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Perfect English Pronunciation! – LIVE English Class!

hey hey hey everywhere everyone how are
you guys doing
um I’m fiddling around trying to get
so I’m trying to get your chats looking
a little bit cool a little bit cool and
where you guys from let me know hey
hey Venezuela damn
hey Russia Indonesia Malaysia so today
we’re gonna do something a little bit
different I want to try something new
with you we’re going to do pronunciation
don’t worry we still have some
pronunciation stuff to look at and
anything that you want to learn we’re
gonna try something a little bit
different today so let me know in the
comments is there something specific
that you want to learn is there anything
that you’ve been dying to learn let me
know so gonna try clean up these
comments because it’s that is nuts
that’s crazy okay I want to get my
comments up on this crazy straight down
okay I’m gonna have to take the chat off
because this is nuts okay well there you
go I can say from there just trying to
read your chat as well as being able to
see what I’m doing so am i am with you
here we are an area area area we’re good
Oh Dulce cereza thank you so much you’re
so so kind and what have you just done
oh you send me a super sticker you’re so
kind thank you so much they’re so sweet
of you
um Wow thank you thank you for that
you’re such a sweetheart okay let me do
that there
okay so I’ve literally just finished
fixing this livestream and so if it all
looks a bit I’m sorry but yeah also
I think this week what I’m gonna try is
one livestream every day I want to try
and see which day is the best one
because a lot of you live in different
time zones that can be a bit weird so
I’m gonna I want to see for you guys
which which times which days which works
best for you guys so tell me what do you
want to learn today we’re gonna learn it
live if you want pronunciation cool
we’ll do pronunciation if you want
grammar that’s cool too if you want
vocabulary that’s cool too anything it’s
all your choice do I work at British
Council no no I have never worked a
British Council and I think I applied
well really good questions you guys I
like these thank you writing
you can’t just write writing because you
have to be specific I need to know what
you want me to teach you about writing
likewise if there’s something specific
you want me to teach you I’ll be more
than happy to world girl pearl curl yeah
we did this last week in the last live
stream last weekend so if you want to
check that out I went into a lot more
detail sorry that’s my insides
embarrassing me live so thanks for that
me we did that sound it’s the sound it’s
the same for all of those words you just
typed stir ray ice world girl pearl curl
so yeah if you want if you want me to
pronounce anything help you with
pronunciation let me know in the
comments also if you want to know any
specific like a difference between this
and this or when should you say this
word or something specific about grammar
and Dulce serratus when can we chat with
you yes if you want to chat with me just
add I don’t have that on here why don’t
I have that on here okay wait wait wait
it’s not that it is this and there we go
that one if you want to chat with me add
me on skype there talk with Allie that’s
my skype ID and you can add me there and
I will talk to your now let’s see if
anyone’s on skype right now and chat
with some Jesus Christ okay and also if
you’re trying to get me on skype I
physically cannot reply to everyone but
I appreciate all your messages and I try
to read them all
so what I do is I go through them and
find if there’s something really useful
or specific that we can look at during
the livestream also if there’s something
that we can chat about live that’s also
oh my god it’s a lot it’s a lot it’s a
lot it’s a lot of people it’s just a lot
of people okay
so let’s say let’s go back to the chat
now some of you say present perfect
tense Marik is saying pronunciation of
bathes bathes so the verb bathe to bathe
get in a bath get in the shower wash
yourself to bathe bathe
it’s a voiced sound babe could you
please teach me about the passive I have
a video about that what’s your name pawn
and if I’m if my hiragana is right name
is pawn I have a video series about the
passive what but basically basically
okay so let’s let’s try something let’s
try something give me give me a sentence
give me any sentence and we’ll try to
make it passive let’s try you know what
yeah okay let’s do a little bit of
passive to start off with so here you
see I have added I’ve added instead of a
whiteboard we have a note pad
yeah that’s right so we’re gonna do a
little bit of passive and then we’re
gonna look at other things
so um passive voice I want to speak to
you while we do this let’s speak to one
of you who do we have here let’s do why
