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O resgate das relações familiares através das refeições | Luciana Braga | TEDxAvenidaIvoDoPrado

If you were to die today, I ‘d have
right to one last meal, which
You would eat and if you could
invite 13 people to share
this reflection convince who would be and
now and more importantly when
was the last time you shared
meal with these three people who
Did you think now when did you?
receive an event from your life to please
this person to not fall to take a
Watch out and play chitchat outside
let’s think about it
Look within before looking
around and also look inside the
people have to reflect and take on our
paper is a responsibility for the
our happiness and food is the
meal can be a path and
liberator and collection is about it
that I talk to you today we live
in the information age
we have discovered today that we may live
we are in the process of living in
another is even more advanced with
much more present technology but the
information has brought about a
this in doubt in our lives to
people disconnected from relationships
to connect in the virtual world
then we have 5000 maybe right with
this media exposure I have myself
I no longer know how many thousands of
friends but how many can I count on
true to how I can connect the
moment of indecision at the moment I
I need a council who calls.
nowadays it’s obligation turned
declaration of love
even a shared meal
What does it mean to think a lot about
this today 5 a die in liquid love
talks about it the value mentality
of the people in our lives
it’s all very fast very fast
We always want the next adventure.
What will the next love be?
What will be the next product I go to?
build or which will be the next
artist who will consume people
build friends on social networks
and I think maybe many
antidepressants even and in what way
This may start to change.
looking and looking to see
your passions seeking what makes you
What makes you good at your purpose?
life and I found my purpose is
It was funny, I did not remember
had a detailed description and I have
me and running around but I found out
a love for the kitchen and that love it
can move relationships in other
I started small because in my
family is a full-time cook
then need a nef kitchen was
raised as mother giving everything in everything in
When you went to live alone and I do not even know
why did she be brave and learned to
This took life.
after that the production is clear to take
account of your life than hobbies
and we try to balance the balance
is the key word
all that is speaking today of
look around
look inside that world role if
review in the world has to build new
then the food the family meal
It is a place that explores and that you
Can cultivate is all that
relationships can heal
as I was healed we can not
no time to keep our eyes
mobile screen only
We really have to look at
and how I was healed sought
by the kitchen but in particular that I went
cured by a family by a family
that was rescued
this family, my brother Fernando and
to four years and came to us with
one year old
he was fined and of course we did not
can explain but a person who has been
abandoned came to us power of love
and he does not accept that anyone is
alone in a re-election environment
if he had here, do not delay until
here in front because he gets the
morning doing in here this child
entered our lives to teach us
the true meaning of the word
verb word communion
share the word of the assets
family and we discovered this a
after all our life she is
built from meals to
people do not realize the routine of
work them r from meals
breakfast and morning breaks
lunch dinner
We work in the meantime to
people have schedules than to go back to
work to restart
the meals arraes given
commemorative, all of them exist
around a meal and coming from a
householders separate these
moments they were fading away
when Fernando arrived at the first
Christmas is impossible for us to think about
to separate
then from a moment of a family that
it’s the way
right had not had is that
I’ve been together so long
decided that it would change and we had the
First Christmas as a family with mother and
a father who are separated when it was
with my father and mother together
who has a son who is in love with
first wife
He sent a Christmas letter to my
mother and she answered is one of the things
the most beautiful of then came a person
as I said it comes from a historical
I had no idea who lived
abandoned on the skin came to teach us that
we had to leave all bags
back to actually see the family and
How did I find out that this is possible?
through meals because in these
moments that we did not give up on
Day by day we let pass the right
routine sometimes makes us forget
that these moments are important
we go along with people like you do
source and we miss anything time
we live so the more we
could provide time for
live in a family to live with friends
unforgettable moments
I think it comes because here it is very
delicious as are the meals
always the more you do this
Bad memories, you will have
because we do not have memory
happy then it makes food my brain does not
must strive to keep that
memory is the same taste that I felt
this week in a month
in ten years exactly the same
I do not need to keep that in the
memory plus a special moment one
moment that touches me
Yes, that will be kept for me.
fired for example has other
cookie because my aunt in
What girls from home?
in her house do not do it while I
I’m in the shower to come home.
when we arrived here with us to account
story of what I went there for me
farewell nostalgia will make a
quick shallow relationship no time in
phone will bring this memory
I like it back so think about it
the meal is an act of relationships
game back on mobile phone food and
Let’s take photo of the people we did not have.
moments photos
now the best of all we will not take
Let’s live those moments.
and we will stop calling on the phone to
some is not for an hour
a Sunday will make all the difference
in our lives
So now I challenge you to
You and to all of us, I ‘m going too.
take this challenge
Israel is shrouded in moments
special that we live in family
sharing feelings by redeeming
relationships and healing us from any
any hurt of any rancid
any negative feeling that the
people have had some time when
you see what really matters when
you put on the scale
Do you see that it is worth filó and that
that moment will be remembered for
always will be in everyone’s memory
look around
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