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How to Let Go And Trust Your Journey

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers how’s your
day going we’re just wolf breathing in
that good ass prana baby are you still
trying to convince your mom dad onto
your drunk uncle about the life you
really want to live are you still asking
everybody permission for you to be who
you really want to be can I do this and
they’re like no you can’t
oh no they put fear into you it won’t
work out for you don’t bother just get a
regular job and be like everybody else
and be like me even though I’m unhappy
right now you see deep divers once
helped me along my journeys to stop
sharing your dreams with people who
aren’t gonna nurture them if you have a
vision in your mind if you have a dream
screw what everybody else thinks go for
it take the risk take the fall what you
want is worth it all you see some people
around us will not understand our
journey and they don’t need to it’s not
for them it’s your journey and that’s
the only thing that matters if it makes
you happy and it brings a smile to your
face that’s all that matters so deep
divers start listening to yourself today
start trusting your journey because it’s
your journey it’s not the cat down the
roads journey it’s your journey and once
you do that deep divers well you’ll just
say feel so good to be alive baby can I
get a Hello
hey beautiful deep divers we are here
trust Trust trust your journey
we’re just whoof breathing in that good
ass prana baby take that take that take
that positive energy I’m sending you
deep divers have a beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you stop
sharing your dreams with people who want
gonna nurture them [Music]

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