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Top 10 Spider Man: Into the Spider-Verse Moments

anyone can wear the mask
welcome to and into the
spider-verse moments before we begin we
publish new content every day so be sure
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videos for this list we’re looking at
the most humorous exciting and poignant
moments that earned into the
spider-verse an Academy Award for Best
Animated Feature if you haven’t seen the
film yet keep in mind there will be
spoilers number 10 spider-man 2099
you’re a bit late can’t all be
everywhere at once little Tex might have
been nice I was gone for less than two
hours what happened okay I know what it
looks like but sticking around for the
post-credits scene has become a Marvel
movie tradition and into the
spider-verse delivered one of the best
ever set in nueva york we’re introduced
to Miguel O’Hara also known as
spider-man 2099 who receives a gizmo
that allows him to hop across different
dimensions the scene draws us in with
slick visuals and a mysterious ambiance
getting us pumped for the next
spider-verse movie in what could have
been pure sequel bate though the scene
what I’m spider-man I need you to come
with Miguel ventures to the beginning of
Earth 67 which turns out to be the first
animated spider-man series he crosses
paths with his retro doppelganger
parodying the infamous spider-man
pointing it’s spider-man mean it is a
hysterical in joke that ingeniously
number 9 fight at Aunt May’s were you
followed No
this scene marks the first time our six
heroes fight together as a team
showcasing each of their unique styles
in a brawl against Octavius tombstone
scorpion and Prowler every second bursts
with vibrant imagery and entrancing
fight choreography as the scene plays
out in Aunt May’s living room the
filmmakers clearly put meticulous
thought into every frame of animation
making the audience feel as if a comic
book has sprung to life the highlight
pits miles against Prowler who discovers
his nephew is the one behind the mask
our hearts practically stopped as Aaron
contemplates what to do while he
ultimately does right by his family
Aaron pays the ultimate price at
kingpins hands leading to a tragic yet
crucial moment in miles origin story
you’re the best of all of us man
number eight miles gets bitten even when
into the spider-verse treads on familiar
territory the filmmakers approach each
trope with a fresh perspective
demonstrating that no two webs are the
same take this scene for example in
which miles is bitten by a radioactive
instead of lurking around an Oscorp lab
miles encounters the spider in an
abandoned subway as he bonds with his
uncle over his art the scene not only
provides insight into miles colorful
personality but his family’s complicated
history as well yeah you know me any dad
used to do this back in the day
stop Lions true then he took on the cop
thing these are good guys just know when
the spider finally creeps up and sinks
its fangs into miles hand the visuals
emphasize the enormous life changes our
hero is headed for miles is none the
wiser however hilariously swatting the
this of course leads to miles developing
his abilities and to some hilarity at a
school member 7 the death of Peter
Parker you okay
I’m fine I’m fine just resting scene
Peter Parker turned to dust an infinity
war was gut-wrenching but into the
spider-verse perhaps packed an even more
powerful punch shortly after meeting
miles Peter finds himself down-and-out
kingpin finishes Peter off with a single
crushing blow
causing the audience to collectively
get rid of the body
seriously who knew that an animated
spider-man movie would be more brutal
than some of the live-action ones
although we didn’t know this incarnation
of Peter furlong
we immediately connected with his
charisma humor and bravery we share in
the grief miles in the rest of New York
experience as they learn of spider-man’s
passing Peter Parker may be fictional
but the way his death brings a community
echoes many real-life tragedies we are
all spider-man probably not you
specifically I I think it’s a metaphor
number six it always fits eventually I’m
going to miss him yeah we were friends
you know Peter’s death is only made more
powerful thanks to an appearance from
Stan Lee who passed away just a month
before the film’s release Lee Voice is a
costume store cashier who expresses how
much he’s gonna miss the webslinger this
ironically and poetically Mairs the
sorrow we all felt upon hearing of Lee’s
death being one of Lee’s final cameos
this scene captures a sense of loss that
not even the filmmakers could have
anticipated at the same time we use
words tie into miles character arc as he
adapts to change and accepts the
responsibility that comes with his new
powers when Lee sells miles a spider-man
mask it’s as if the torch has been
passed to the next generation and all
sales are final
can I return it if it doesn’t it it
always fits eventually
number five enter spider-gwen call you
doc ock my friends actually call me
lives my enemies call me da fists chief
scientist seems fairly harmless until
she breaks out the tentacle arms
revealed to be this dimensions dr.
