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Top 10 Reasons Why Alita Battle Angel Might Actually Blow Peoples Minds

could this be the film to break the
anime adaptation curse welcome to Adil Angel might actually
blow people’s minds it’s the loneliest
feeling not to know who you are before
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for this list we’re looking at some of
the promising things about this
live-action CGI adaptation of the
beloved manga and OVA battle angel Aleta
many have predicted that it would be one
of 2019 s biggest critical and
commercial flops but first impressions
and early reviews are giving us cause to
hope for the best here are some of the
reasons to give it a shot
we made the biggest mistake of your
under estimating who I am number 10
amazing action the trailers for this
2019 film promised big things across a
wide range of categories including on
thankfully at least based on an early
screening reaction by Joe Blow coms
editor-in-chief Paul Shirey the film
delivers in a series of enthusiastic
tweets Shirey described the Robert
Rodriguez directed film as quote a wild
visceral ride that offers kick-ass
action and he isn’t the only person to
have highlighted this aspect of the
movie in our modern age of excessive CGI
action sequences can lose their luster
but it seems the Rodriguez producer
James Cameron and their creative team
managed to find the recipe to get it
right and hopefully do the source
material proud number 9 a memorable
score from junkie XL there are two types
of phone composers out there those who
stick to the shadows and those who
become celebrities and icons in their
own right junkie XL fits squarely into
the latter category this Dutch DJ and
composer has left his musical mark on
both video games like fifa 18 and major
films including 300 rise of an empire
Deadpool and Batman vs Superman dawn of
perhaps most notably he gave us the
blistering score for George Miller’s Mad
might he have hit another home run with
a leta battle angel early reactions are
pointing to yes
number eight expect a few cameos when
you’ve made it in the film industry like
James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez
collaborators peers and celebrity fans
are basically lining up around the block
to get involved even if only in a minor
way for us cinema goers that translates
to cameos and in recent years he’s been
treated to some really remarkable ones
sometimes without even knowing it you
will remove these restraints and leave
this cell with the door open whether you
recognize them or not Daniel Craig Ellie
Goulding and Edgar Wright have all
appeared in recent Star Wars films as
did Princes William and Harry there’s no
word on who Rodriguez and Cameron nabbed
for Aleta but rumor has it we should
expect a few surprises number 7 the CGI
wherever James Cameron is involved you
can bet that there are gonna be some
major advances in visual effects
especially of the digital variety see
you throughout his career he’s broken
new ground multiple times over from the
t1000 in Terminator 2 Judgment Day and
the sinking of the Titanic to his
mind-boggling work and creating the
world of Pandora and the Navi people in
according to frequent collaborator and
fellow Aleta producer Jon Landau avatar
was a technological stepping-stone to
the creation of Aleta from the trailers
the CGI work on the titular character
looks unlike anything seen before and
early reactions confirmed that it’s yet
another leap forward in terms of VFX
number 6 the performances ask even the
most talented actors working in the
industry today about motion capture
performances and those who’ve tried
their hand at it will tell you it’s an
entirely different type of acting Andy
Serkis is widely considered a pioneer in
the field and thankfully his company
what a digital was involved in helping
to bring the mocap performances of Aleta
to life
roses Salazar plays Aleta and her
performance in particular is supposed to
be quote amazingly nuanced and I’m just
an insignificant girl of course this
film blends mocap with traditional
performances and with Academy Award
winner Christoph Waltz playing Aleta’s
adoptive father figure you can
that there will be multiple performances
worthy of discussion number five a
must-see in IMAX in this age of high
quality streaming services many people
are particularly content to wait for the
movies to leave theaters in favor of
watching it at home well we can
appreciate the comfort of a good couch
and proximity to the fridge there are
some movies that need to be seen on the
big screen to be fully appreciated and a
Lita battle angel sounds like one of
them in fact like Avatar even the
regular old big screen might not be
large enough to do this film justice
according to those lucky enough to see
an advanced screening Alita battle angel
is the sort of film well worth seeing in
IMAX number for emotional wait does it
bother you that I’m not completely
though the cutting edge CGI is sure to
make a leader battle angel a spectacular
visual experience a film can’t connect
with its audience on technological
wizardry alone first film to really
resonate and leave a lasting impression
it needs an emotionally driven story you
told me the story of the war when the
ground shook in the sky if the various
trailers have set out to convey one
thing it’s that despite all the action
this film is one grounded by a deeply
personal story about identity and
Elita might be a cyborg but she’s an
emotionally complex character a cyborg
with heart and nuanced relationships for
so many recent blockbuster films have
failed to make us care for the hero
number three the characters a very human
brain was miraculously intact what
drives emotional stories are of course
the characters even with stunning
visuals and detailed world building a
movie is DOA without compelling
characters that we can actually relate
fortunately Aleta has been described as
a complex protagonist by those lucky
enough to see an early screening you can
remember what do you mean doc found you
in the scrap yard so you must be from up
there better still she’s joined by a
colorful assortment of both human and
cyborg characters who all seem well
developed and distinct from the APRA
mentioned Christoph Waltz’s dr. Dyson
Edo and Aleta’s love interest Hugo – the
cyborg screw ishka and szczepan played
by Jackie Earle Haley and ed skrein
respectively Aleta looks to be in
memorable company number two the 3d this
particular piece of film technology
remains divisive even over a decade
after its widespread introduction some
feel that it adds an extra layer of
richness to the cinematic experience
while others find it drab and even
nauseating an unremarkable cash grab
that provides an excuse to charge an
extra few bucks a ticket while not all
3d is created equal there is no denying
they will come for you number one it’s a
live-action anime adaptation that
actually works she’s just a girl she
contains technologies that have been
lost for 300 years Western adaptations
of popular anime and manga have not
fared well in theaters typically failing
on three counts at the box office with
critics and with fans of the source
material you know about key just because
my name is Chi Chi doesn’t make me a
complete idiot right right there’s a lot
stupider names in Chi Chi in addition to
the general concerns about whitewashing
such adaptations tend to oversimplify
complex plots dilute the weirder aspects
of properties to appeal to wider
audiences or just totally botch the
supernatural sci-fi or other surreal VFX
reliant elements the early word is that
elite a battle angel is crafted with
more care and attention to detail than
similar adaptations before it after
seeing the film DC dailies hector
navarro tweeted quote more anime manga
adaptations like this please only time
will tell
but we sure hope so i think you’re
someone do you agree with our picks
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