon t
pero cuando código sorry stow me
vasudevaya una either way he’s
definitely got few redeeming qualities a
bravado see cuentas hasta tres CU
entity’ tam moodier te puedes ear number
eight sac lodge wedding crashers John
this is this is my boyfriend sac
fella you know egotistical nutbar with a
sleazy womanizer and down-and-out
cheater yup can problem with that not
nearly as much as I do with the attire
that you have on there are so many
excuses to dislike this guy just relax
you’re scared alright alright
sack lodge plods along throughout this
rom-com by double-crossing anyone he can
whenever he can just to get what he
Claire gets your I get ass in that auto
right now especially when it comes to
our two protagonists his sweater vest
wearing background also gives him an
upturned I’m better than you persona yet
another glowing quality they crash
weddings they crash wedding so they can
sleep with girls everything that they’ve
told us is a complete fabrication
seriously this guy shoots Vince Vaughn
in the ass because well he can Oh number
seven warden Samuel Norton this
Shawshank Redemption I mr. Norton the
warden you are convicted felons that’s
why they’ve sent you to me we’ve all
worked under a boss man like this right
but you trust in the Lord your ass
belongs to me
a guy who claims he’s giving you amazing
opportunities when all he’s really doing
is just exploiting your talents well
that’s warden Norton for you for timid
Andy Dufresne prison life is a nightmare
so the ruthless Norton decides to use
the inmates financial skills in exchange
for his protection be just as indicted
was you for laundering that money this
way Norton can play the puppeteer by
hanging the horrible threat of prison
reality over Andy’s head if the former
banker doesn’t play by the wardens rules
they play open this door turn at all
number six Draco Malfoy the Harry Potter
franchise Draco Malfoy’s odd Draco good
my name is funny dude from day one we
knew Draco was gonna be a problem what
with his simply taking a disliking to
Harry and his friends Joe
cuz they were different it’s true then
the sang on the train Harry Potter has
come to hold your the years we see him
easily manipulated by the evil realms of
magic and trying to knock the titular
wizard off his pedestal at every turn
didn’t mommy ever tell you it was rude
to eavesdrop Potter
be it through head-to-head battles or
displays of public embarrassment she was
dead before you could want the drool off
your chin
we know Dolores Umbridge was annoying
but at least her dress sense made us
laugh I’m sure we’re all going to be
very good friends that’s likely number 5
bill Lumbergh office space hello Peter
what’s happening ah we have sort of a
problem here everyone has a boss that
they claim ignores them and neglects
their needs
well this guy is the epitome of that
yeah um I’m gonna have to go ahead and
sort of disagree with you they’re
floating around the office coffee mug in
hand bill Lumbergh loves to catch
employees right before they’re leaving
to hand out weekend tasks we’ve all been
there right so if you could be here
around 9:00 that would be great okay but
it’s the ignorant way he does this in
this comedy that makes him such an
unlikable douche plus he never seems to
do any work and has quite a monotonous
way of speaking we’re gonna need to go
ahead and move you downstairs into
storage be that could some new people
coming in
we need all this space we can get number
four nurse ratchet One Flew Over the
Cuckoo’s Nest so does anyone care to
touch on this further so-called agony
aunt and nurse to the patient’s of a
mental institution
Mildred ratchet is constantly upsetting
embarrassing and putting the residents
of her ward in their place close the
window and lock the screen right all
this just so she can live her day-to-day
as quietly as possible but a veritable
clash of titans occurs when a certain
rebellious Mac arrives as he soon makes
it known that she may have met her match
well I have to disagree with you mr.
these men are members of the war just as
you are
not only does nurse ratchets attitude
hinder any possible recovery for the
patients but her emotionless face can
really get under your skin I want an
answer to my question
did he leave the grounds of the hospital
number three Percy Wetmore the Green
Mile anybody doesn’t like it hmm you
kiss my ass this guy is very very very
very annoying
Eddie O’s chief drop us a card from Hale
let’s know if it’s hot a backstabbing
wannabe authority figure that everyone
seems to take an instant disliking to
that is perceived Wetmore you’ve been
declared competent huh you know what
that means
means you gonna ride a light on the
Green Mile
there are some guards such as Tom Hanks
Paul Edgecombe that show a certain
hospitality and mercy to inmates but not
Whitmore just thought you should know
his heinous character is embodied
perfectly when he stands on an inmates
pet mouse purely to upset him and of
course there’s his intentional watching
of an execution I didn’t know this bone
you’re supposed to be way
number two mrs. Kaur Modi the mist I
have a friend God up above I talk to him
every day forcing your beliefs onto
people is one thing doing it during the
apocalypse while wielding a Bible and
mercilessly sending people to their
deaths is a whole different kettle of
fish and time has come
not in flames but in mist coming with a
deadly mist outside the grocery stores
doors people are scrambling for an
explanation what does mrs. Carmody’s
it’s God’s wrath there is one God the
God of the Israelites and he is a stern
and vengeful God and we have been
mocking him far too long and now he
demands retribution in blood as well as
trying to enforce her radical beliefs
she seemingly devises reasons based
loosely on prophetic messages for
numerous people to die we are being
for what for going against the will of
God for going against his forbidden
rules of old she’s a religious pain in
the ass from start to finish
you’ve done that to yourself by a life
of sin and dissolution before we reveal
our number one pick here are a few
honorable mentions let me show you how
we do it in the pros you think you are
wise Mithrandir
yet for all your subtleties you have not
wisdom it’s absurd
it’s a ship if there’s only so many
places she could be Lovejoy I find her
Oh McFly your shoes are dying huh oh I
saw a doll a ball McFly I’d want to see
you win here alright bye bye
I did what I had to do the father had
his way the Empire would have been torn
apart number one
Commodus gladiator what did you feel and
he saw a guy who kills his father and
another guy’s entire family out of pure
jealousy yep
gladiators Commodus makes our number one
after the son of Marcus Aurelius
destroys the life of Roman general
Maximus said soldier vows revenge and
uses the gladiatorial stage in Rome to
get closer to him father to a murdered
son husband to a murdered wife and I
will have my vengeance as well as being
a typical villain it’s Commodus is sly
demeanor gutless acts of violence and
the fact that he ultimately gets other
people to do his dirty work that gets
the thumbs down from us that makes us
brothers doesn’t it
smile for me now do you agree with our
what movie character winds you up people
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