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Top 10 Plot Holes In Rick And Morty You Never Noticed

in a comedy about the fabric of
space/time in existence there are bound
to be a few loose threads welcome to chance to get what way to
go morty yeah whatever
wait what before we begin we publish new
content every day so be sure to
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videos for this list we’re looking at
the concepts or plot devices that just
don’t quite fit together when placed
under a little scrutiny get ready to
drink the Szechuan sauce spoilers ahead
wow this sauce is amazing you said it
was promoting a movie number 10 portal
gun tech over the course of the show the
portal guns used by the Rick’s have
become a big MacGuffin you want to see
my first boner or should we go straight
to the moment I discovered
interdimensional travel a sought-after
piece of technology down and out Rick’s
on the Citadel try to bootleg the portal
gun formula and the big bad of the show
the Galactic Federation wants it to as
proven by their failed interrogation of
rick c-137 yes I’d like very much to
visit the memory of you inventing your
portal gun but why in the first episode
we see Rick and Morty entering a
federation spaceport to use a federation
operated transporter to get back to
their own dimension if the Federation
already has such technology why are they
so determined to get the portal gun
fluid this what I think it is bootleg
portal fluid number nine time travel on
the shelf you guys should really not be
touching that stuff is beyond your
reasoning falling into the why even
tease it category we can see from the
box in the garage that time travel is
something that Rick has toyed with but
it’s a concept that is literally shelved
this makes sense from a writing point of
view because timey wimey stuff always
quickly devolves into paradoxes but the
fact that it’s there means that Rick who
can apparently do anything has played
with the idea but gave it up did he
accidentally mess up the past the future
is it something even Rick can’t handle
just the fact that it’s there for the
audience to see creates a lot of
problems by the way that wasn’t time
travel there were just a couple pizzas
on the counter I grabbed him number
eight Rick potion number nine cure
could you make some sort of chemical
thing happen inside at Jessica’s mind
you know so where she falls in love with
me and all that sort of thing you know
like maybe make some sort of love potion
or something
when Morty is a little creep and wants a
love potion for Jessica
Rick mixes up some nonsense and bam
Cronenberg II and monsters once Rick’s
follow-up plan cut losses and run of
course but if Rick can peek into other
realities and find one where version of
him figured out the cure couldn’t he
have just learned how to make the cure
and fix his own world rather than hop an
entire dimension it’s probable that Rick
just couldn’t be bothered but you’d
think that Morty would call him out on
it instead it’s treated like jumping
ship was the only option what about the
reality where Hitler cured cancer Morty
the answer is don’t think about it
number seven Citadel citizens Morty is
14 years old across all the dimensions
and parallel timelines we’ve seen so far
but on the Citadel there are Morty’s who
are cops club owners budding politicians
/ tyrants and more I’m glad to know
there’s more like me oh there was one
why do you think that seat was empty
those things all require training or at
least a little time so did they start
when they were in diapers and if some
Morty’s get careers in their preteens
then why is there a Morty’s school and
what happened to their families I see it
everywhere I go I see it in our schools
where they teach Morty’s we’re all the
same because they’re threatened by what
makes us unique I see it in our streets
where they give guns to Morty’s so we’re
too busy fighting each other to fight
real injustice and let’s not forget
Citadel Rick’s Morty’s only come from
Beth’s who hooked up with Jerry’s
because Rick left if they could leave
their families before why do they stay
better ones soon number six that’s life
when I was a kid I just told myself that
Tommy had gotten lost in the magical
realm of fruit peel and fruit peel and
my make-believe world I know the name
stupid but it was so real to me we get a
little glimpse into Beth’s childhood in
the ABCs of Beth but that’s it
we know based on the timeline rick
disappeared when Beth was young and by
17 she was pregnant with summer we don’t
know anything about her mother
like when mrs. Sanchez died or if she’s
actually dead at all but also tomorrow
is your one-year anniversary back in our
there was a fake-out about Rick’s
original wife and Beth dying but there
are still so many questions like from
the Citadel we can see all the Rick’s of
the central finite curve Hanna Beth
or else no Morty which means they all
met and married her mother so what
happened you’d think Beth would know
more but she seems to be in the dark so
let me get this straight for the rest of
your lives no matter how much it hurts
you no matter how much it destroys our
children’s futures we’re gonna do
whatever Rick wants whenever he wants
yes asshole
number five The Citadel
with so many Rick’s and Morty’s in one
place there are a lot of questions like
which dimension are they in how did they
extract it from the Federation prison
after they collided furthermore did all
these Rick’s and Morty’s just abandon
their own dimensions to live on the
Citadel good morning I’m Rick t7 16b and
