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Top 10 Things You Missed in Captain Marvel

Carol Danvers has landed welcome to Tamar Bell before we begin
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for this list we’re taking a look at
references and little details you might
have overlooked in Captain Marvel’s
debut we’d suggest seeing the film
before watching this video because there
will be spoilers number 10 90’s
throwbacks remember when they were
blockbuster videos and radio shacks on
every street corner in 1995 it was
impossible to imagine a world without
these retail stores by the time the
original Iron Man came out in 2008
though both chains were on the decline
if you’re a 90s kid Captain Marvel will
leave you longing for the days when your
world revolved around Gameboys laser tag
nerf guns and pinball machines of course
one thing you likely won’t be nostalgic
for is slow dial-up internet much like
how guardians of the galaxy was full of
70’s and 80’s tunes this film soundtrack
is a 90s time capsule with Carol Danvers
sporting a Nine Inch Nails t-shirt even
the movie’s website is pure 90s number 9
well there was little doubt that this
film would address the post credit scene
from Avengers infinity war in which Nick
Fury uses his pager to contact Carol
before disintegrating it’s revealed and
Captain Marvel that Carol upgraded
Fury’s pager telling him to reach out in
case of emergency in the post-credits
scene the pager has fallen into the
possession of Steve Rogers Bruce Banner
Natasha Romanov and James Rhodes just
when it looks like the signal has been
lost an unaged carol appears and asks
about Fury’s whereabouts we wouldn’t be
surprised if this scene was actually
part of Avengers endgame much like how
the post-credits scene from Doctor
Strange was actually a scene from Thor
in any case Thanos has his work cut out
for him so desperately that you arrived
number 8 supreme intelligence the
intelligence rules the Kree Empire so
it’s a computer made of alien brains
yeah in the film the supreme
intelligence is an AI being that governs
over the Kree and changes its appearance
depending on who it’s speaking with in
Carroll’s case it models itself after
dr. Wendy Lawson played by a net betting
in most other incarnations however the
supreme intelligence or supreme or as
it’s sometimes called is depicted as a
Captain Marvel one five to three nine
seven point to the Avengers defeats Kree
sentry for five nine
while this change probably won’t matter
to the average moviegoer purists can’t
help but be a little disappointed that
we never get to see the supreme
intelligence in its true form maybe
we’ll get to see it in all its green
glory in the sequel earthers are a
stubborn breed but honourable the Kree
do not object to this duel number seven
guardians of the galaxy references
hey city Tata drop it now
hey cumin no problem
their origins might differ but Carol
Danvers and Peter quill are both
essentially part human and part alien
thus it only makes sense that they would
have a couple of acquaintances in common
taking place around two decades before
the original guardians of the galaxy
Captain Marvel features some members of
the Kree Empire you may recognize Djimon
Honsou reprises his role as core at the
pursuer acting as a member of Star Force
Lee pace is also back as Ronan the
who hasn’t become a radical extremist
quite yet number six the right stuff
that is a spacecraft sir we do not refer
to it as a capsule upon falling through
the roof of a blockbuster video Carol
finds herself surrounded by shelves of
classic movies she even encounters a
True Lies cutout blowing off Arnold
Schwarzenegger is cardboard head you
realize that it hasn’t been ten years
since we behind the real one using break
it they can take it out of my pain
looking over the VHS collection Carol is
drawn to the two tapes set for 1983 is
the right stuff it’s fitting that Carol
would be interested in this Philip
Kaufman film since it centers on several
military pilots who are chosen to become
astronauts for the first human
spaceflight program as she unravels the
mystery of her past Carol remembers that
she was an Air Force pilot before
joining Star Force others may have
doubted her
but Carol ultimately shows everyone that
she has the right stuff we’ve got a
launch here uh-huh
number five nobody calls me Nick Truvia
that’s a photon blast and I was groping
I’ll do that I’m just supposed to take
your word today although they form a
strong friendship throughout the film
Carol never reaches a first-name basis
with Nick Fury the SHIELD agent makes it
clear up front that everyone just calls
him fury and nobody calls him Nick
which gives away Tallis’s cover in the
elevator in Avengers infinity war
however Maria Hill refers to him as Nick
when they almost crashed into another
car this isn’t a fluke as Hill calls him
Nick once again before she vanishes into
a pile of dust
maybe we’re reading too much into it but
this subtle detail may be implying that
their relationship is closer than we
thought number 4 Monica Rambeau piecing
her memories back together
Carol reunites with her old airforce
friend Maria Rambo and her young
daughter Monica in the comics Monica
becomes Captain Marvel and even leads
the Avengers for a while Monica is only
11 years old in the film but by the time
Carole returns to Earth an infinity war
she’ll be more around her mid-30s even
if she doesn’t become the next Captain
Marvel Monica could still fight
alongside her aunt Carole under any of
the other aliases she’s used over the
years photon pulsar or spectrum number 3
Marvel as mentioned before
Annette Bening gives a dual performance
as the supreme intelligence and Wendy
Lawson when she sees her mentor bleeding
blue blood Carol realizes that Lawson
isn’t of this world turns out that
Lawson is actually a member of the Kree
race known as Marvel this deviates from
the source material in more ways than
one in the comics Marvel is not only the
first Captain Marvel but also a man who
goes by dr. Walter Lawson in the film
Lawson and Carroll’s relationship is
strictly professional
while the original Marvel shared a
romantic relationship with Carole number
two fury trusted goofs in Captain
America the Winter Soldier Nick Fury
mentions that last time I trusted
someone I lost
while he doesn’t go into great detail we
are led to believe that somebody close
to fury stabbed him in the back or in
the eye in this case the backstory
behind Fury’s eye patches in his epic as
he’d like us to believe although it is
throughout a majority of Captain Marvel
Yuri retains the use of both of his eyes
towards the end though he gets a little
too close to goose who is far from an
ordinary house cat
when goose scratches Fury’s eye he
writes it off as a minor wound but the
damage is more severe than he assumes
number one the original Stan Lee cameo
you were looking at that couple inside
gone but far from forgotten Stan Lee
made a cameo in almost every Marvel
movie from the original x-men onward 5
years before superhero movies made a
comeback however Lee made a cameo in a
very different kind of film oh my god
holy shit aren’t you Oh Stan Lee
director Kevin Smith is a huge comic
book fan which is made abundantly clear
throughout his cult comedy Mallrats in
the film
Jason Lee’s Brody is starstruck upon
meeting his idol Stan Lee in Captain
Marvel Carol spots Stan Lee on a train
reading the script from all rats and
practicing his lines
trust me true believer unlike Brody
though Carol doesn’t stop to ask Stan a
dozen questions about superheroes sex
organs Reed Richards Ken his whole body
stretch I mean every part you know like
his hey I know it you mean we never
really tackled stuff like that the old
days I mean what with the comic book Oh
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