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Top 10 Stealth Games

sometimes it’s more fun to take your
time welcome to and today
we’ll be counting down our top 10
favorite stealth games as these are
stealth games there is tons of violence
involved you’ve been warned
a dark turn per turn true number 10 10
chew stealth assassins there’s no better
way to kick off a stealth game list than
with a ninja released for the original
PlayStation and take on the role of
either Rick Marui or a yama missions
require you to sneak around darkly lit
environments and take out your targets
without being detected an early game to
feature a nonlinear concept there are
several ways to accomplish your goals
and kills but perhaps most of all
players will tell you that they remember
this game for being really really hard
your greed sickens me I hope your death
is a lesson to others number 9
Assassin’s Creed series this open world
style series makes our list for adding
social elements to the stealth as one of
a long list of master assassins you
don’t hide in the shadows instead you
blend in with crowds or strike downwards
from sunlight drenched rooftops the
trick here is executing targets without
drawing attention to your kill of course
if you’re spotted you can always try to
make a run for it or hide nibble of hey
cuz why would they ever check their
number eight Chronicles of Riddick
escape from butcher Bay few other movie
characters lend themselves so well to
the stealth genre as Riddick
the Furion convict a prequel to the
film’s players follow Riddick as he
acquires his eye shine and night vision
and eventually escapes from the infamous
butcher Bay prison brilliant use of the
first-person perspective and high
production values create the
unimaginable a game where you play as
Vin Diesel that’s actually fun darkness
I can hide the buddies here number seven
the Hitman series this stealth series
revolves around
agent 47 cloned assassin for hire
working for the wealthy elite players
are charged with taking out their marks
and contending with an agency called the
franchise with many ways to go about
your objectives you can go in with
surgical precision or slaughter everyone
of course doing it the hard way and
that’s the stealth way just to be clear
rewards you with special weapons and
bonuses our favorite from the series is
the fourth entry hitman blood money for
its extremely imaginative scenarios
excellent work for the girl to the
extraction point
number six dishonored set in the
plague-ridden industrial city of dunwall
dishonored follows a legendary bodyguard
who is framed for murder and forced to
become an assassin and seek revenge
against those who conspired against him
the gameplay is made up of
self-contained mission focused areas
with multiple paths and innumerable
objectives hailed as the return of smart
games for mature audiences dishonored
blends tight fluid stealth gameplay with
open-world variety and stunning art
design number five Batman Arkham series
from the nuthouse to the slums of Gotham
few games so effectively make you feel
like you truly are your character let
alone a culturally iconic character like
The Dark Knight himself an
action-adventure with stealth gameplay
players must thin out resistance one
thug at a time and get to use every
single one of Batman’s fancy toys to do
so there’s nothing like being the bat
and watching scumbags cower and fear as
you swoop in from the shadows
number four Deus Ex Human Revolution one
of the things about adding stealth
gameplay to a game is that once they’re
in there your game essentially becomes a
stealth game whether you like it or not
as was the case with human Revolution a
prequel that takes place 25 years before
the first game in the series while some
players may have been a bit disappointed
that this installment seemed to feature
a lot more Splinter Cell than Elder
Scrolls it was an undeniably stylish and
tense stealth shooter that still managed
to maintain the do it your way attitude
that made Deus Ex a classic 10 years
earlier number three Tom Clancy’s
Splinter Cell series this critically
acclaimed series has you take on the
role of highly-trained NSA black ops
operative Sam Fisher voiced by Michael
Ironside you think of a reason why the
world wouldn’t be a better place without
you ah please I that didn’t think so
donning his iconic trifocal goggles you
crouch run your way through the shadows
to keep the free world safe to
strengthen the stealth elements
ammunition is always in short supply and
brute force is often shunned
in fact many missions begin with
non-lethal weapons or restrict you from
killing altogether our favorite
installment is definitely chaos theory
which is widely accepted as the apex of
the series to date
what’s that come out I can’t hear you
number 2 Metal Gear Solid series this
long-running action-adventure series by
Hideo Kojima is famous for taking the
stealth genre and giving it extremely
long cinematics and then concealing it
under a cardboard box as Solid Snake and
on one occasion that blond guy who are
frequently tasked with stopping
nefarious plans that almost always
involve an eponymous piece of military
hardware that will bring the world to
its knees Splinter Cell should look to
its laurels number one the thief series
taking the top spot on our list is the
series that placed us in the role of
Garrett a master thief with in a
medieval steampunk world avoiding fights
has never been as fun as it was here in
this self-described
first-person sneaker it is widely
considered to be the first game to use
light and sound as gameplay mechanics
forcing you to hide in dark formers and
carefully walk on surfaces that muffle
to footsteps add the incredibly
satisfying trick arrows and the
punishing level of difficulty and you
see why thief is the ultimate king of
the dark sleep tight and dream of large
women agree with our list I already do
don’t make it worse for yourself which
stealth game had you holding your breath
and hiding in a corner for more
entertaining top 10s be sure to
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