I’m Rick D 716 must be nice
rick c-137 lambaste s– the irony of
them forming a government to stay safe
from the government a point that seems
legitimate when he points out later that
one more tea is enough to keep a Rik
hidden I’m the Rick and so were the rest
of you before you form this stupid
alliance you wanted to be safe from the
government so you became a stupid
government so really what is the point
of the Citadel at all we’ve yet to see
any interstellar diplomacy but maybe
it’s just cuz they’re all Rick holes
Rick’s have a very distinctive and
traceable brain wave due to our genius
the best way to hide from an enemy’s
radar is to stand near someone with
complimentary brainwaves that make ours
invisible see when a Rick it is with a
the genius waves get canceled out by the
morty waves
number four the origins of the Galactic
Federation I can’t abide bureaucracy I
don’t like being told where to go and
what to do I consider it a violation did
you get those seats all the way up your
button yeah Rick the Galactic Federation
is or at least was a galaxy spanning
government with roughly 6000 48 planets
in the Federation it controls
significant portions of the galaxy it’s
apparently been doing this for over 850
glog nars um which sounds like a lot
although it seems to exist in most
dimensions we don’t actually know
anything about it how long will you be
visiting earth oh we live here we were
just off planet for a wedding how does
it function why do the member planets of
the Federation get to vote can anyone
become a ranking member
Rick’s don’t like it because they don’t
like being told what to do which also
begs the question why doesn’t Rick just
go to a dimension where the Federation
doesn’t exist one thing still perplexes
me why would Rick Sanchez turn himself
in well I’m just a dumbass bug but it’s
possible Rick knew he’d be interrogated
to this facility where we not only keep
our most wanted but our most sensitive
data anyone here with level 9 access
could collapse the government number 3
Jerry burry in Morty Knight run we
learned that one enterprising Rick
daycare for Jerry’s this is a totally
unregistered cross temporal asteroid
here they can romp and play with other
Jerry’s he couldn’t be safer hey Morty
hang on to this
that numbers your dad if you lose it
we’re not gonna be able get them back
Rick casually mentions that it’s on a
cross temporal asteroid meaning it is a
finite space existing in all dimensions
at the same time so wouldn’t this make
it the most valuable spot in the galaxy
how do multiple Rick’s arrive there go
in and just walk out the door back into
their own reality hey are you the one
that left I get it it’s a it’s a hassle
out there right who needs that wouldn’t
the Galactic Federation be all over that
as you could move between Rick worlds
but also have access to the Sanchez
Smith family super easily plot hole
aside we think we need a siege of Jerry
burry episode laser show down in the
ball pit mark oh you guys are enjoying
this don’t you feel a little patronized
number two time and age while time
travel seems to be off the roster there
is still a lot of chronological
manipulation whoa yeah everything’s
frozen in time yeah in slow Mobius
thinks he’s all that for how long I
don’t know how long do you guys want a
week a month in one episode
Rick freezes time for weeks in another
he and Morty are trapped in a teeny
verse for months at least as long as it
took for Morty to become the leader of
the indigenous peoples there
holy shit Morty I haven’t seen you in
months with all this it makes you wonder
how old Morty is now furthermore if Rick
can freeze time on a whole planet can’t
he just freeze time in places he doesn’t
like like the Galactic Federation
headquarters or the Citadel problem
solved all right listen you two we first
time for a pretty long time so when I
unfreeze it the world’s time is gonna be
fine but our times gonna need a little
time to you know stabilize our time is
gonna be unstable
number one infinite dimensions the
outside world is our enemy morning were
the only friends we’ve got morning it’s
just Rick and Morty
riki lorry in their venture for Rick and
Morty forever and forever a hundred
years Rick and Morty some things the
show is built on the idea of infinite
parallel universes but if there are
infinite dimensions slash timelines that
means literally every conceivable
dimension is true at once including one
where something a creature an event a
person a fart from a housewife who cares
all are possible because of infinity
destroys all dimensions it’s fine
everything is fine there’s an infinite
number of realities Morty and then a few
dozen of those I got lucky and turned
everything back to normal I just had to
find one of those realities in which we
also happen to both die around this time
speaking of dimensions if Rick hates the
Galactic Federation so much why not go
to a reality where they don’t exist in
1998 they had this promotion for the
Disney film Mulan where they where they
they created a new sauce for the
McNuggets called Szechuan sauce and it’s
delicious and then they got rid of it
and now it’s gone this is the only place
we’re gonna be able to try it it’s in my
memory why not go where there’s Szechuan
sauce the citadel mentions the central
finite curve suggesting there are finite
realities within the infinite but that
sounds like a lot of yada-yada science
something is either infinite or it’s not
he’s the one true Morty do you agree
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