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Top 10 Underrated Movie Villains

join us today as we shine the spotlight
on the dark side of poison captain don’t
bite down son of a bitch who sent you I
want a name welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top ten underrated movie villains my
father once said to me you don’t choose
the things you believe in they choose
you for this list we’ll be looking at
movie bad guys and gals that showed
themselves to be perfectly malicious
counterparts of the main characters but
for some reason you rarely if ever hear
about these people when someone’s
discussing the best villains of all time
we may be revealing a few plot points in
this one so a spoiler alert is in order
failing to prevent Earth’s salvation
is your only child number 10 mama
dread but does her magnet matter of all
a KA mama we know what some of you are
thinking but no she is not judged Reds
in fact Madeleine Madrigal is the
ruthless leader of her own drug gang MA
what are we gonna do how ruthless is she
well she has her own unique way of
sending her victims to their due skin
him toss him over the Belkin hit him
with a little slo-mo first sure she
won’t decapitate you or make you drink
bleach no no instead she forces you to
inhale a drug called slow mo which makes
you feel like the world around you is
moving in
well slow motion then she tears the skin
straight off your body
yikes if there’s anyone out there who
still thinks a woman can’t be a
terrifying villain they’ve clearly never
met mama you’re a piece of work
then sell mine
number nine Professor Henry Jarrett
House of Wax
Jarrod is dead I am a reincarnation
there’s no reason anyone should be
afraid of going to a museum
unless you’re visiting Henry Jarrod’s
House of Wax Museum that is he may seem
like a great artist at first but try
visiting his museum after hours if you
want to learn what he’s all about
it’s Cathy’s body under the wax I knew
it I knew it all the time
Jarrod’s art consists of human corpses
that he covers in wax and makes them
look as if they are happy mannequins in
a shopping mall window the head enhanced
ended by my own secret process or
attached to the body after it is covered
with its skill of way what’s worse is
that Jarrod’s own face is made up of wax
to hide his burned flesh underneath this
guy gives creepy old men a bad name you
there wax but to me their creator they
live and breathe
number eight Count Olaf Lemony Snicket’s
A Series of Unfortunate Events now that
we’re family I can make it up to you I
can be the Oh dad the best part about
this role is that a funny man we all
know and love portrayed it Jim Carrey
this is a little piece I like to call
mr. chair Carey may never have read any
of the a series of unfortunate events
novels before this but he went so far as
to shave his head bald
so makeup application would be easier to
play the mysterious fatty stiphu
consents that I have the vote you know
Count Olaf meanwhile is twisted
conniving and a Sly Fox with many tricks
up his sleeve all I ask in return is
that you do each and everything pops
into my head while I enjoy the enormous
fortune your parents left behind trying
to swindle the Baudelaire kids out of
their fortune
Olaf shows himself to be a master of
disguise and is really innovative when
it comes to getting what he desires all
of which lends him here
what’s gonna make number seven was Mad
Max – the road warrior you know that one
person that dislikes you and does
whatever it takes to get on your nerves
that’s who our hero max has to deal with
when it comes to weds yo you forgotten
what a shot I although he is a
subordinate to the even more crazed
leader Lord humungus was proves that he
is deranged and bloodthirsty enough to
play by his own rules we go and wait out
watching him and Max battle is like
watching someone’s evil conscience fight
the good conscience the drive to fight
the spirit of survival and the killer
instinct in these two are so similar
it’s hard to think of one without
thinking of the other number six
Walter Finch insomnia not who you think
I am
if you want to learn how to always be
one step ahead of your enemies take
lessons from Walter Finch you know show
we know how easy it is to kill somebody
when trying to get the suspicion of
committing a murder off his back
Finch played by Robin Williams
constantly has to avoid the authorities
specifically Al Pacino’s will dormer no
evidence that I killed Kay you only know
it cuz I told you what I saw on that
beach come on what’s wrong with you
although Finch may look like an innocent
man that would never harm anyone you’d
be surprised what this man is capable of
I killed her
it just ended up that way he evades
Dormer in a heart racing foot chase and
ends up getting into a climactic
shootout with him afterwards got a wild
card well you gotta give him props
