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How to Eat VEGAN and INSPIRE People!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again seven-day vegan challenge someone
wrote in saying what’s the best way
vegans can wake other people up who are
still eating me we even had breakfast
yet can I get a hello there is it the
good old shock treatment sending them
documentaries like Earthlings and
slaughterhouses and blood everywhere oh
my gosh or is it the really kind and
compassionate way well I’ve been a vegan
for over 11 years and I’ll tell you
point blank you got to use a mixture of
both that is the best way to really get
your message your vegan message out
there but you see a lot of us are just
one way either we attack people we
really go in with a lot of heavy energy
and we think ok I’ve got their attention
no you haven’t they’re just afraid of
you they just want to go away or some
people are really extreme and just super
compassionate like yeah yeah and then
once again people are like oh they’re so
cute I’ll just continue eating this when
you use the mixture of both the
compassion with the hard-hitting message
then it’s beautiful and that’s what I’ve
done and a lot of people say gosh
because of you I became a vegan thanks a
lot where’s the royalty check Hey look
at it like this people get inspired when
they see the results in you you don’t
have to literally hold someone off a
balcony and say become a vegan I can’t
breathe now you don’t have to do that
they’re gonna see cuz you’re gonna look
better you’re gonna look sexier more
handsome you’re gonna be glowing that
vitamin A you’re gonna be full of energy
and they’re gonna be like what’s the
secret and you’re gonna be like no meat
no dairy and they’re going to be like
okay people get inspired by your example
so once again use both be really kind
and then be real nasty have the mixed
you have the balance breathing in that
good Astana baby well here infinite
waters seven-day vegan challenge was
good I love you guys diving deep once again stay well stay healthy peace

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