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Top 10 Scariest Places in Video Games!

thankfully these places aren’t real all
right welcome to and today
we’ll be counting down our picks for the
top 10 scariest horror video game
locations before we begin we publish new
videos every day so be sure to subscribe
for more great content for this list
we’re looking at the scariest and most
memorable locations in horror game
history we’ll be focusing on entire
areas and settings for this list so one
off areas like spooky bathrooms or
hallways will not be included also we’re
being a bit loose with the term horror
here and as long as the setting is
disturbing more unsettling it’s
basically eligible number 10 yharnam
blood-borne expectations were high for
blood-borne another from software and
Miyazaki creation and the game and
setting did not disappoint in the
slightest the city of yharnam takes
great influence from Victorian and
gothic architecture and like most horror
stories which inhabit that setting it’s
full of werewolves otherworldly
creatures and bloodthirsty mobs out for
your face the city is dreadfully grim
and you can’t help but feel pessimistic
as you wander it’s winding and haunted
streets hoping that a massive creature
isn’t hanging on the side of a building
and watching your every move
oh wait there definitely is
number nine UAC Facility Dhoom 3 while
2016’s doom brought the series back to
its fast-paced roots doom 3 experimented
more with the horror genre and while
some may argue about the merits of its
gameplay the scariness of the game and
its environments are irrefutable doom 3
takes place in the UAC research facility
on Mars after it’s been infested with
demons and yeah it’s basically as scary
as that sounds the passages are dark and
the blood-soaked hallways always warn of
impending danger and unspeakable
monsters the graphics and lighting of
this game were incredible for its time
and they helped bring the nightmarish
to horrifying life
now break the zone stalker shadow of
Chernobyl this one seems to be alive
what a lucky guy okay let’s be serious
Chernobyl is basically a terrifying
location it’s abandoned it’s filled with
dead vegetation it’s eerily silent and
his buildings are littered with remnants
of a once normal life long story short
it’s not exactly the place you would
want to go for a vacation and stalker
captures that foreboding atmosphere
perfectly only you know with weird
electrical anomalies and humanoid
mutants that want you for dinner
Chernobyl or excuse us of the zone is
bleak but in a way that makes for a
fantastic ly scary and sinister
post-apocalyptic setting Chernobyl’s
become a bit of a mythological location
in pop culture recently and games like
this are certainly adding to its
chilling aura number seven Brandenburg
Castle and Misha
the Dark Descent in a similar vein to
yharnam Brandenburg Castle takes its
influence from 19th century Europe and
like most castles from that period it’s
pretty damn dreary the hallways are dark
only sporadically led by candles and
eerie portraits hanging from the walls
as if the castle itself wasn’t creepy
enough you’re also constantly hounded by
the shadow and the gatherers which makes
every pitch-black hallway especially
horrifying it’s definitely a stressful
environment but that means the games
doing it right number six
he Moreau mentioned fatal frame
the Japanese certainly know how to do
the supernatural right their horror
films and video games are always and
sweating levels of scary and to the
original fatal frame is definitely no
exception in it you must explore the
abandoned humoral mansion the mansion is
old and dark illuminated by only your
flashlight oh and by the way it’s
absolutely riddled with ghosts who
appear at any time the amount of tension
that the game creates throughout is
unbearable and you’ll be poking your
head around corners desperately hoping a
ghost isn’t waiting to pop up in your
face it’s dreadfully scary but it’s also
pretty damn entertaining
number five the Von Braun System Shock 2
system shock 2 maybe nearly 20 years old
but it can still scare the bejesus out
of you the game takes place on the
starship von Braun and this
claustrophobic setting makes you feel
like you’ll never escape the horrors the
game does away with cliche horror tropes
like jump scares and instead relies on
mounting tension unbelievable sound
design and a thick atmosphere that plays
tricks with your mind that said there
are still some nightmare inducing
monsters in the game like those damn
midwives zoo number four rapture
Bioshock widely considered to be the
spiritual successor to System Shock
Bioshock is equally disturbing intense
and perhaps even more so due to its
modern graphics and engine was meant to
be a city without governmental religious
meddling but now it’s just a creepy
underwater nightmare full of
drug-addicted Psychopaths
genetically-altered little girls and
humans who have their skin and organs
grafted into diving suits while the
music and 50s ascetic might be pleasant
at first rapture is anything but as it’s
dirty rundown dark and definitely very
number three
Sevastopol station alien isolation
if there’s one video game that manages
to nail a perfect sense of at hem
isolation and confinement it’s this in
the game you traverse a dark and winding
sevastopol while trying to avoid
aggressive androids who are incredibly
difficult to kill and of course a giant
freaking xenomorph which is basically
impossible to kill literally it could
appear at any moment and when it does
you better not let it see you the game
is nothing but unbearable tension and we
mean that in the best possible way
number two the Spencer mansion Resident
Evil what is this place not quite your
ordinary house that’s for sure
there are a few locations in gaming that
have been engrained in the minds of
players everywhere and the Spencer
mansion is most definitely one of them
the Resident Evil series has always been
a great source for scary locations
Raccoon City from Resident Evil 2 being
another example
and while the Spencer mansion and its
inhabitants may seem a bit tame by
today’s standards it scared the pants
off of everyone back in 1996
it’s one evening hallways and secret
passages are terribly ominous and it’s
monstrous occupants are even worse this
game became a pop-culture phenomenon in
large part because of its stellar and
memorable setting what’s going on around
here I can’t figure it out
same here before we unveil our top pick
here a few honorable mentions number one
Silent Hill Silent Hill series was there
really ever any competition the town of
Silent Hill has been scaring the bejesus
out of gamers for nearly twenty years
and the series has earned its reputation
as one of the scariest of all time due
to its foreboding setting heck even the
name itself is kind of scary this town
is a little bit of everything
grotesque monsters dark buildings a
terror inducing atmosphere and perhaps
the creepiest damned sirens we’ve ever
seen no series can scare you a quite
like Silent Hill and it’s setting will
be remembered for a long long time
especially in our nightmares hood
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