though he does what’s necessary to avoid
jail time you’re gonna point them at me
well you found out what Kay’s dress was
hmm number 5 Adrian Veidt Ozymandias
watchman the world will survive and it
deserves more than you’ve been able to
provide once in a while you’ll find that
there are superhero movie villains that
are actually likable you can do so much
we can save this world Ozymandias fits
right into that category with many fans
of the neo-noir film adaptation of the
comic book series arguing that he
commits evil for good reasons
a world united in a piece had to be
no you haven’t idealized mankind but
you’ve deformed it his plan is to unite
the United States with the Soviet Union
in peace but for this to happen he has
to go to extremes let’s say killing
millions to save billions
tricking the entire world into thinking
you’re a positive and courageous leader
is something
any fellow villain would be proud of
this man is criminally underrated
superpowers are treating from law see
the earth from Hell number four ESMA the
Emperor’s New Groove hey came out of
town and finished the job now you may
think about the previous entries and ask
yourself how is an animated villain on
this list well yzma was so impressively
portrayed that Eartha Kitt earned two
Emmy Awards for voicing the character in
the subsequent TV series based on the
film hold any who is Moe was kuzco’s
advisor but was fired for pretending to
be the Empress whenever Kuzco was away
oh by the way you’re fired
fired what do you mean fired to get back
at her former boss he’s matriz to poison
him well that’s certainly one way to get
back at someone who put food on your
if you drops in his drink then he’ll
propose a toast and he will be bitten
before music which is a real shame
because it’s gonna be delicious she’s
witty has a yearning for power and is
actually very amusing
you know evil ways aside now is the last
time we take directions from squirrel
number three Clarence Boddicker Robocop
this man is the perfect example of why
you should not pick on people who wear
glasses because you will regret it
sayonara robo cop Clarence Boddicker is
the main reason why Robocop even exists
seeing as how he and his gang unleashed
a barrage of bullets on Detroit
Alex Murphy moniker is a narcissistic
and ruthless man who takes pleasure in
seeing others pleading for their lives
he also feels that he is invincible and
that absolutely no one can hurt him hey
wait a minute wait a minute I’m
protecting man I’ve got protection
think twice before you double-cross this
villain because he will gladly take your
life away and have lots of fun while
doing it dumbass
ba ba baby number 2 Owen Davian mission
impossible 3 oh that was nothing that
fun has anyone’s heart ever been so cold
during mr. davian’s journey to receive
an object that he plans to sell for
millions of dollars he lets nothing and
no one stop him
yo my wife girlfriend it’s up to you how
this goes because you know what I’m
gonna do next I’m gonna find her whoever
she is I’m gonna find her and I’m gonna
hurt her no types of interrogation
skills work on this guy as he doesn’t
even budge when Ethan threatens to throw
him out of an airplane unless he reveals
the object’s location
one of the most heart-pounding scenes in
the film is when Davian makes ethan
believe he killed his wife by shooting a
woman in cold blood directly in front of
him No
no.10 go heartless but magnificently so
before we unveil our number one pick
here are some honorable mentions I have
a rendezvous with death
Oh and so does the president I’m going
to let her die I just wanted you to know
that shit means you don’t apart from you
they’re the most stupid creatures on
this planet
they don’t plot they don’t scheme I
think I’m not organized kill a few
people they call you a murderer kill a
million and you’re a conqueror you just
blew the best thing you got going for
you just blew the element of surprise
surprised number one captain Vidal Pan’s
Labyrinth no agenda okay Tommy with a
feel for a film to win three Academy
Awards you know it must have had some
fantastic characters one of those
characters is Captain Badal the
stepfather to the main character of
badal takes pride in his job of hunting
Republican rebels and shows absolutely
no mercy for his targets torture and
murder are just two of this man’s
badal shows just how gruesome he truly
is with what he does to Ophelia at the
end of the film
ultimately he meets his demise but while
alive he proved that he was the devil on
Natalija deorum oreo su padre pio
si quiere Sobrato
do you agree with our list
I don’t know I’m inside yet which movie
villain do you think doesn’t get enough
praise thank you
four more villainous top 10s published
every day be sure to subscribe to well I guess we’re gonna
be friends after all
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