Serena from Italy can it see if this
works starts working my skypes work in
last week do you remember last week it
wasn’t working
here’s working now
hi Oh Serena yeah can you hear me yeah
just just some have to turn off my
mobile phone because I’m connected but
from my computer and my mobile phone and
I don’t think this is good okay no
problem no problem okay I can hear you
loud and clear
okay that’s that’s bigger than I want
okay you can hear me okay cool so
Serena’s someone in the comments is
asked and to learn passive so I want you
to help me with that is that okay okay
okay so you’re from Italy um I want to
go to Naples soon do you recommend
Naples yes yeah yeah and what kind of
pizza do you recommend sorry what kind
of pizza do you recommend the most
wisest one most widespread of course
Pizza Margherita because even though
it’s the most common type of pizza if
you are not able to make it it’s
terrible so you have to carefully choose
the right ingredients and that’s it good
mozzarella good tomato sauce good bass
I’m excited I must say I’m really really
excited to go okay so and oh okay you
know what let’s let’s do passive and
pizza then so um did you do do you make
pizza eating pizza in a restaurant or in
a pizzeria but
yes sometimes I made pizza its home okay
cool so M can you describe to us the
audience what do you look like what
length is your hair what color is your
hair what’s what do you look like you
have long hair short hair one meter and
70 centimeters tall and I’m quite slim
and 34 we do oh my god my trains way off
today you have green eyes yeah I can
hello how you doing so you’re in a
restaurant and you’ve just eaten
perhaps the nicest pizza of your life
right okay you and you want to know who
the chef was yeah who was yes it was
yep this pizza made by oh you’re amazing
good yeah
who was your main what’s the weather
like that today now in Italy here is a
very nice day because it’s sunny and not
cold at all temperatures are very high
for the period if you consider the
period there are maybe the temperature
is 16 degrees centigrade so that’s very
good Wow my god
it’s really really good here it’s it’s
so rubbish here it’s like okay my
phone’s not giving me the weather but
it’s definitely not sixteen I woke up
weeks ago and the weather was wonderful
for London because I have been yes I was
in London for two weeks and there was no
rain it’s all so it was weird when did
he come to London I came to London oh
let let me remember yes in February of
February and I came back to Italy on the
26 on the 26th of February sorry sorry
yes were you here for that really weird
heatwave like we had really we had two
days of amazing heat and then it went
back to being really cold so yeah yeah
it was really really yeah but now it’s I
don’t know the weather is just
ridiculous today yeah um okay so we’ve
done there the passive voice who was
this pizza made by that’s the passive
now let’s say that I am the chef what
can I say I want to say me okay this
pizza was made by me does that sound
like a thing that I would say that
sentence does that sound natural no no
it’s not natural
yes it’s quite strange I think oh it is
very strange yeah very very strong yeah
because maybe I made this pizza maybe
okay this pizza was made by me so sorry
I’m not ignoring you I’m just I’m trying
to draw and pay attention to you my
drawing skills are really like that of
an infant so and like I’ve had two
coffees already today so my hands are
like shaky as hell okay yeah oh can you
see that on that yeah okay there that’s
okay so that’s the passive but I won’t
say this one I won’t say this pizza was
made by me that doesn’t sound good
something right not good but if I say in
an active way what’s the active you just
said it and you’re amazing
you said yeah yeah I said aramis pizza
perfect okay I made what do you do for a
job I’m a teacher of English yeah I love
you do you teach in a school in a
private school online secondary school
wage from 14 to 18 yeah there are teens
what they what are they cool are they
cool kids or cuz like they’re a mixed
bag at that age they’re either super
because did you like English with them
they’re not gonna watch this thing are
they let’s hope they’re not watching
right now yes what’s so damned alike
because it’s
it’s not it’s a well in Italy we call
them professional schools
I mean practical schools they study
agriculture so they are not very
interested in in English that’s it
terrible terrible kids terrible kids
okay so yes let’s wrap this thing up
this passive voice thing so we’ve done
the passive who was this pizza made by
this pizza was made by me let’s break
that down into the pieces to make a
passive sentence my fellow teacher what
do we need to make a sentence we used
who was this pizza made by what do we do
to the verb form what time what do we do
I know you can see what I’m doing so
