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Top 10 Signs That A Game’s Gonna Suck

ah man this is gonna be terrible isn’t
it welcome to and today
we’re counting down our picks for the
top ten signs a video game is gonna suck
sorry my face is tired from dealing with
everything for more gaming videos check
out our new spin-off channel mojo plays
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smarter for this list we’re taking a
look at various warning signs within the
gaming industry that foretells certain
doom for a specific game these are
things that must be made public before
release so things like a rushed of
development will not be included as
that’s not a sign but more of an excuse
after the fact
ed through the sewer line that should
get you to the relay tower copasetic
number 10 it’s marketed as a something
captain Templar we’ve been expecting you
if you follow me I’ll take you to our
CEO you hear all the time in marketing
and preview content that X game is a
World of Warcraft killer this game will
completely usurp overwatch if you like
to play your unknowns battlegrounds and
you’ll love X game and so on and so
forth the only problem is these games
are usually terrible the marketing team
knows full well that name-dropping a
highly successful franchise will
immediately grab a viewer or readers
attention and then they only need to
make a vague promise about how their
game is just so much better than their
pretty much golden if something is
marketed as the killer of an already
popular game you know they probably have
no new ideas there’s no more dangerous
our number nine developer changes
if a game changes teams midway through
development cancel your pre-order it you
really means that the process has been a
nightmare and that there have been a
host of behind-the-scenes problems
getting in the way of development case
in point
Duke Nukem Forever 3d realms served as
the game’s original developers but that
turned out to be crept after downsizing
gearbox software finished the product
with help from a few X 3d realms
employees and we all know how that
turned out similarly aliens colonial
marines was created by a hodgepodge of
teams including yep gearbox nerve
software and time gate studios it’s not
always a bad sign but it usually
indicates a lot of problems what about
the game Duke was it any good yeah but
after 12 years it should be number 8
people quitting mid development hell if
they haven’t scared you off already it’s
nothing personal
but now isn’t the time for on-the-job
training similarly if the developers
themselves have had enough of the game
you know you’re probably not gonna want
to play it game development is no walk
in the park and we all know it it’s hard
it’s grueling it’s a time sucking
process which takes a lot of dedication
and a lot of coffee however when a
developer says F this and walks away it
likely means that they don’t think the
game is worth it this problem is
especially prevalent in the indie market
as individual developers and creators
leave their projects all the time of
course there are exceptions to the rule
but if you hear of developers leaving
you might want to stay clear that is
until the reviews come in Alec promised
a lot
none of it panned out that’s what you’re
up against
why people won’t trust you why I don’t
trust you number 7 it’s a dark and
gritty reboot of a family-friendly
we don’t know what it is with
family-friendly games going dark and
edgy but what we do know is that they
suck there’s really nothing wrong with
being a family-friendly series
characters like Mario have been reaping
the rewards of staying within the
childish round for years other
quote-unquote childish franchises and
characters like Sonic Bomberman Spyro
and even Mickey Mouse have all gone
through a bit of an edgy teenager phase
and like real edgy teenagers they just
come across as cringe worthy rather than
cool we get trying to evolve with your
aging audience like Harry Potter did but
Harry Potter these games are not
number six quotes without scores
you have to feel sue if the games
trailers show quotes without a score
chances are that it was ripped from
early press coverage or taken completely
out of context while you’re at it you
might want to look at those awards that
are proudly sprouting if they’re from e3
it simply means that the game looked
good it doesn’t mean it is good of
course many of these games do turn out
to be pretty damn good but many of them
also turn out to be massive
disappointments as well we have critical
and user reviews at our fingertips don’t
watch a launch trailer to get all your
advertisement because they’re just
trying to sell it to you dude
number five the focus is on graphics
rather than gameplay we have made
contact most gamers love them some
graphics some people spend well over a
thousand dollars on their gaming PC and
that our our console upgrades like the
Xbox one X which provide players with a
more stimulating visual experience
however like we all know from the movies
good visuals do not make good content
the visuals are meant to enhance the
experience not make it
therefore if a publisher is trying to
market the game through its graphics
alone it usually means that the game
itself is a little bit shallow remember
how great no man’s sky looked yeah you
notice how there was a little more than
scenery admiration graphics are nice but
gameplay is king
number four the review embargo lasts
until the game comes out
if review copies are not given out or if
the embargo is lifted after the game
releases or the very day of chances are
that this is not a great sign of course
tons of companies employ this tactic
Bethesda recently instigated a no review
copies policy and most of their teams
are doing quite well however there are
exceptions as with movies the lack of an
embargo means that the game will
probably suck more often than not it
means that the publishers have little
faith in their own game and as such they
want as much money as possible before
word gets out about how good it is if
you’re wondering what the morale is here
it’s don’t pre-order
number three it’s a movie tie-in game
this is gonna take a soft hand don’t
wanna set off the alarms if the game has
the exact same title as an upcoming
movie and features the movies poster as
its cover art that’s not a good sign in
fact it’s a terrible sign while it
doesn’t seem to be as much of a problem
anymore because they don’t make that
many of them movie tie-in games were the
bane of a gamers existence back in the
day remember
LJN rubra while there have been a few
decent tie-in games most of them are
nothing but rushed sloppy and
subsequently terrible experiences that
are not Goldeneye 64 so unless it is
Goldeneye 64 you should probably stay
number two the trailers show little to
no gameplay
showing off the graphics while playing a
bit of the game is one thing showing no
gameplay at all is something else
while Rockstar seems to adhere to the
show no gameplay philosophy they’re
basically the only company that gets
away with it and their cutscenes are
in-game so that’s one thing they also
have brand recognition of but if it’s
any company other than Rockstar and they
aren’t showing you physical gameplay in
the trailer it’s a good sign that the
game might suck if they’re not confident
enough in showing off their own game you
should not be confident that it’ll be
any good either
number one over marketing like 18
quintillion planets 18 quintillion
planets marketing your game is perfectly
in fact it’s basically necessary it’s a
way to get the name out there that build
recognition and it provides prospective
players with a hopefully tantalizing
glimpse of the game and its world but
then there’s over marketing and that’s
never really a good sign these games not
only show trailers but the developers go
on talk shows they advertise all the
cool microtransactions and pre-order
bonuses and they constantly mention how
amazing the game is on social media not
only does this usually mean that they’re
trying to over compensate for a game and
not let it speak for itself but it also
generally leads to nothing but
disappointment after a time the hype
exceeds the reality you know I thought
Morgan Freeman is God you’re actually my
second god do you agree with our picks
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