octopus Olivia Octavius pursues miles
and Peter through the research facility
and into the woods Doc Ock nearly
recovers her stolen data but she’s
ultimately thwarted by a third masked
figure with spidey abilities hey guys
it’s Gwen actually oh you know her very
cool I’m from another dimension
although gwen stacy had already appeared
in other movies this marked the
big-screen debut of Spider Woman a
Horace Mann’s like to collar spider Gwen
Gwen takes a moment to summarize her
entire origin story which easily could
have come off as too rushed in just over
a minute though Gwen shows and tells us
everything we need to know about her
making for an epic superhero
introduction I like your haircut you
don’t get to like my haircut let’s go
how many more spider people are there
same as a comic Oh number four kingpins
with the portal open miles bids his
friends a fond farewell serving as a
final curtain of sorts his goodbyes to
Peter is especially satisfying as both
give each other the reassurance needed
to press forward miles is left to square
off with kingpin on his own as reality
literally begins to collapse the whole
climax is a surreal work of art that
pops off the screen kingpin almost takes
another spider-man’s life in the process
but miles is motivated to finish the
fight with some support from his father
I’ll always have my family whoever here
hey although his opponent is built like
a brick wall he manages to best him with
a shoulder touch stopping the
accelerator in saving the city miles
number three the gang’s all here we’re
going to be outnumbered don’t be so sure
you might need these
do you think you’re the only people
who’ve had to come here in addition to
miles and spider-gwen into the
spider-verse spins together a web of
obscurely awesome characters we never
thought would make the leap from the
printed page to the silver screen
descending into the spider cave and may
introduces Peter miles and Gwen to three
more spider people the black and white
spider-man noir the anime inspired Penny
Parker and the loony toony spider-ham
this could literally not get any weirder
it can get weirder I just wash my hands
that’s why they’re wet no other reason
between these three character
introductions this scene is basically a
love letter to fans who know spider-man
inside and out even if you’re unfamiliar
with these alternate versions of
spider-man their distinctive
personalities instantly when the
audience over and their natural
camaraderie makes from one of the best
superhero team ups ever so how did you
maybe not that number two the sad
art people let’s do this one last time
what’s amazing about into the
is that it packs in so many characters
but never feels overstuffed
nowhere is this better exemplified than
through Peter be Parker’s backstory
shortly after first encountering miles
Peter gives the rundown on how he fell
in love save the city numerous times and
eventually hit rock bottom
broke my back a drone flew into my face
I buried at may my wife and I split up
but I handled it like a champion because
you know what no matter how many times I
get hit I always get back up you think
it’d take multiple movies to do his life
story justice but Peters somehow
condenses everything into a brief recap
in this short amount of time
we feel for Peter as his marriage
deteriorates but also can’t help but
laugh at how pitiful he becomes it’s a
take on the character that’s completely
unique while maintaining all the
elements that make Peter Parker who he
is she wanted kids and it scared me
I’m pretty sure I broke her heart number
one a leap of faith is as to what a
table or killing of danger
although miles gets his powers early on
he doesn’t truly become spider-man until
the third act no longer living in
somebody else’s shadow
miles dons a mask of his own and takes a
leap of faith off the side of a building
at all it is miles a leap of faith
although it looks like miles is falling
down he’s actually rising up answering
his city’s call for a hero even before
the script was finished the filmmakers
knew this upside-down image would be
integral to the story
the exhilarating visuals are brilliantly
accompanied by the song what’s up danger
as miles fearless Lee taps into a spidey
sense and demonstrates what he’s capable
of if this scene doesn’t give you chills
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