it’s a lot more difficult for you no I
mean we split in two parts so we we put
for the passive voice the past soda verb
to be followed by the past participle of
the verb make you’re amazing thank you I
don’t if you can you hear my role I
think I’m okay yes so um whoever
answered asked that question
um yeah who was the pits are made by
we’ve got the verb be in this case we
use the past tense and a verb 3 or past
participle of make becomes made so um
that question who was the speaks are
made by why would you ask it in the
passive why not just in the active why
would you ask in the passive unnatural
okay let’s ask this how would we ask
this in the active man so I I made this
pizza I’m the chef that made
Pizza no I mean sorry I mean in the in
the active voice how do I ask that
question the question of who we could
yes absolutely
or who made perfect yeah who made close
you were right the first time
who made this pizza who made these pizza
okay yes yes yeah who made this pizza so
that’s the active way yeah and that is
the passive way so it depends if it’s
passive you changed the verb that way if
it’s active you change it this way so um
let’s this is not the best example to
show the difference between passive and
active but the answer the answer gives
one clue of why we use passive on why we
don’t so and one typical reason why we
use passive is fellow teacher can you
help me out here why would we use
passive in general why would ya why
would why would ya maybe because general
okay maybe it makes an idea of
professionality I don’t know who are
very professional work that’s it’s maybe
yes but maybe because we don’t know the
subject we don’t know who is the subject
right absolutely yeah we don’t know who
the subject is so I mean often who
questions in a passive it who questions
are often passive because we don’t know
that subject and in this case I I will
say I made this pizza I wouldn’t say the
pizza was made by me but
why why would I say in the active and
not the passive like and you just said
it maybe we don’t know the subject sorry
get the time the subject of the action
just to underline that I’ve made the
pizza exactly yes so maybe we don’t know
the subject that would be a reason for
using passive or maybe we don’t care
about the subject maybe it’s not
important for that reason I said I made
this pizza I did it so I’m like you said
I’m underlying I’m the subject for that
reason I the subject is more important
than the action or the object
I made the pizza if the most important
thing is the pizza itself and I we don’t
really care about me maybe I’m secondary
maybe I would say in the passive but no
I want the credit
I made the pizza so someone in the
comments wrote why is it not correct to
say who did make this pizza why is that
not correct maybe because of the
interrogative pronoun who yeah yes so we
compare like you could say who did make
the piece yeah if you want to emphasize
for example hey Serena
did you make the pizza okay no you
didn’t make it okay well who did make
the pizza if you add emphasis then then
it’s okay who did make the pizza you’re
adding emphasis to it yeah cool I’m
Serena thank you so much for talking to
me today this has been a pleasure to
meet a fellow teacher yeah
a little bit nervous but thank you very
much really you’re amazing you’re
incredible thank you no thank you
you’re also very much cheese see you
that’s always cool to see a fellow
teacher if you’re a teacher to give me a
shout that’s really really cool
umm yes so that’s just a basic idea of
the passive voice if you want to know in
much more detail just type in passive
voice Pappa teach me you’ll find I think
I have five videos on the passive so
you’ll be able to find a lot of
explanation okay duck is asking about
ooh that’s a fun one I mean it’s not fun
it’s really not fun so let’s do it
it let’s do it
sorry I shouldn’t swear this is YouTube
and everything is that right yeah
okay so inversion is you know I know if
infections so boring I read I want to do
I’ll make a video about inversion I have
an idea for a video on it but for right
now no um okay so you know what let’s
let’s have a little practice with
passive so Leona I want you to write
your passive sentences in the comments
I’ll tell you if it’s right or wrong
Liyana my Yuri has said tickets were
bye-bye me tickets were bye
no remember you need that verb three not
tickets were buy tickets were bought so
keep that in mind
tickets were bought by me you need that
verb three that past participle of buy
and also those of you just joining
remember you can follow me on my social
media things add Papa teach me yeah
mummy my MA
it’s bought well done cool also yeah
welcome to the new members of the
channel mammy memo Leonardo Castagna
welcome to the channel if you want to
get extra egg
during this practice you can join this
