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Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Glass

this video is brought to you by glass
with a never-before-seen alternate
opening and deleted scenes watch now on
digital on blu-ray and 4k ultra high def
April 16th after 19 years and night
welcome to 10th every day
so be sure to subscribe to our channel
and ring the bell to get notified about
our latest videos for this list we’re
looking at the most fascinating details
and easter eggs relating to M night
Shyamalan glass we’ll be touching on
plot elements from glass split and
unbreakable so consider this your
spoiler alert number 10 it’s filled with
comic book references as glass tries to
redefine the superhero genre it also
pays plenty of respect to comics as a
whole mr. glass also talks about
creating done superhero persona much
like how Joe Chill inadvertently created
Wallace Joyce that’s fine just take it
easy all the superhumans have unusual
weaknesses – with done experiencing
water like its kryptonite and Kevin’s
vulnerability to his name recalling mr.
twice several fans have also compared
mr. glasses awakening to the Dark Knight
Returns when a comatose Joker returns to
crime after hearing Batman’s name along
with dozens of on-screen comics and
references to DC and Marvel glass honors
its roots without being obvious about it
number nine it was shot in a real
psychiatric hospital I specialize in
those individuals who believe they are
superheroes good for you rather than
building a set in a studio glass filmed
in an actual psychiatric institution to
establish their look for dr. staples
evaluations M night Shyamalan used the
Allentown State Hospital in Pennsylvania
the building had been closed back in
2010 though it looked state of the art
within the movie Allentown locals were
hired as extras Shyamalan grew up in
Pennsylvania himself and had previously
filmed scenes for signs and the sixth
sense in nearby counties given that much
of the film took place in a hospital it
helped that the crew used an authentic
location number 8
Shyamalan considers it to be the first
truly grounded comic book movie
everything extraordinary can be
explained away and yet it is true in his
announcement panel for glass at Comic
Con M night Shyamalan made the bold
claim that it would be the first really
grounded comic book film glass gives its
heroes and villains only moderately
impressive abilities like enhanced
strength intelligence and climbing
skills in fact the relative mundaneness
of these powers leads the movie’s
characters to question whether they’re
really superhuman at all
Shyamalan stated that this was part of
his overall style where the supernatural
starts to feel almost rational as a
realistic take on powers vigilantism and
violence blasts explored comics in a way
few have tried before it will have
limits this is the real world
– and yet some of us don’t die from
bullets some of us can still bend steel
number seven the 24 personalities my
name is Patricia I have no question
there are two dozen identities that live
in that body with you to be it’s coming
any minute now for you yeah on top of
his animal-like abilities as the Beast
Kevin Wendell crumb is best known for
the numerous personalities who inhabit
his mine in split we met the childlike
Hedwig the level-headed Barry the
callous and perverted Dennis and the
polite but malevolent Patricia it’s good
it’s complicated
we also glimpsed Jayden Orwell but in
glass we get to see 20 out of the 24
personalities that crowd Kevin’s head
absolutely no idea what I’m doing here
this is possible thanks to lights in his
room that forced him to switch
personalities keep a look out and you’ll
notice that the room also has a large
collection of toothbrushes for each
personality number six M night Shyamalan
ha Milan’s appearance in glass was not a
one-off affair since he also showed up
in unbreakable and split
while each cameo seemed innocent
individually glass established M night
as the same character in all three films
in unbreakable Shyamalan portrayed a
druggie whom done confronts at a
sporting event for split
he played J a landlord with some messy
habits glass sees J walk into Dunn’s new
security shop and recognize him on the
spot J even talked about a shady past
before he discussed his dead tenant from
the events of split by turning these
small cameos into a subtle character arc
Shyamalan brought more intrigue to the
trilogy as a whole yeah how’d you know
the trash would be spilled how can I say
this J you’re not the most meticulous of
people number 5 the movie was originally
supposed to be over three hours long no
the movie was three and a half hours
long at awake that can’t be easy since
it had been 19 years between the release
of glass and unbreakable M night
Shyamalan wanted to recap his story this
meant grass originally had several
scenes that reminded the audience of
past events and explained the details of
Kevin’s personalities before this
material was cut from the movie the
original runtime spans three hours and
20 minutes
Shyamalan mentioned an extended
flashback for Kevin and the Horde as
well but he eventually felt that their
introduction through Patricia worked
just as well
after Shyamalan removed all the
exposition the two hours and nine
minutes we were left with worked well
number four
James McAvoy based one of Kevin’s
personalities on Saoirse Ronan her voice
is it was based on my memory of sarah’s
when she was 11 no how’s your sentence
now and probably not how she sounded
then but my memory of her voice then
which was high and full of she was sharp
and she was just full of life each of
Kevin’s personalities grew from defining
characteristics that James McAvoy built
on over time one of these people however
was inspired by a twelve-year-old
Saoirse Ronan McAvoy specifically
focused on Ronan’s character in 2007’s
atonement in which they co-starred
I want to thank you for saving my life I
will be eternally grateful to the Horde
personality was framed around sir she’s
lively cadence when speaking rather than
her accent though James never named the
specific personality that Ronan inspired
he did say it was quote one of the twins
while adapting Ronan was certainly a
strange choice it gave fans another
detail to obsess over on repeat viewings
number three each character’s color
symbolizes something glass gave each of
its characters a unique look through
character specific lighting and wardrobe
colors but they were more than just
visual flair mr. glass wore lots of
purple due to its royal associations
since glass saw himself as a genius
leader done on the other hand was filmed
with plenty of green for its life-giving
connotations yellow tones were used for
the Horde based on their use in various
Eastern religious traditions this was
due to the Beast Savior complex as he
sought to save the broken as great as
the different hues were as a stylistic
choice they also helped Shyamalan give
more depth to its characters today is
your coming-out party at least you know
number two glass features footage shot
for unbreakable unbreakable x’ deleted
scenes weren’t wasted the old footage
was recycled into glass in order to
flash back to a younger David Dunn and
his son Joseph their conversation in
which Joseph reveals that he’s
discovered his father’s secret identity
for shadows Joseph’s sidekick role at
the start of glass by recycling the
footage Shyamalan saved himself extra
filming and also avoided the hit or miss
results of D aging and recasting
characters in flashbacks given the
massive time gap between unbreakable in
glass he must have been pretty happy he
hung on to it
and lashes challenged over the years
he’s given up number one it’s a trilogy
nineteen years in the making
between unbreakable split and glass the
east rail 177 trilogy has been 19 years
in the making
although split was marketed as a
standalone film it was revealed to be a
mr. class
he was originally supposed to be part of
unbreakable to with one scene showing
done bumping into the Horde at a train
station in hearing chaotic voices
executives and even James McAvoy himself
weren’t aware that split was a sequel
until later in its production my name
I have read that Shyamalan has suggested
that unbreakable was always part of a
trilogy but that Studios didn’t want
more hero films at the time despite a
long wait for the stars to align and
night finally got to make the trilogy he
wanted it all makes sense in a comic you
know how you can tell who’s the arch
villain is going to be he’s the exact
opposite of the hero and most times
they’re friends like you and me I should
have known way back win you know why
David because of the kids
this video is brought to you by glass
with a never-before-seen alternate
opening and deleted scenes watch now on
digital on blu-ray and 4k ultra high def
April 16th
check out the glass trailer and be sure
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