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Rescuing the Wagon | The Pioneers

watch it oh whoa whoa having salvaged
what they could from the muddy depths of
their former settlement the six pioneers
are now focused on retrieving their only
vehicle the wagon you see then going
wrong though just tell me I’ll stop it
goes really bad you go that way I’m
going this way okay we’re getting out of
it here we go do it watch it and was
able to hook a long rope onto the back
of the wagon and then March and I were
to hook that up to the team of horses
using a double tree watch it if I was
driving the horses marshals hold on to
the double tree and then andrew is
steering the wagon out with the tongue
on the other side watch it all right hey
works guys good job guys I was so smooth
all of you guys very proud of these guys
it was a real team effort to get that
done we’ll need to clean all this
awesome and really see if there’s any
damage I mean there’s so much mud on it
right now it’s hard to even tell getting
the wagon onto dry land calls for
celebration but it’s only the first step
in getting themselves ready to travel to
a new homestead
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