channel as a member or join my patreon
page I upload regular worksheets that go
with the videos to help you remember the
vocabulary or the grammar so welcome you
guys thank you for joining you’re
supporting the channel ching-yuen Lam
says we shouldn’t be slaves to Grandma
we shouldn’t treat English like a
science I mean yeah I agree
go make it fun yeah okay
mmm Ellie and sari is saying I’ve been
told not to interrupt mmm who told you
not to interrupt and so yes that
sentence is great I’ve been told the
perfect that’s a present perfect passive
voice that’s great well done
um chien says I bought these tickets
that’s an active in a passive would be
these tickets were bought by me but
again with the pizza thing if you want
to put emphasis on the subject you would
say yep I bought these tickets that’ll
be great sights and fear hilarious I
don’t but thanks Leandra miz’ the
explanation was made by Papa Tito yes it
was indeed Papa English videos are made
by Hugh yes
that’s correct so we’re just going for
grammar is the grammar correct is the
goes too fast okay Nikki XV is saying
suffixes and prefixes please passive is
boring sorry Nikki XV and yeah we might
do suffixes and prefixes happy
financially you could do that Karina is
saying what’s the difference between
dull and boring they’re both the same
boring is more common to use dull it’s
not a formal word but it is it’s seen as
a bit more formal than boring you don’t
often hear it I really need to eat
something really hungry will you
recommend that I eat today quite hungry
also do you guys have twitch I’m gonna
be streaming on Twitch this week okay
Dana let’s learn for cabaret okay which
which area of vocabulary vocabulary
about what marek Vera Donovan was bathed
by Dolores every day is that from a book
I mean yeah it’s perfect it’s it’s
really good Natalia the difference
between cheers and thanks in that
context when you’re saying thank you
Cheers and thanks are exactly the same
but Cheers has other meanings for
example bye alright Cheers like bye not
very common but you can it’s more like a
thanks bye
it can also be when you have a drink cheers clink can be with that
mehran Mars on Z is saying can you say particularly with an American accent
particularly with an American accent okay let’s compare British and American
okay let’s compare British and American particularly pretty okay try to think
particularly pretty okay try to think how would that be an American accent
how would that be an American accent particular particularly particularly
particular particularly particularly particular particular particularly
particular particular particularly particularly apparently not apparently I
particularly apparently not apparently I can’t do it in American accent um prep
can’t do it in American accent um prep I’m on this book was written many years
I’m on this book was written many years ago very good sentence this book was
ago very good sentence this book was written really good okay
written really good okay okie dokie let’s find something new we
okie dokie let’s find something new we can have a look at
Oh duck so it’s your question is about the passive wasn’t it yeah you said do
the passive wasn’t it yeah you said do we use passive with progressive tenses
we use passive with progressive tenses accept present progressive no you can
accept present progressive no you can use it in present present continuous
use it in present present continuous present progressive a for example my
present progressive a for example my laptop is being fixed now if you’re at
laptop is being fixed now if you’re at the hairdresser my hair is being cut
the hairdresser my hair is being cut right now so you can you can use in
right now so you can you can use in present in continuous sure
because of funny examples pierogi you think I should eat a pierogi
think I should eat a pierogi okay and I hit why am i ignoring you
okay and I hit why am i ignoring you asking about conditionals dude can you
asking about conditionals dude can you see the chat I can’t read every comment
see the chat I can’t read every comment man don’t think I’m ignoring you I’m not
man don’t think I’m ignoring you I’m not ignoring anyone but I can’t physically
ignoring anyone but I can’t physically read every comment so if I miss your
read every comment so if I miss your comment I’m sorry but yeah I don’t see
comment I’m sorry but yeah I don’t see everything okay so yeah to answer your
everything okay so yeah to answer your question about conditionals I have a
question about conditionals I have a bunch of videos about conditionals we
bunch of videos about conditionals we could do a few now I thought of one
could do a few now I thought of one yesterday actually you know what yes
yesterday actually you know what yes we’re going to do a quick conditionals
we’re going to do a quick conditionals the difference between let’s do first
