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Top 10 Reasons People Hate the Transformers Movies

these are the reasons why we wish these
films would transform or roll out well I
guess I didn’t get that memo
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
reasons people hate the Transformers
movies before we begin we publish new
videos every day so be sure to subscribe
for more great content for this list
we’ll be going over the reasons why the
live-action adaptations in this beloved
franchise have become despised by
critics and fans alike
despite their financial success for the
record we’re not saying they’re without
redeeming factors but there are a lot of
reasons to hate them and they’re hard to
ignore without figuratively turning off
our brain you are ready number 10 women
are depicted as sex objects Sam Witwicky
Michael Bay this is just the first of
many issues on this list that maybe can
be explained with those two words so
let’s go into a bit more detail the
number of named female characters from
every film in this series can probably
be counted on one hand and most are
treated as little more than eye candy
for the teenage boy demographic that
base often accused of catering to as a
director UNIX rate even the extras are
often subject to gratuitous borderline
pornographic framing on screen
girls can like robots in disguise too so
it’s a little alien a ting and
short-sighted but so few of the female
characters are given as much personality
as their male counterparts two could
look to use cookies positive number nine
excessive American patriotism this is
America yeah it’s alright to love one’s
country but there is an overwhelmingly
unnecessary amount of patriotic
symbolism present in these films the
American military is prominently
featured in every installment with
several major characters serving either
as soldiers or as officers in the Armed
oh I love your show very well despite
their significant presence their
contributions to the plot can vary
wildly between entries ranging from
essentials to negligible
perhaps BAE is trying to make up for the
patriotic misfire that was Pearl Harbor
we’re going to make America believe too
but if you’re in the mood for a drinking
game take a drink every time an American
flag appears on screen and see if you
can stay conscious until the credits
number 8
driven by product placement you like
music pool while some of the products
placement makes some sense given that
the Transformers do turn into vehicles
after all it doesn’t end with motor cars
or aeroplanes brands of anything and
everything we’re on full display here
including but not limited to soft drinks
musical groups toys and electronics even
foreign products get their spotlight
starting with the fourth film which has
a large portion of the story set in
China for little to no reason sure the
original cartoons were literally made to
sell toys but the movies didn’t have to
try to sell us everything else
– number 7 juvenile humor where do we
even begin with this one these movies
can feel like a constant barrage of
so lowbrow that even Neanderthals would
turn their noses up at them TT stop
indicating the time he jokes penis jokes
robots humping humans dogs humping dogs
the list goes on and on yes juvenile
humor can be funny when used in tandem
with other types of humor or when it’s
in a straight-up comedy but in a film
series allegedly about transforming
robots from outer space potty humor
feels at best out of place and at worst
like empty cheap padding mojo no
dominating Frankie number 6 racist
stereotypes this looks like a cool place
cakey racial sensitivity can be a
difficult issue to grasp but with these
films it’s like no one in charge has
even heard of the term Haim MA
oh don’t be like that if I had a rock
avoid the most obvious offenders are in
the first two films with the first
featuring several buffoonish black
and transformers that speak almost
entirely in Ebonics and the second
breaking all kinds of new ground in
robot racism but the techno-gang so
limited to on TV no way go knowing that
not me
but it’s not limited to black
stereotypes either nope there are plenty
of Asian stereotypes they say Radio fade
I know bumblebee has held a comeback
like the samurai like yellow faced
Autobot in the fourth film and of course
deep way the robots even have races
playing deep Wang deep swinging number 5
they don’t respect the source material
my name is Optimus Prime
it’s perfectly possible to make a film
adaptation that’s both accessible to the
average viewer and satisfies hardcore
fans unfortunately that does seem to be
the exception rather than the rule and
here it’s more than just the little
tweaks as well although there are plenty
of those to annoy fans case in point
Optimus Prime having a mouth Generations
yours just imagine your favorite
franchise becoming associated with
shoehorn product placement objectified
female characters racist stereotypes
chest-thumping patriotism and dogs
humping and that should give you some
idea of how hurt some transformers fans
are by these movies shutter snake number
4 obnoxious or annoying characters booty
you can’t go
sometimes flaws in a film series can be
overlooked when the characters are
likeable and fun to watch many this is
not the case with the transformer series
firstly the main human protagonists are
often cited as unsympathetic and/or
whiny you know elevated cumulus Robin’s
the fact that none of them experiences
much character growth over the course of
a single film or the series in general
is another common criticism then there’s
the abundance of so-called comic relief
characters whose personalities are often
OneNote caricatures of racial cultural
or gender stereotypes and whose only
contribution to the plot is to scream at
events unfolding around them rather than
contribute anything meaningful to the
story that’s what is open at number 3
the action is hard to follow
you see considering how much flowmotion
is used in the Transformers movies it
can be tremendously difficult to figure
out just what’s going on in a lot of the
fights part of it is the designs of the
Transformers themselves which can be
difficult to tell apart even when
they’re standing still let alone when
they’re slamming into one another
another major factor is how the action
particularly the fight scenes between
transformers is filmed it usually
involves a lot of shaky cam and extreme
while this does give the audience
members a sense of immediacy with the
fight it can also cause confusion or
worse motion sickness
number two the writing students I
deserve to choose for themselves
many of the issues with the series would
be far less noticeable or at least more
forgivable with better writing Michael
Bay can be a competent enough director
when he’s given good material but the
live-action Transformers movies can be
incredibly formulaic often hitting the
same beats every single time machine on
no more songs
on my watch human protagonist gets
involved with transformers because bad
guy wants a thing from comic relief
government bad military good the more
comic relief I’m going to ask you to
speak into the mouthpiece very clearly
everything about war and then an over
long final battle oh and we haven’t even
mentioned the plot holes fans could be a
bit more forgiving if the plots and
characters were written with a modicum
of respect dignity or even thought but
these concepts are rarely demonstrated
literally going to kill you before we
get to our top picks here are some
honorable or in this case if honorable
number one they focus on the humans too
much the Cuba humans have taken it as a
narrative device focusing on the humans
to introduce audiences to the idea of
the Transformers actually works well the
first time but turning them into
Godzilla like movie monsters doesn’t
really work when they’re intelligent
beings with actual motivations no matter
how hard these films try to convince us
otherwise we will kill them all
it drives fans crazy that the humans
have not only made the transformer
secondary characters in their own movies
but also that they’re more cartoonish
and unsympathetic than the robots
I’m slave to no one
why does a series called transformers
not want to give fans some transformers
unlike the 80s animated film these
movies may have the power they haven’t
got the touch 2:32 one
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