the difference between let’s do first and second maybe a third if we can fit
and second maybe a third if we can fit it in so difference between first and
it in so difference between first and second conditionals so with very
second conditionals so with very specifically with what if we’re going to
specifically with what if we’re going to do what if okay so for example let’s say
you with your friend and your friend is feeling very sick
your friends feeling very very sick why is she sick
is she sick I want you to tell me in the comments
I want you to tell me in the comments why is she why is she feeling sick
chi and say what if I didn’t buy you crisps why would you not buy me crisps
crisps why would you not buy me crisps that’s just mean
headache got a cold maybe maybe she’s under the weather
under the weather oh oh oh oh oh so this is what this is
oh oh oh oh oh so this is what this is what’s happening the whole time
every day she’s being sick and she’s wondering oh my god why am i
and she’s wondering oh my god why am i so sick what’s happening and her friend
so sick what’s happening and her friend her skeptical friend is saying hmm I
saying I think think you’re pregnant oh yeah see yeah baby oh yeah
oh yeah see yeah baby oh yeah vomiting pregnant Oh see you everyone
vomiting pregnant Oh see you everyone yep everyone’s on it now mammy mama
yep everyone’s on it now mammy mama she ate pineapple pizza could be bit
she ate pineapple pizza could be bit let’s not hate on pineapple pizza like
let’s not hate on pineapple pizza like if you get fresh pineapple it’s not that
if you get fresh pineapple it’s not that bad it I promise you it’s really not
bad it I promise you it’s really not that bad Conrad Saint she’s pregnant
that bad Conrad Saint she’s pregnant pregnant okay everyone’s yep okay so be
pregnant okay everyone’s yep okay so be a Miranda saying what if she pregnant
a Miranda saying what if she pregnant no we need was something missing there
no we need was something missing there so we’re using what if we’re asking you
so we’re using what if we’re asking you to think about possibilities so he says
to think about possibilities so he says I think you’re pregnant she responds cut
I think you’re pregnant she responds cut no no I’m not pregnant
so we can say two things right now we can say what if with a first conditional
can say what if with a first conditional or what if with a second conditional
when would you use a first conditional when would you use a second conditional
think she’s suffering from flu it could be it could be but but but yes
it could be it could be but but but yes so that’s a good example of second
so that’s a good example of second conditional if there Putra is saying
conditional if there Putra is saying what if you all spellings a bit strange
what if you all spellings a bit strange what if you were pregnant right so so
what if you were pregnant right so so how how do we say this sentence what if
my face is covering up the puke oh yeah so from it
so from it what if it’s mine yeah what if you in a
what if it’s mine yeah what if you in a first conditional we say what if you are
first conditional we say what if you are pregnant in a second conditional what if
pregnant in a second conditional what if you were pregnant mail Liam thank you
you were pregnant mail Liam thank you man oh thank you so much as so kind
man oh thank you so much as so kind of you a huge donate $5 serious thanks
of you a huge donate $5 serious thanks man
man it’s very very kind of you yeah what if
it’s very very kind of you yeah what if you are what if you were pregnant
but what is the difference that is the key here that’s the question that’s the
key here that’s the question that’s the key question here what’s the difference
key question here what’s the difference between a first conditional and a second
between a first conditional and a second conditional first the structure first
conditional first the structure first conditional look what if you are
conditional look what if you are pregnant this is in present tense we are
pregnant this is in present tense we are asking for real or imaginary situations
asking for real or imaginary situations for example yet visit Dasha Dasha has
for example yet visit Dasha Dasha has just said for a real or imaginary
just said for a real or imaginary situations well done Dasha you’re
situations well done Dasha you’re amazing you’re a brilliant student Oh
amazing you’re a brilliant student Oh same with ilysm I’m so bad with the
same with ilysm I’m so bad with the Russian names I can’t read the writing
Russian names I can’t read the writing first real situation second unreal
first real situation second unreal perfect really good explanation yeah
perfect really good explanation yeah what if you are that’s a first
what if you are that’s a first conditional that is a real situation so
conditional that is a real situation so in this case I say what if you are
in this case I say what if you are pregnant that’s a real question I’m
pregnant that’s a real question I’m saying this is possible this is a real
saying this is possible this is a real situation what if you are pregnant but
situation what if you are pregnant but if I know you’re not pregnant you know
if I know you’re not pregnant you know you’re not pregnant
you’re not pregnant I am just asking you to imagine just use
I am just asking you to imagine just use your imagination in that case I will use
your imagination in that case I will use a second conditional it’s unreal this
a second conditional it’s unreal this one I’m just saying just imagine just
one I’m just saying just imagine just imagine I’m not saying it’s possible I’m
imagine I’m not saying it’s possible I’m just saying
just saying imagine though what if you were pregnant
imagine though what if you were pregnant imagine that situation what if you were
imagine that situation what if you were so that is the difference between first
so that is the difference between first and second the first one it’s a real
and second the first one it’s a real situation the second it’s not real it’s
situation the second it’s not real it’s imaginary I want you to imagine that
imaginary I want you to imagine that situation so let me know in the comments
if there’s a possibility that you are pregnant let me know if you are pregnant
pregnant let me know if you are pregnant what are you going to do you’re going to
what are you going to do you’re going to eat some weird food if there is
eat some weird food if there is absolutely no possibility that you’re
absolutely no possibility that you’re pregnant let me know what if you were
pregnant let me know what if you were pregnant what would you do would you
pregnant what would you do would you name your child Allie it’s a great name
name your child Allie it’s a great name and it’s unisex it works for both men
and it’s unisex it works for both men and women it’s great duck I’m not
and women it’s great duck I’m not pregnant because I don’t even have a
pregnant because I don’t even have a boyfriend ducks so you’ll be writing a
boyfriend ducks so you’ll be writing a second conditional and Kate qinger if
second conditional and Kate qinger if you were pregnant you would be sick for
you were pregnant you would be sick for four months is it four months
four months is it four months Jesus why do people get pregnant this is
Jesus why do people get pregnant this is Oh freckles they say what if you were
Oh freckles they say what if you were abducted by aliens and they implanted
abducted by aliens and they implanted something on you know you mean implant
something on you know you mean implant that’s in implanted something in you
that’s in implanted something in you yeah I know you know if I were abducted
yeah I know you know if I were abducted by aliens and they implanted something
by aliens and they implanted something in me that would be cool I’d want to I
in me that would be cool I’d want to I would want to show everyone look I have
would want to show everyone look I have an implant and it’s from an alien that’s
an implant and it’s from an alien that’s amazing what a story that is
okay civilly tshh if I were pregnant I’d make the baby watch your
I’d make the baby watch your pronunciation videos yeah there’s a baby
pronunciation videos yeah there’s a baby with a British accent
with a British accent that’s cute I’m Nicole rehearsing if I
that’s cute I’m Nicole rehearsing if I were pregnant I would visit the doctor
were pregnant I would visit the doctor perfect great that’s a second
perfect great that’s a second conditional so you’re saying I’m not but
conditional so you’re saying I’m not but let’s imagine you can hear this right
let’s imagine you can hear this right this is really embarrassing for me
this is really embarrassing for me I’m just very hungry Manuel I’ve lost
I’m just very hungry Manuel I’ve lost you there is Manuel if you were pregnant
you there is Manuel if you were pregnant can I be the can I be the father
can I be the can I be the father Manuel I don’t have a uterus man I can’t
Manuel I don’t have a uterus man I can’t but if I were pregnant could you be that
but if I were pregnant could you be that mom no no sorry man ah okay
mom no no sorry man ah okay this is three ellic if I was pregnant
this is three ellic if I was pregnant then I will win a million dollars okay
then I will win a million dollars okay so this is a really good point that
so this is a really good point that you’ve raised here you said if I was
you’ve raised here you said if I was pregnant then I will win a million first
pregnant then I will win a million first let’s tackle the structure you’ve used a
let’s tackle the structure you’ve used a second conditional and then a future
second conditional and then a future that doesn’t work if I was pregnant then
that doesn’t work if I was pregnant then I will win No if I was pregnant then I
I will win No if I was pregnant then I would win so remember that don’t mix
would win so remember that don’t mix this first and second second thing if I
this first and second second thing if I was pregnant usually for I he she it we
was pregnant usually for I he she it we don’t use was um well well incorrect
don’t use was um well well incorrect grammar we don’t it should be if I were
grammar we don’t it should be if I were pregnant if I were pregnant then I would
pregnant if I were pregnant then I would win oh my god great something some
win oh my god great something some pierogi apparently yeah and
however however in casual speech you probably will hear if I was blah blah
probably will hear if I was blah blah blah so don’t worry too much in a test
blah so don’t worry too much in a test if I were if it’s not a test if it’s in
if I were if it’s not a test if it’s in the street no one cares okay
the street no one cares okay rang rang derp giad how do you pronounce
rang rang derp giad how do you pronounce good night to you good night to you too
good night to you good night to you too in British accent good night to you too
in British accent good night to you too good night to you too that is how okay
good night to you too that is how okay Nicole if I were pregnant I visit the
Nicole if I were pregnant I visit the doctor promptly I think I already read
doctor promptly I think I already read that one but cool Thank You Conrad if I
that one but cool Thank You Conrad if I am pregnant
am pregnant miracles happen assuming you’re a guy of
miracles happen assuming you’re a guy of course okay
freckles can you please explain when we should use on and in right okay on in
should use on and in right okay on in basically basically and with phrasal
basically basically and with phrasal verbs it changes a hell of a lot so
verbs it changes a hell of a lot so basically basically let’s try okay um no
basically basically let’s try okay um no not that one
not that one let’s do there we go and one very very
let’s do there we go and one very very common thing
common thing who here has bad eyesight who needs
who here has bad eyesight who needs glasses or contact lenses let me know do
glasses or contact lenses let me know do you wear glasses or contact lenses
dark same glasses and what no just like glasses on your face for bad eyesight
glasses on your face for bad eyesight freckles use glass Wow oh whoa
freckles use glass Wow oh whoa do all of you wear glasses then wowzer
it’s just like almost everyone comment all my family wear glasses
all my family wear glasses whoa that’s crazy so I used to wear
whoa that’s crazy so I used to wear glasses I used to have lenses as well
glasses I used to have lenses as well but I had the laser surgery I really
but I had the laser surgery I really recommend it I had it like three years
recommend it I had it like three years ago and it’s the best decision I’ve ever
ago and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made ever
made ever I okay it costs a lot of money I had to
I okay it costs a lot of money I had to pay every month to pay the bill but
pay every month to pay the bill but really like it’s really worth it someone
really like it’s really worth it someone is saying about spectacles
is saying about spectacles yes that’s spectacles glasses they mean
yes that’s spectacles glasses they mean the same thing but we don’t really say
the same thing but we don’t really say spectacles often we just say glasses
spectacles often we just say glasses spectacles is quite an old-fashioned
spectacles is quite an old-fashioned word okay so glasses contact lenses
word okay so glasses contact lenses [Music]
if you’ve ever worn contact lenses you’ll know this feeling very well
there we go Raphael crazy have to pay for this kind of surgery in the UK in
for this kind of surgery in the UK in the Front’s the state pays for why
the Front’s the state pays for why really in front what laser surgery is
really in front what laser surgery is free in France Wow
free in France Wow no here it was here is really good so
no here it was here is really good so I’ll tell you a secret actually and in
I’ll tell you a secret actually and in London if you want to get laser surgery
London if you want to get laser surgery they will never watch my videos but what
they will never watch my videos but what happened so I went there it was a
happened so I went there it was a Wednesday and I had the tests done so
Wednesday and I had the tests done so that they make you take the tests for
that they make you take the tests for your eyes see if everything is safe and
your eyes see if everything is safe and you can have the surgery and I ask them
you can have the surgery and I ask them ok great I can have it but like how much
ok great I can have it but like how much does it cost so they’re like yeah it’s
does it cost so they’re like yeah it’s gonna cost like five thousand pounds
gonna cost like five thousand pounds like lady I’m here on a Wednesday
like lady I’m here on a Wednesday afternoon I don’t have five thousand
afternoon I don’t have five thousand pounds like I guess I’ll just have
pounds like I guess I’ll just have rubbish eyes forever then so then she
rubbish eyes forever then so then she was like okay well there’s this there’s
was like okay well there’s this there’s this thing we do so what we can do is if
this thing we do so what we can do is if you can’t afford that
you can’t afford that we can we can call you within two or
we can we can call you within two or three days notice and we’ll put you on a
three days notice and we’ll put you on a waiting list and if someone cancels
waiting list and if someone cancels their appointment or if we have an open
their appointment or if we have an open thing available and you can come have a
thing available and you can come have a surgery like that and it will be
surgery like that and it will be half-price actually it was less than
half-price actually it was less than half price it was like to just two
half price it was like to just two thousand I think so I only paid like two
thousand I think so I only paid like two thousand it should have been five
thousand it should have been five thousand something I don’t know why I’m
thousand something I don’t know why I’m whispering this is on YouTube yeah so
whispering this is on YouTube yeah so that’s something they do in London I
that’s something they do in London I don’t know if it’s everywhere but I mean
don’t know if it’s everywhere but I mean who has five thousand pounds to spend
who has five thousand pounds to spend like no one it’s nuts um yeah so I don’t
like no one it’s nuts um yeah so I don’t wear lenses or glasses anymore but
wear lenses or glasses anymore but though prepositions on or in which one
though prepositions on or in which one do you think has on which one do you
do you think has on which one do you think
think in
oh my god is that come oh no it is right he’s just that okay it’s better
okay okay yeah perfect okay so put on glasses lenses in glasses on on glasses
glasses lenses in glasses on on glasses for a lenses put on glasses oh yeah so
for a lenses put on glasses oh yeah so they’re the the payment thing with that
they’re the the payment thing with that I place I still paid like monthly I
I place I still paid like monthly I didn’t have two thousand pounds just but
didn’t have two thousand pounds just but like he go 2,000 pounds no I paid
like he go 2,000 pounds no I paid monthly for like three years it’s crazy
monthly for like three years it’s crazy expensive even then yes so the answer I
expensive even then yes so the answer I put my lenses in and I put my glasses on
put my lenses in and I put my glasses on why the lenses they go in side your
why the lenses they go in side your either because if you close your eyes
either because if you close your eyes the inside right
the inside right but glasses well any accessory on the
but glasses well any accessory on the face or the head is on with the
face or the head is on with the exception of piercings because again
exception of piercings because again it’s in my earrings in my nose ring in
it’s in my earrings in my nose ring in what else do you have in your face
what else do you have in your face that’s it but yeah um so yeah that’s one
that’s it but yeah um so yeah that’s one difference if it’s inside physically
difference if it’s inside physically inside something it’s in and again if
inside something it’s in and again if it’s just on the surface it’s on put my
it’s just on the surface it’s on put my glasses on put my lenses in yeah cool
glasses on put my lenses in yeah cool okay so what I’m gonna try this week I’m
okay so what I’m gonna try this week I’m gonna try a livestream I think every day
gonna try a livestream I think every day I want to try a few different days and
I want to try a few different days and times with you I’ll be here and I’ll be
times with you I’ll be here and I’ll be on Twitch if you have twitch I’ll put
on Twitch if you have twitch I’ll put them up at the link somewhere it will
them up at the link somewhere it will just be twitch slash puppet teach me so
just be twitch slash puppet teach me so you can find me there teaching and here
you can find me there teaching and here I should be every day this week so thank
I should be every day this week so thank you guys for watching love you bye
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